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The Official B&W/5th gen Discussion Thread - GAMES OUT EVERYWHERE

Started by Kayo, May 13, 2010, 05:05:53 AM

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So, which version did you get? (Or are getting)

Pokémon Black
6 (35.3%)
Pokémon White
5 (29.4%)
Pokémon Black AND Pokémon White
4 (23.5%)
Neither, and don't plan to.
0 (0%)
Haven't decided yet.
2 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 17


Hi here's that official discussion thread.

Note about the English names:
Remember that list of English names? Yeah, CONFIRMED, considering those are the names according to the European games.

USA - March 6, 2011
Europe - March 4, 2011
Japan - September 18, 2010

According to Pokemon Sunday, we now have a release date in Japan. That is 9/18/10. Remember that date, kids. Because that's when we will have all the information we'll need.

The games have been released in Japan. I have not been updating this post because I was just adding it on in replies. So I spoilered the remainder of this post. It only contains information slowly revealed before the game so... yeah.

I guess I'll be updating this with English names as I get them.

I will now break the post by throwing several spoiler tags at it.

Look, a mysterious rectangle. Warning. Do not click the mysterious rectangle unless you choose to get lost in piles of info.
[spoiler]***Update - More stuff, below all this.***

Pokebeach has given us information. The rodent thing is called Minezumi. The orange Pokemon is so far unnamed, and we have a front shot of the mole pokemon Moguryu, whom we only had the back sprite of before. That's all for now.

Quote from:* This Pokémon is called Wooguru (ウォーグル ), possibly derived from War and Eagle. It is the Valor Pokémon, it is 1.5m tall, weighs 41kg and is a standard Normal/Flying-type Pokémon. It has two abilities, one of them Keen Eye and the other is Encourage, the ability Hihidaruma has which boosts the power of its moves but prevents the moves having a secondary effect. It also has a new attack called Free-Fall (フリーフォール). Free-Fall is a two turn attack that has the Pokemon grab the opponent and lift it into the air and then on the next turn falls to the ground
    * Munna's evolution Musharna (ムシャーナ ) has been revealed. It has a secret, said to do with Dream Smoke (ゆめのけむり) which itself involves a Game Sync, presumably uploading your save file, and then connection to the Pokémon Global Link website which we reported on last month
    * It also appears that Rankurusu (ランクルス), revealed in Oha Suta last week, is of the Psychic-type and has two abilities, one of them Magic Guard. However, we'll wait for a bigger image to totally confirm this. <- Misinterpretation, fixed in second quote below.
    * The scan also confirms Kibago (キバゴ) as the name for the tusked Pokémon
    * The scan also confirms that Koromori (コロモリ)is a Psychic/Flying type
    * Professor Araragi has a friend called Makomo whom plays a part within the game's story
    * The main character has two childhood friends, potential rivals. First is the blonde girl below Beru, second is the trainer Cheren whom we saw the trainer battle in the Oha Suta video last week
    * The version specific areas mentioned on Friday have also been confirmed; Black City (ブラックシティ) and White Forest (ホワイトフォレスト).
    * The character shown on Pokémon Sunday two weeks ago is known as N
The Eagle is awesome. Koromori is a Psychic/Flying type (I wasn't expecting that), but will it be any more than Xatu was? Also, I'm confused as to exactly what Free-Fall does.

