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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 28, 2007, 03:04:16 PM
"The name's Lux Corder. You?"

ooc// I was talking to the guy with the zigzagoon :P

ic// "Hi John. Huh?" Zangoose popped out of his pokeball! Also looking incredibly tired.

Spongebob does not approve


Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:04:41 PM
Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on September 28, 2007, 03:03:25 PM
ooc// Never mind about the blacking out thing.

ic// "Thanks for blocking the discharge. I know now's not the time, but...What's your name?

"I'm john. sucks your zangoose is KOed... i could really use its help against this guy."

OOC// I don't jave a Zangoose, that's someone else.

Transient Link

Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 28, 2007, 03:06:28 PM
"Okay, John, it's time to end this. Shinx, use Thunder!"
"wow this low level noob shinx sure knows alot of high lvl attacks" ;)

"i forfeit scyther alakazam return"


"That was a good match. even if you did threaten to take our pokemon."

Transient Link

smiles "you guys are good" i want to join your little party


Blast looked at Alakazam, and Scyther. All of a sudden, he dashed towards them, and used slash!

He must've leveled up! How can he still be able to fight?

Martin looked on in awe.

ooc// i meant my pokeball. :P

Spongebob does not approve

Transient Link

Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:08:46 PM
"That was a dirty trick... Sucks i only have one pokemon..... I'd really like that drifloon right about now..."

a collision with another pokemon didn't hurt as much as an attack would, but Zig was mad now. regardless of orders, Zig used ice beam on the ground all around scyther and alakazam.
"WATCH it i said forfeit cmon ur not "that" mad i attacked u are u? its good experaince as a trainer"

Transient Link

Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on September 28, 2007, 03:09:24 PM
Blast looked at Alakazam, and Scyther. All of a sudden, he dashed towards them, and used slash!

He must've leveled up! How can he still be able to fight?

Martin looked on in awe.

ooc// i meant my pokeball. :P
spunky little pokemon u got there


Quote from: MARLUXIA on September 28, 2007, 03:09:52 PM
Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:08:46 PM
"That was a dirty trick... Sucks i only have one pokemon..... I'd really like that drifloon right about now..."

a collision with another pokemon didn't hurt as much as an attack would, but Zig was mad now. regardless of orders, Zig used ice beam on the ground all around scyther and alakazam.
"WATCH it i said forfeit cmon ur not "that" mad i attacked u are u? its good experaince as a trainer"

OOC// i was late posting. i edited it


Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on September 28, 2007, 03:06:05 PM
ooc// = ???


ic// = ???

Anyway that is what I forgot to my Cyndaquil's moveset Smokescreen, I guess he can learn it later

So what does it mean?

Transient Link

Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:10:47 PM
Quote from: MARLUXIA on September 28, 2007, 03:09:52 PM
Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:08:46 PM
"That was a dirty trick... Sucks i only have one pokemon..... I'd really like that drifloon right about now..."

a collision with another pokemon didn't hurt as much as an attack would, but Zig was mad now. regardless of orders, Zig used ice beam on the ground all around scyther and alakazam.
"WATCH it i said forfeit cmon ur not "that" mad i attacked u are u? its good experaince as a trainer"

OOC// i was late posting. i edited it
i know i like this way better anyways lol just go with it


Quote from: MARLUXIA on September 28, 2007, 03:09:52 PM
Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:08:46 PM
"That was a dirty trick... Sucks i only have one pokemon..... I'd really like that drifloon right about now..."

a collision with another pokemon didn't hurt as much as an attack would, but Zig was mad now. regardless of orders, Zig used ice beam on the ground all around scyther and alakazam.
"WATCH it i said forfeit cmon ur not "that" mad i attacked u are u? its good experaince as a trainer"
Quote from: MARLUXIA on September 28, 2007, 03:09:52 PM
Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:08:46 PM
"That was a dirty trick... Sucks i only have one pokemon..... I'd really like that drifloon right about now..."

a collision with another pokemon didn't hurt as much as an attack would, but Zig was mad now. regardless of orders, Zig used ice beam on the ground all around scyther and alakazam.
"WATCH it i said forfeit cmon ur not "that" mad i attacked u are u? its good experaince as a trainer"

"Wouldn't you be mad if someone tried to take your Pokemon?"


Quote from: MARLUXIA on September 28, 2007, 03:11:25 PM
Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:10:47 PM
Quote from: MARLUXIA on September 28, 2007, 03:09:52 PM
Quote from: missignomaster on September 28, 2007, 03:08:46 PM
"That was a dirty trick... Sucks i only have one pokemon..... I'd really like that drifloon right about now..."

a collision with another pokemon didn't hurt as much as an attack would, but Zig was mad now. regardless of orders, Zig used ice beam on the ground all around scyther and alakazam.
"WATCH it i said forfeit cmon ur not "that" mad i attacked u are u? its good experaince as a trainer"

OOC// i was late posting. i edited it
i know i like this way better anyways lol just go with it

OOC// ok.

IC// "It's ok Zig. This battle is over."


"Thanks." Martin said cautiously. "you're gonna have to talk to Shaelyn here about joining us."

Martin returned Blast to his pokeball.

Spongebob does not approve


"Phew, that was tough, I need to get my Shinx to a Pokemon Center, quick!