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The Dead Threat

Started by major tom, April 12, 2008, 12:56:28 AM

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major tom

k, so im liek startin dis arpee rite? lol.

First up, some backstory to this for those interested.

Human - Pretty obvious, the basic race. Most populous race of Lafe and Vanen
Dwarf - This is obvious too, the shorter guys with big beards. Common in Vanen and Lafe.
Orc - Though fierce warriors, they are wise people. Common in Vanen and Indaran.
Sand Elf - A typical elf. Their skin is orangeish, and they live in dry, deserty areas of Indaran.
Forest Elf - Elves with humany skin. Almost all of them live in Indaran's island of Woodarc.


Brief Backstory:
The setting is the world of Dernyas. As man developed into civilization, the humans began the kingdom of Lafe, living in the south, east, and west areas of the largest continent in Dernyas. The elven tribes united quite differently, as they spread out before they began forming large nations. Sand elfs, living in the central part of the large continent, united as the nation of Indaran, but later on joined up with the forest elf nation of Woodarc, on Woodarc Island. Dwarves enjoyed life in Lodun, and orcs didn't leave their land of Vanen.

It wasn't long until the nations knew eachother and understood their borders. They occassionally had some wars and disputes, and until recently, never liked eachother very much, but respected eachother as strong nations. Eventually, racial diversity became noticeable in all the nations.

Orcs kept to themselves, mainly in Vanen, but some tribes lived in Indaranic lands. Around a hundred fifty years ago, when Lafe leaders had an idea of conquering Vanen, some opposed. As an expedition was preparing in D'morrin for their conquest, rebels gathered and a short civil war began. For three days, the nonstop battles in D'morrin occured. The rebels prevented the conquest, but a fleeing general threatened to kill all of them. With D'morrin in ruins, its people joined with the rebels and traveled to Vanen.

Orcs of Luk'vanen welcomed their new allies, and the humans turned the fortess of Luk'vanen Hold into a major city. Many humans immigrated to Vanen, and also to Lodun. The nation of Vanen rose to power, also gaining land in the unpopulated jungles and unpopulated east continent. The nation of Lafe stayed strong, and Vanenian ideas of freedom helped Lafe develop. One thing that united the two for awhile was the establishment of Soleton, an independent island. Soleton is now a large city and a major international port.

Indaran's elfs also grew to power. They discovered magic, and taught curious humans, orcs, and dwarves how to use it. However, six years ago, their ruler Princess Eyxett began experimenting with black magic. She was exiled, with nowhere to go. Before leaving Ul'tugas, she took the three others in town whom used the dark arts. After recruiting four others from Garred, the eight formed Death's Legion. Five years ago, this evil society went to the east continent and found the stone of creation - a stone that could create land, but could only be used once. They corrupted it to create Hellspawn Island.

At Hellspawn, they created undead minions... basically, living skeletons. However, these minions weren't mindless, but they did serve Princess Eyxett without question. Her army conquered Lodun and Vanen (However, not the tropical territories of Vanen). They were oppressive and cruel, but never attempted to kill everyone, nor wanted to. An international rebellion formed. Two years ago, Vanen ended their three year oppression. Since the Death's Legion was too dangerous, they made a treaty, letting Eyxett keep some land they didn't need and asking both sides to simply avoid eachother.

Vanen struggles with a recovering nation. Lafe has political tensions happening between supporters of a democratic system and the kings and nobles who want to keep their power. Indaran struggles with adapting to a global world. Death's Legion is still around, and may never be destroyed. Dernyas is in a time of change.

Also, just to throw this in here since I should mention it: the jungle and tropics areas have almost no people, except for the labeled cities. The east continent also lacks people, save for a few outposts. The area below Lodun is unpopulated except for the DL military base of Frosthrone.

Story (What the plot is right now):
Jansen Alaco IV is currently the leader of Vanen, and he also happens to be the grandson of Vanen's famous former leader, Jansen Alaco Jr. The nation is still recovering after breaking free from Death's Legion. At Ul'tugas, powerful magi found a way to watch what was happening at Hellspawn - Death's Legion is creating the ultimate spell that will completely destroy Vanen. The spell broke, and the Indaric government did not believe it, nor wanted to worry about the Death's Legion. There were also findings of DL outposts scattered around Dernyas, in unknown locations. An elf messenger told Alaco the news.

With his nation unorganized, Alaco needs someone to stop Death's Legion. Elden Nordun, a former merchant and one of Alaco's advisors, suggested that his son could gather a group of adventurers to brave this mission.

These are the main classes of your characters in this RP. You can still have an original style of combat, but your character needs to somewhat fit one of these. You can also be a hybrid of the classses, though you'd have a primary class that you fit best, and a secondary class that's more of a boost to your character's powers.

Warrior - Wear armor, fight in close range. You all know what this is like. Can be, really, anyone with a specialty in basic combat.
Fighter - Doesn't wear heavy armor, but tends to use either close range weapons or long range weapons. Rather agile.
Wizard - A mage that uses magic primarily.
Battle Magi - An odd kind of mage. These guys generally don't wear fancy robes (nor armor), and focus their magic on fighting. Some use magic to enchant swords and knives.
Cleric - Uses holy or spiritual energy. For dwarfs and humans, it's holy energy. For elfs and orcs, it's shamanistic, spiritual energy.
Assassin - Tends to hide and sneak up, quickly killing at close ranges.