Quote from:* First is a DSi & 3DS exclusive feature; the Live Caster. This feature, after obtained in the game, will allow you to have video chats with your friends. This is limited to 4-player over local wireless and 2 player over Wi-Fi. Only the DSi can utilise this feature so if you don't have a DSi or a 3DS in the future, you cannot use this feature
    * In a manner similar to what was described as a 3DS feature, there is also a Pass By mode which, utilising the C Gear, has you connect with other players when you walk by them. This will aid them and you in various means, the extent of which is not yet known
    * It also confirms that the order in which your Pokémon are in during Triple Battles will help determine the damage calculations for attacks that hit multiple Pokémon
    * In the High Link feature, it appears to be a massive overworld hub in which you can go up to other players and offer assistance in the form of missions. The High Link is located within the middle of the Isshu region
    * In addition to that, we did accidentally get Rankurusu (ランクルス) & Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル) names mixed up. Rankurusu is the Green Pokémon and Gochiruzeru is Black humanshape Pokémon.
    * There is an attack known by Gochiruzeru called Magic Room (マジックルーム) which negates the effects of any Items on both you and the opponent.
    * Finally, we get our first look at the Isshu region on the in-game map
    * First is a DSi & 3DS exclusive feature; the Live Caster. This feature, after obtained in the game, will allow you to have video chats with your friends. This is limited to 4-player over local wireless and 2 player over Wi-Fi. Only the DSi can utilise this feature so if you don't have a DSi or a 3DS in the future, you cannot use this feature
    * In a manner similar to what was described as a 3DS feature, there is also a Pass By mode which, utilising the C Gear, has you connect with other players when you walk by them. This will aid them and you in various means, the extent of which is not yet known
    * It also confirms that the order in which your Pokémon are in during Triple Battles will help determine the damage calculations for attacks that hit multiple Pokémon
    * In the High Link feature, it appears to be a massive overworld hub in which you can go up to other players and offer assistance in the form of missions. The High Link is located within the middle of the Isshu region
    * In addition to that, we did accidentally get Rankurusu (ランクルス) & Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル) names mixed up. Rankurusu is the Green Pokémon and Gochiruzeru is Black humanshape Pokémon.
    * There is an attack known by Gochiruzeru called Magic Room (マジックルーム) which negates the effects of any Items on both you and the opponent.
    * Finally, we get our first look at the Isshu region on the in-game map
Magic Room. Yes, this will throw a nice hook into battling. I'm afraid it will become over-abused like Stealth Rock though. Ans the order in Triple Battles influences damage calculations? I would love to hear this explained. How exactly does that work? I have some ideas, but I'm still working them out. Also yeah yeah new pokemon names. I guess I can add pictures later.

[spoiler=A ton of information I've chosen to hide in here to save space. Details about all the new pokemon.]
Quote from: serebii.netThe final details from CoroCoro have come out and have provided the details for all 7 Pokémon within the magazine. For other details, check the previous couple of updates. We'll update this as we do more translations. Please bear with us. Thanks to yaminokame for assistance on the translations.

