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Started by The Riddler, May 18, 2010, 11:52:04 PM

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Quote from: Cornwad on May 20, 2010, 02:29:34 PM
You meant the red/green arrows? It will still turn yellow before it turns red, so you can just watch for the yellow.
If you look at those pics, yellow green and red all look very similar.
Also, I'm not so sure we're talking about the same thing.
Dude .


The Riddler


Riddler. Can you explain what kind of problems do you face being colorblind?

The Riddler

Quote from: Dannyboy on June 07, 2010, 02:28:05 PM
Riddler. Can you explain what kind of problems do you face being colorblind?
Not much, really. I've grown adjusted to it over the years. It's only affected me a bit mentally when I realized how bad it was when I found out about the simulations and everyone was like "oh my god that sucks i feel so bad for you" and it hit me what I'm actually missing. But physically, not much. I once owned a purple shirt that I thought was blue, in Call of Duty I can't see the difference between the red and green poop on the map, same in NHL10, and I just have general issues picking out colors, but I'm so adapted to it it's not a real problem.

Call of Duty: World At War had a color scheme thing, where you could change the red and green to blue and yellow. MW2 doesn't have that. Shit sucks.


I see. It is very interesting. Do you think it would help you a software that allows you to distinguish clearly all colors/objects?
For example looking at pictures, a video, a pie chart, a game or simply surfing on internet.

Nine 1 One

I'm not color blind, though i am red-green deficient or something like that

The Riddler

Quote from: Dannyboy on June 08, 2010, 06:54:16 AM
I see. It is very interesting. Do you think it would help you a software that allows you to distinguish clearly all colors/objects?
For example looking at pictures, a video, a pie chart, a game or simply surfing on internet.
Nah. Like I said, I'm adjusted.


I see color blindness and seeing the world fro what it is

it like you have trus vision and the rest of the world is blind to your view

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Ehi folks, what do you think about the genetic therapiy?

Would you do it?