Weapon note:
In this RP, guns exist - but only rifles and handguns. Sure, you'd expect guns to blow away all other weapons, but generally, all weapon types are equal. So, for example, a good swordsman has an equal chance of winning in a fight with a gunman.

Char sheet:

Secondary class:

Here's mine, you can use it as an example.

Name: Sid Nordun
Origin: Raised in Tropicona, currently a traveler.
Race: Human
Appearance: Neck length black hair, and signs that a beard and 'stache would grow out in a few weeks. About six feet tall, a slim build. Dresses in simple dark blue jean pants and a plain brown button down shirt with a white shirt under it. He often wears a brown cloak and a brown cowboy hat.
Age: 31
Class: Fighter
Secondary class: Battle Magi
Weapons: Uses two handguns at distance, and for close range, a sword and a long dagger. He uses a bit of magic sometimes to enchant his weapons and a few small spells.
Background: Sid is the son of Elden Nordun, a highly successful merchant who is now an advisor of Alaco. At the age of 15 he began traveling around the world, learning a lot about sailing and selling from his dad. Today, Sid is a very rich merchant, though he's never had a need for much money at all.

Your character will most likely join Sid and go on the journey to destroy the outposts and prevent Vanen's destruction. Sign up, and I'll say when we start.


Name: Evan Rakushinu
Origin: Born in and currently residing in Soleton
Race: Human
Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, wears jeans and a dark blue shirt. Bit skinny.
Age: 19
Class: Wizard
Secondary class: Battle Magi.
Weapons: Uses magic mainly, but carries a sword and bow as a precaution.
Background: Evan had an average life in Soleton. However, he got curious about magic. He delved into these more arcane arts. He became proficient in magic and decided to use it for personal gain, revenge, etc. Over the years, he has become bored with life in Soleton, and wishes to see the world.

major tom

Accepted. I'd still like to wait for more before we start.

Also, I added a background section the app, so you gotta go fill that out.

Second edit; added guns.

major tom

Since no one cares, I've decided to increase the care factor a bit more and start this. The ship is not leaving yet, so everyone who wants to join, join now. There will be plenty of chances to join in on the RP later on, though.


All over Soleton, Ul'tugas, Luk'vanen, Lodun, Garred, and many other cities across Vanen, Lafe, and Indaran, signs were posted.

Alaco IV, Prime Minister of Vanen, has a special mission for adventurers willing to go.

Efforts of those who accept this mission will be rewarded with money and/or land. On the date of
((adding a date could only add to confusion, so pretend there's a date here)), at 2:00 PM, visit Sid Nordun at dock 15 in Soleton to join his crew. Come prepared.

It was that time. Sid ran to his ship, putting his stuff on board.


((Your second set of italics messed up, BTW.))

Evan was wandering through the streets of Soleton when he noticed a sign. After reading through it, he checked the time. Not too late, he thought. Might as well go.

With that, he went home, packed up a sword, a bow, and some food and amenities before heading out to Dock 15.


I would so join this if my laptop wasn't broke and I wasn't on my Wii right now. >_>

major tom

((Fixed, I didn't notice cuz I was on a horrible connection at that moment))
Quote from: Joeofmars on April 14, 2008, 02:42:42 PM
I would so join this if my laptop wasn't broke and I wasn't on my Wii right now. >_>
((You'll have time to, definitely. Even if the ship sets sail, you'll have time to join later))


Sid sat down on the edge of a pile of sacks, on dock 15. He rested his back and relaxed, drinking a bottle of beer.
"Hey, kid. I'm Sid Nordun. Here to join the crew?"


hmm...interesting, I'll join later today when I have the time to come up with a unique character ;D


((Wolf, the way you say "interesting" is rather scary....))

"Obivously," replied Evan.

major tom

"Arigh', thought so. You don' look like a tough guy, lemme guess, a magi?"


"Pretty much," responded Evan.

major tom

"Aright." Sid stood up, and while doing this, his hat fell off and went into the water. "...poop."
Sid sent a tiny magic bolt at the water, the splash sending his hat in the air. He reached out, grabbed the hat, and put it back on. "I, too, know a bit of magic. 'Nuff to be useful, though I'm sure you're betta at it than me. Anyways, want me to show you around the ship?"


"Sure," Evan replied, bored.

major tom

Sid led Evan to the ship. The looks are like a typical ship, except it looks older and appears to be in a bad shape. Contrary to that, the ship was recently inspected, and after a few repairs, it was in a better shape than most other ships in Soleton. Entering from a plank on the side of the ship, the front was in the left and back to the right.

"On the outside, eh, just the typical deck. In the back we've got my captain's room. We got two levels under that door on the floor. On the upper one, the cannons and the hammocks. In the lower one, the kitchen, eatin' table, and supply storage."

Sid guided Evan downstairs. "Enjoy sailing on the Stormrider. Looks like a piece-a crap, but I've had no major problems with it in the 13 years I've had it. Now go pick a hammock and set yer stuff down."


"Yes, sir," replied Evan with a sarcastic emphasis on the "sir" bit. He set his stuff down in a hammock by a cannon, cause he liked cannons.`