    * Details for the Pokémon are out
          o First, we have Kibago (キバゴ), the Tusk Pokémon. It is 0.6m tall and weighs 18kg. It has the abilities of Rivalry & Mold Breaker and is a Dragon-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called Double Chop (ダブルチョップ) which attacks twice
          o Next is Koromori (コロモリ). It is the Bat Pokémon. It is 0.4m tall and weighs 2.1kg. It has the abilities of Unaware & Klutz and is a Psychic/Flying-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called Heart Stamp (ハートスタンプ) which makes the opponent Flinch.
          o Next is Minezumi (ミネズミ). It is the Lookout Pokémon. It is 0.5m tall and weighs 11.6kg. It has the abilities of Run Away & Keen Eye and is a Normal-type Pokémon. It also has a new attack called You First (おさきにどうぞ) which allows the opponent to move first
          o Next is Gochiruzeru (ゴチルゼル). It is the Celestial Body Pokémon. It is 1.5m tall and weighs 44kg. It has the ability of Frisk and is a Psychic-type Pokémon. It has the new attack Magic Room (マジックルーム) which negates the effects of any Items on both you and the opponent for 5 turns..
          o Next is Rankurusu (ランクルス). It is the Amplification Pokémon. It is 1.0m tall and weighs 20.1kg. It has the abilities of Dust-Proof (ぼうじん), which makes the Pokémon not take damage from weather effects & Magic Guard and is a Psychic-type Pokémon.
          o Next is Wooguru (ウォーグル ), possibly derived from War and Eagle. It is the Valor Pokémon, it is 1.5m tall, weighs 41kg and is a standard Normal/Flying-type Pokémon. It has two abilities, one of them Keen Eye and the other is Encourage, the ability Hihidaruma has which boosts the power of its moves but prevents the moves having a secondary effect. It also has a new attack called Free-Fall (フリーフォール). Free-Fall is a two turn attack that has the Pokémon grab the opponent and lift it into the air and then on the next turn falls to the ground
          o Next is Musharna (ムシャーナ ), the evolution of the Pokémon Munna. It is the Trance Pokémon. It is 1.1m tall and weighs 60.5kg. It has the abilities of Forewarn & Synchronize and is a Psychic-type Pokémon. Both Munna & Musharna give off the Dream Smoke. As explained on Sunday, the Dream Smoke is part of the Global Link connectivity.
    * Triple Battles First, we have details on the Triple battles, showing how you can target with the middle Pokémon being able to target all three Pokémon and the ones at the sides being able to target the opposite one and the middle one. You also have the ability to switch Pokémon positions in battle.
      If a Pokémon in the middle uses an attack that hits all Pokémon, then it will be very powerful
    * There is a new ability called Telepathy (テレパシー) which allows the Pokémon to avoid receiving damage from its team-mates.
    * There is also a new attack, name currently not given, which will cause all your team mates to avoid damage from attacks that would hurt all team members such as Earthquake.
    * Global Link The Global Link has two modes. One, where your Pokémon play in a dream and another is an online battling system. It appears that you have the ability to capture Pokémon not in the Isshu Dex within the Global Link and have them transferred back to your game. This can be done in the dream mode. As we said on Sunday, you access the Global Link when you have Musharna, the evolution of Munna.
          o The Game Sync is accessible through the C Gear. Here, you can send a single Pokémon to the computer and the "dream world".
          o In the world of dreams Pokémon have their own rooms that they can play in. They can play minigames with other Pokémon. Pokémon that your Pokémon becomes friends with in the dream world can be taken back to the real world
          o If you are registed to the PGL, then you can play "Rating Mode" of "Random Match" at to the global terminal inside of the Pokémon center. It will send your battle results to a server gather them so you can see who is really strong.
    * Version Changes Gochiruzeru and Rankurusu are Version exclusives and Black City & White forest are in the same part of Isshu.
    * There will also be other cities that vary in appearance based on your game
    * Features Using Infared, you have the ability of having speedy battles. This can be 2 or 4 Player. You can also trade this way on the spot from your box. You can automatically exchange friend codes over IR
    * You have the ability to draw on your friends faces over the Live Caster video chat. Characters in game will also call you on the Live Caster from time to time
    * There is also a gentleman in the game which will switch your game from the standard Hiragana/Katakana text to Kanji
    * There is a feature called Feeling Check that checks players compatibility. One of the things it shows is a game where two people have to keep the same rythmn
    * The High Link features mentioned yesterday have also been further confirmed and will involve meeting players over WiFi in the Isshu overworld and doing missions for them. This is as close to a MMORPG as we'll get
    * The C Gear as we knew has abilities in InfraRed, Wireless & WiFi
    * Characters Professor Araragi gives you the Pokémon and says for you to share with your friends, Cheren & Belle
    * It seems that you, Belle and Cheren all get the starters from Professor Araragi, leaving none left out as all of you are beginning your journey together.
    * Belle is a spontaneous person and is on her adventure against her father's wishes. She is rather unreliable.
    * Cheren is an intelligent guy and will give you helpful tips throughout your journey. He intends to be the champion in Isshu.
    * Indicating that Isshu is far away, the routes have once again reset and will begin with Route 1
    * N is one of the antagonists. N will keep coming to challenge you in order to confirm his ideas of justice. He calls Pokémon "Friends", but one of the screen shots shows him saying that he wants to split humans and Pokémon and divide them so it's black and white. He has the unique idea to set Pokémon free from people. He's looking for the power to bring his idea to fruition
    * Makomo will give you the C Gear after you assist her with a task

[spoiler=images of the newest pokemon with names][/spoiler][/spoiler]

You can still see some of the older info, as always, in the archives below.


[spoiler=Koromori and Beta Art]
This is all I have on the new pokemon, Koromori. It appears to be a fuzzy bat thing. If you haven't noticed, it's on the right of the player's side.

