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Super Smash Bros.

Started by The Riddler, June 11, 2013, 05:41:56 AM

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I like the bigger boobs.
I'm neutral to the higher heels though, I never cared about that sort of thing.
Dude .


Quote from: Zero on April 10, 2014, 09:55:04 AM
I honestly don't see the problem these Metroid fans are having.

They're just threatened by feminine things, seriously. It is a intercourse ing video game. Let the female characters be feminine, god darn.

Personally, I can look past it, but I can see where people are coming from. It's not that it's "feminine," it's that it's sexist. Samus crawls through caves and runs through exploding space stations, it makes NO sense whatsoever for her to have to do it in 4-inch heels, not to mention the boob job has zero justification outside of the programmer wanting her to have bigger boobs. By needlessly making a female character "sexy," particularly one who got famous defying traditional gender roles, it could be understood that Ninja/Nintendo thinks a woman needs to be sexy to be useful. I'm not saying they ARE saying that, but it's not unreasonable to say it can be interpreted that way.


Right its objectification when men do it and liberating when women do it


The Riddler

Anyone who complains needs to shut the intercourse  up. Bottom line. He gave her rocket boots. There is a little intercourse ing jet engine inside the heel. Where else would it go, unless the whole shoe was platformed?


who intercourse ing cares, it's not like she was ever really accurate anyway.

Moving on, here's a present, enjoy:


She looks fun to play.

How does everyone feel about the new Down specials the former split characters are getting?

Do we know Charizard's yet?


Everyone called Zelda's back when she was first announced. I think it's awesome; she needed some serious buffing, and this massive projectile/shield will do well. Plus, I like when rulers have moves that use their soldiers. I'm actually disappointed Dedede doesn't throw Waddle Dees/Doos just for that reason.

Shiek's down special being a ninja jump/kick is... useful, I guess. I'm more curious about her side special; they changed it from the chain whip to a grenade, which I think will give her a good power boost, though I will miss the chain on principle (hopefully she keeps it as a tether grab).

Not sure what changes Charizard or ZSS have yet, except that ZSS has a more reliable recover move with her jets now. I wonder if they'll keep Charizard's Rock Smash... it never really made sense, as fun of a move as it was.

Also, I question how the Final Smashes will be affected. What boosts does Mega Charizard X get? What will Sheik and ZSS do now?


I'm not a big fan of the whole... "Boss" mechanic that's going on.
I like the idea of bosses, but they seem to just be obstacles when you're trying to fight your opponents, which is lame.
I hope you have the ability to turn them off.
Though bosses seem useless outside of a Story mode/Classic mode or whatever. It's just... "here's a boss. Have fun"
Dude .


Quote from: Neerb on April 10, 2014, 07:43:20 PM
I'm actually disappointed Dedede doesn't throw Waddle Dees/Doos just for that reason.
Maybe he can when you customize his moveset.
Dude .




Quote from: JrDude on April 11, 2014, 12:06:25 AM
I'm not a big fan of the whole... "Boss" mechanic that's going on.
I like the idea of bosses, but they seem to just be obstacles when you're trying to fight your opponents, which is lame.

You mean... like... the obstacles that have always existed in the series?

The solution is the same as it's always been: play on a different stage.


Quote from: Neerb on April 11, 2014, 11:43:07 AM
You mean... like... the obstacles that have always existed in the series?

The solution is the same as it's always been: play on a different stage.
No, obstacles are fine. Bosses being reduced to just being obstacles is stupid. They're supposed to be a challenge that is presented when you've shown significant progress in a game, not a stage design that's a nuisance while you battle OTHER people.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude on April 11, 2014, 11:46:14 AM
No, obstacles are fine. Bosses being reduced to just being obstacles is stupid. They're supposed to be a challenge that is presented when you've shown significant progress in a game, not a stage design that's a nuisance while you battle OTHER people.

Then don't call them bosses.

It's a cool idea, and you don't have to play on that stage if you don't like it.


Dude .


Quote from: JrDude on April 11, 2014, 11:46:14 AM
They're supposed to be a challenge that is presented when you've shown significant progress in a game, not a stage design that's a nuisance while you battle OTHER people.

How do we know they wont?


Quote from: Qsmash on April 13, 2014, 04:02:23 PM
How do we know they wont?
Because it shows in the update that they're basically Palkia and Dialga in Brawl, but can be killed and once they appear, they are pretty much always there. And once killed, it hurts your opponents nearby.
Dude .