Also this. I don't know what the thing on the left is, but it appears we have the second evolutionary forms of Mijumaru and Tsutaja. The japanese text below them is probably their names, but it's far too blurry to make out the characters. I'll try my best to decode them.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=3-on-3 battles and some new pokemon]
**I am adding things in bold to the quote below to help you pick out the pokemon in the picture easier.
Quote from: serebii.netJapanese variety show Oha Suta has shown a new trailer for Pokémon Black & White which showed a video containing a lot of new Pokémon. We'll provide pictures shortly.
First we have Ononokusu (オノノクス), the mantis like Pokémon Second picture, the pokemon on the RIGHT, on the OPPONENT's side.
Next is Doryuuzu (ドリュウズ) a mole with a giant claw on its tail Second picture, OPPONENT's side, on the LEFT.
Next is Desukan (デスカーン), the sarcophagus-esque Pokémon with ghostly arms Second picture, LEFT of PLAYER's side
Then Denchura (デンチュラ )is shown, which appears to be a Tarantula Second picture, RIGHT of PLAYER's side
Finally is Moguryu (モグリュー), the baby mole Pokémon seen in the below screenshot. Don't look below. First picture, the one all the way on the right.
It appears that Doryuuzu may be Moguryu's evolution. It also revealed a Grass-type attack called Grass Mixer (グラスミキサー) and one called Drill Liner (ドリルライナー). We also know of a new are called White High-Link (ホワイトのハイリンク) which has your trainer transform into what may be a multiplayer avatar and the link up with the internet we mentioned earlier this month is called the Pokémon Global Link. Its functions are still unknown
It also confirms that there are now Three on Three battles. There is also a brand new option in the battle menu in what appeared to be a trainer battle. Along with Fight, Run & Pokémon and Shooter. It is unknown what Shooter is for or what use it has. These Pokémon have been added to the new Pokémon section with the little details we know.
3-on-3? OH. GOD. NOO. PLEASE. NO. NOOOOOO. etc.
But bleh, 3 on 3. >_>
Also, some very interesting pokemon. the sarcophagus thing is... what, this generation's spiritomb, maybe? Not by typing, but I see a connection here. (I expect Rock-Ghost type, or Steel-Ghost.) The mantis to me has a slight resemblance to Giratina's Origin Forme, maybe mixed with Groudon. That's the impression I got. As far as the unnamed pokemon, the first two look pretty cool, but the third just looks plain odd to me. :/
We have no more information on these pokemon (or clearer pictures) so, sorry about that. x.x

EDIT: Here's another picture, so you can get a clearer look at Desukan (sarcophagus) and Denchura (tarantula).
[spoiler=Illusion Ability]
Quote from: serebii.netThe latest issue of Nintendo Dream has provided new insights into the special Illusion  ability that Zoroark & Zorua both have. This ability, as we knew previously, allows for Zorua/Zoroark to be transformed into another Pokémon when sent into battle, as seen with the special event when you capture Zoroark. However, prior to now, the details of the ability were not known. We now know the details of this ability. The ability allows for Zorua & Zoroark to be in the form of the Pokémon in second place in your party at the time of it being sent out. This means that if you have say Jigglypuff in the front of your party, Zorua & Zoroark would appear in battle as a Jigglypuff. As we know from before, it keeps its Dark-type, but its appearance and name will match the Pokémon of which it has an Illusion.
In addition to those details, it provided a massive image of the Isshu region, showing more areas than the images so far. It doesn't provide new details but does show an airfield and speculates that there is an airport in the game and various places such as a theme park, windmills, ancient ruins and what they think is a blast furnace.
Whee, we can control what pokemon appears in the illusion. Nice, actually. I like this. Also, an airport? That's a first. And a theme park, seems interesting in the game. (inb4disneyland) ..seems like this new region will have some interesting places in it. More american, it appears so far. (though there are amusement parks and airports in japan)

[spoiler=Zoroark Event - Info part 2]Serebii has provided us with a little bit of information, also proof that Zoroark and Zorua ARE in fact event only.
Quote from: serebii.netWith the new downloads of the beasts; Entei, Raikou & Suicune in Japan to tie in with the upcoming movie, further details have been revealed about the in-game Zoroark event. As we stated last month, when you bring the beasts to Black & White through the Transfer Machine, you will get access to Zoroark in an as-of-yet undisclosed location in Isshu. This battle with Zoroark has you first face against an Illusion of one of the beasts. Previously, we didn't know what causes Zoroark to change form, but a pamphlet with the download has since confirmed it.
If you send over Raikou, Zoroark will appear as Entei.
If you send over Entei, Zoroark will appear as Suicune.
If you send over Suicune, Zoroark will appear as Raikou.
It is still not currently known how Zoroark's Illusion ability will work outside of this special event. The pamphlet also further confirmed the fact that Zorua & Zoroark can only be obtained through these special events. We'll bring more as it comes.
That explains Zoroark's transformation, but still, a few questions have arisen. Will the Illusion ability work outside the event? Possibly not, which wouldn't be very fun. I don't see how it could, but we'll probably get some information about how it can that will surprise us. Doesn't look like we'll get any of said information very soon, though.[/spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler=C-Cog and Cross-Gen transferring]
Quote from: serebii.netHidden away within CoroCoro's page about Celebi & Zorua in Black & White, there is a screenshot that gives some minor details about the transfer method. In the games, there is a machine called the Pokémon Transfer Machine (転送マシンでポケモン). The screenshot simply states that Celebi is being transferred through the Pokémon Transfer Machine. This appears to be the method of transferring the Pokémon from your 4th Generation games to your 5th Generation ones. This is to be done over the standard local wireless and appears to be one at a time. It is necessary to send Celebi & the shiny beasts obtained from the 13th movie over to Black & White to obtain Zorua & Zoroark. It is currently unknown if there are any limits to the Pokémon Transfer Machine similar to the original Pal Park restrictions in Diamond & Pearl
The official site also elaborates into the C Gear. It also shows on the menu and in the C-Gear that there are three methods of communication; Wireless, WiFi and IR (InfaRed) and you can use the C Gear with all three. These options are shown in the battle menu so it'll be able to tell when you're battling in any of those. These options are running while you're in actual gameplay as opposed to in a Union Room. To what extent, is not yet known.
Uh-huh. good to know that there's 4th - 5th gen trading. only problem? One at a time. Will that make it tedious? Or is it still pretty fast? Only time will tell.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=7 new pokemon, 7th-14th of released 5th gen pokemon][spoiler=Earlier this day]
Quote from: serebii.netThe first bits of this month's issue of the Japanese publication CoroCoro have leaked on various Japanese forums. As usual, we're getting it gradually so please bare with us. There is lots of rumoured information but we need to wait and see. Keep checking back. As of now, the image we have is too blurry to tell what's said, or even if it's real so it may not be confirmed as real. We'll bring anymore as and when it comes

    * The Mouse Pokémon shown is said to be called Chiramii (チラーミィ)
    * The as of yet unknown Pokémon at the top is called Munna(ムンナ)
So, as the bolded text states, this may not be real. However I am having hopes that it is, even though these pokémon really aren't appealing to me. But again, the picture is blurry, and I can't even see enough of the top Pokémon to have an opinion on it. I'll keep my eye out for information, as better pictures, and a confirmation of this might be revealed within a few days.[/spoiler]

Quote from: serebii.netThe first bits of this month's issue of the Japanese publication CoroCoro have leaked on various Japanese forums. As usual, we're getting it gradually so please bare with us. There is lots of rumoured information but we need to wait and see. Keep checking back. As of now, the image we have is too blurry to tell what's said. We'll bring anymore as and when it comes with thanks to yaminokame for translations.

    * The Mouse Pokémon shown is said to be called Chiramii (チラーミィ). It is Normal-type, the Chinchilla Pokémon. It is 0.4m tall, 5.8kg. It's abilities are Cute Charm & Technician. It has a move called Sweep Slap (スイープビンタ) which attacks several times consecutively.
    * The pig like Pokémon is called Munna(ムンナ). It is the Dream Eater Pokémon and is Psychic-type. It is 0.6m tall and 23.3kg. It has the abilities Forewarn & Synchronise. It has an attack called Telekinesis (テレキネシス) which makes the opponent float in the air.
    * The strange dual cog Pokémon is called Gear (ギアル). It is the Gear Pokémon, is a pure Steel-type. It is 0.3m, 21.0kg and has the abilities Plus & Minus. It has a new attach called Gear Saucer (ギアソーサー) which attacks multiple times
    * The bird Pokémon called Mamepato (マメパト). It is the Baby Pigeon Pokémon. is Normal-Flying type. It is 0.3m and 2.1kg. It has the Super Luck ability or a new ability called Pigeon Heart (はとむね) which seems to prevent its Defense stat from lowering
    * The ape Pokémon called Hihidaruma (ヒヒダルマ). It is the Flaming Pokémon, is Fire-type. It is 1.3m and 92.9kg. It has a new ability called Encourage (ちからづく)
    * The zebra Pokémon called Shimama (シママ). It is the Charged Pokémon, is Electric-type. It is 0.8m and 29.8kg. Its abilities are LightningRod & Motor Drive. It has a new attack called Wild Bolt (ワイルドボルト) which hurts both Shimama and the Pokémon)
    * The crocodile Pokémon called Meguroko (メグロコ). It is the Desert Crocodile Pokémon, is Ground-type & Dark-type. It is 0.7m and 15.2kg. Its abilities are Intimidate & Earthquake Spiral (じしんかじょう) which raises its attack when the opponent is Knocked Out
    * The new Professor Dr. Araragi (アララギ博士 ) has a Chiramii
    * Reshiram & Zekrom's types and details were also revealed
          o Reshiram is a Fire & Dragon type. It is the White Yang Pokémon It is 3.2m and 330kg. It has the new TurboBlaze (ターボブレイズ) Ability
          o Zekrom is an Electric/Dragon as predicted.. It is the Black Ying Pokémon. It is 2.9m and 345kg. It has the Terra Voltage ability
          o To get Zorua, you will need to send over the Celebi from the upcoming movie to Black & White. It is obtained at Level 10
          o There is a new feature called the C Cog which allows you to play with various connection capabilites. To what end is not known, but there is a screenshot of the player in the Pokémon Centre with various connection stats at the bottom.
          o In this game Global Terminal inside of the Pokemon center and it is called "Random Match". It just says that you can play freely with people from all over the country in random match mode. Then says that in spring 2011 that foreign players will join. The Global Terminal is now also located in the Pokémon Centres
Okay so we have a new generic bird. Yay?
Telekinesis - why would you want your opponent to float in the air? Unless it is a damaging attack, but it doesn't appear to be.
Gear. First thing I see when I think of the name is Magnemite's Japanese name, Coil. But yeah, also I just noticed that the two gears make up one pokemon. And maybe now we have a Plus/Minus pokemon that doesn't suck? I don't know.
The crocodile pokemon looks really intercourse ing awesome. And its ability, which raises its attack when it KOs a pokemon makes it behave like a rapidly spreading fire in battles. Awesome.
Female professor? Cool. Nice to have some diversity.
Zekrom - appears the rumor was correct. Interesting. Also Reshiram a Fire-type. Did someone mention that here before it was revealed? If someone did, kudos to them for their prediction.
Zorua - not obtained through breeding? What is this?
Yeah, I'll rant more later.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Reshiram and Zekrom]
Quote from: have just updated with the first news of the legends of Pokémon Black & Pokémon White. These Pokémon are to be called Reshiram and Zekrom. We do not have further details. Please bare with us.
So as we can see, we have no information other than pictures and names, but I'll update this when I find out more.

UPDATE: We do have this, however:
QuoteThe host of Pokémon Sunday, Nakagawa Shoko, blogged today about the character she is voicing in the thirteenth movie. With this, she mentioned about her love for Electric types and stated that due to this, she wants to get Zekrom. This statement was quickly removed from her blog but people managed to catch it in time. If this holds true then it will mean that Zekrom is of a Dragon and Electric type, a new and unique type combination. Remember though, this is NOT confirmed, albeit coming from a very likely source plus she could have removed it due to her being mistaken about Zekrom's type. We'll bring more as and when it comes Click the picture to go to our New Pokémon Page
So yeah, it IS possible that Zekrom will be a Dragon-Electric type. But, as the article says, it may have been a mistake about Zekrom's type. There has been no further information on this subject, but as I said I'll keep this updated whenever I find out more.
*Since this update Zekrom HAS been confirmed to be a Dragon-Electric type.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=General info #1, starters, Zoroark]
Quote from:* The region appears to be called the Isshu Region (イッシュ)
    * CoroCoro states that the protagonists are older than they have been so far
    * Before the scans came out, some new information was posted on 2ch including the region name which turned out true, classifications matching the Pokémon's appearance and the aforementioned possible Pokémon names. This information detailled some attacks, classifications, Zoroark's ability and the special event from the beasts. I have decided to post it with thanks to yaminokame for translation. Remember though that the following information is NOT confirmed yet.
          o The Grass Starter, Tsutaja (ツタージャ) is the Grass Snake Pokémon
          o The Fire Starter, Pokabu (ポカブ)is the Fire Pig Pokémon
          o The Water Starter, Mijumaru (ミジュマル) is the Sea Otter Pokémon
          o Zoroark has an ability called Illusion (イリュージョン) which will allow it to transform into various Pokémon. How it differs from the move Transform remains to be seen.
          o Two new attacks have been announced;
                + A move called Trickery (イカサマ) seems to allow the attack to be calculated using the opponent's stats
                + Another move called Claw Sharpen (つめとぎ) raises the user's Attack and Accuracy stats
          o The special event activated by the special Raikou, Entei & Suicune given with the upcoming movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark has been detailled. In this event, when you bring the beasts (it is unclear if it's all three or just one)to the game, a special battle will occur. This battle is against a Level 25 Zoroark which will transform into the various Pokémon. At many points, it will break its transformation to allow you to capture it.
      Remember, this information is NOT Confirmed as of yet and so it's quite possible that this information is indeed inaccurate. However, as the region name was accurate, it's also quite possibly real. We'll get confirmation as to whether it's real or fake when the rest of the scans come out.

I am intrigued about a few things. First off, the "Illusion" ability. What could this do? Any ideas? To tell you the truth I have not the slightest clue. So I'll leave that one up to you.

Trickery. Again, what is this? What could it mean when it uses the pokemon's stats to calculate damage? Let's get some opinions on this.

Claw Sharpen. Okay, raises attack and accuracy. But do we need it?

This information might be inaccurate but we can treat is as real for now just for the sake of discussion. Why not?

Oh yeah, "special battle" with Zoroark. Does that mean it's a legendary pokemon? Doesn't seem like it due to the fact that it has a pre-evo. But this is a new generation we're talking about, so I don't know. Maybe that's how you get it originally, but you can them breed it to get Zorua? Or is it like a Manaphy/Phione thing, where you get one Zoroark, and you can breed but not evolve. [/spoiler]

A rule, if you will.
Rumors - they are rumors. Everything I add to this post is 100% confirmed as real, except on a rare occasion I may reveal a rumor, in which case I will say it's a rumor. If you find a rumor, do not act like it is real. Do not go around saying it is. You may discuss rumors, as long as the discussion is along the lines of "If this was real..." or "I wish/hope it was real" as much as you like, but remember that rumors cannot be considered true until proven. Disagree? Then get out. Confusing the real with the fake will just confuse everybody, and I do not want it here. When you mention something that is only rumored, please acknowledge the fact that it is a rumor. And please, if you post something, please include the source for your information. DO NOT copy/paste blurbs of text from another website without putting it in a quote and/or mentioning where it is from. A link is fine. Otherwise, it is plagiarism. Please, do not plagiarize. [/spoiler]

That's all for now.

I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


I highly doubt Zoroark is a legendary. He probably just looks cool and is getting an event because he's the new Lucario, complete with his own movie. Maybe he's really hard to get in-game, or maybe this movie one has a special move or item...


I feel bad for ditto, he just got totally destroyed by Zoroark. But then again, people only use Ditto for breeding.


You are wrong Cornwad. Zoroark IS Ditto, evolved, not by leveling up, but for being whored out and unappreciated. All it's life it's had to transform and intercourse  a poop load of Pokémon to make an egg appear, finally it tried to transform, but it's mad off judgement kinda combined all the Pokémon it's transformed into to evolve into a new Pokémon, unable to breed (Zorua, normally the lower version cannot breed), then it regains the ability to transform (wait, can Zorua transform?), and when it untransforms, it becomes a bigger more mad off version of what it evolved into.

I kinda made that up as I typed it, how was it?
Dude .


Ditto is Play Doh to Zoroark.

edit: Also, I think Zorua has the same ability as Zoroark. So...I guess it could transform into a Zoroark. Yeah.

This event Zoroark probably has something special to it: something feels a bit off about having a perfectly normal Zoroark be obtained from an event. Kinda hard to explain why.
oh, and I guess Zoroark transforming into the beasts to fight sounds like something that will happen in the movie, not that it matters much in the grand scheme of things

The Riddler

I feel like his transform will be almost like Metronome. You don't have to be facing the Pokemon to transform into it.


They call it an "ability," so it probably happens on it's own instead of being manually activated. Also, according to new Serebii info, Zoroark is ALWAYS Dark type, even if he is currently in the form of a different pokemon.


You're asking if we need Claw Sharpen when we have moves like Tail Whip and Stealth Rock? Really? I lol'd.

I'm actually pretty excited for the moves, though I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm praying something is made to destroy the force that is Stealth Rock in the current metagame.


Quote from: Zero on May 13, 2010, 06:52:02 PM
You're asking if we need Claw Sharpen when we have moves like Tail Whip and Stealth Rock? Really? I lol'd.

I'm actually pretty excited for the moves, though I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm praying something is made to destroy the force that is Stealth Rock in the current metagame.



Quote from: SmashBro25 on May 13, 2010, 06:44:38 PM
They call it an "ability," so it probably happens on it's own instead of being manually activated. Also, according to new Serebii info, Zoroark is ALWAYS Dark type, even if he is currently in the form of a different pokemon.
So, what. It transforms into the opponent automatically? It would keep its own moves I think, and its type, so would its stats change? We won't know for sure until either it's revealed, or the game comes out in Japan.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Serebii now know what Illusion is: IT'S JUST AN ILLUSION!

Here's how it works: Let's say you are playing against an opponent, and you throw out Zoroark (or Zorua, but I'm just saying Zoroark for now). When Zoroark appears, it appears as a different random pokemon, lets say, Entei. Now, YOU, the savvy Zoroark trainer, know that you have a Zoroark with Zoroark stats, Zoroark moves, and Zoroark type (dark). HOWEVER, what actually appears on screen is an Entei named "Entei." So, now you, the Zoroark trainer, are at an advantage because your opponent is trying to fight a Zoroark as if it was an Entei! Hence, "Illusion." Furthermore, Zoroark's illusion will break down when it takes too much damage, so you'll have to use any trickery as quick as you can, and when you're fighting a wild Zoroark, you'll have to beat it back to Zoroark form in order to catch it.


That is awesome. I wonder if that will happen to Pokémon with Trace.
I also wonder what Pokémon it will transform into, will it always be one of the legendary dogs? or can you change what it will disguise itself as?
Dude .


Quote from: SmashBro25 on May 14, 2010, 01:40:12 PM
Serebii now know what Illusion is: IT'S JUST AN ILLUSION!

Here's how it works: Let's say you are playing against an opponent, and you throw out Zoroark (or Zorua, but I'm just saying Zoroark for now). When Zoroark appears, it appears as a different random pokemon, lets say, Entei. Now, YOU, the savvy Zoroark trainer, know that you have a Zoroark with Zoroark stats, Zoroark moves, and Zoroark type (dark). HOWEVER, what actually appears on screen is an Entei named "Entei." So, now you, the Zoroark trainer, are at an advantage because your opponent is trying to fight a Zoroark as if it was an Entei! Hence, "Illusion." Furthermore, Zoroark's illusion will break down when it takes too much damage, so you'll have to use any trickery as quick as you can, and when you're fighting a wild Zoroark, you'll have to beat it back to Zoroark form in order to catch it.
Makes sense. Sounds stupid to use yourself though unless you're playing competitively, but I can see where they're going with it.
That would screw up the metagame a bit though, if:

Quote from: JrDude ჱܓ on May 14, 2010, 02:08:25 PM
I also wonder what Pokémon it will transform into, will it always be one of the legendary dogs? or can you change what it will disguise itself as? can change what you disguise it as. I doubt it, but still, what would it possibly be, any pokemon? Here are some flaws:

You are playing competitively or, say, in a high level of the Battle Tower. You see a Kakuna. Now you know that's not a Kakuna.
Moves. "The foe's Magnezone Used Night Slash!" ".. wait what" another dead giveaway.

Or if it has to be Entei, Raikou or Suicune:

*foe sends out entei* Now we assume it's a Zoroark. Does Entei get more popular now that it can trick people into thinking it's actually a Zoroak in disguise when it's a real Entei? Maybe. But then some people will assume all Enteis are Enteis, due to this hypothetical rise in popularity. It's a Zoroark. Now we go back and forth.

Anyway, we assume all the stats are Zoroark's. So, a shedinja comes out, takes sandstorm damage and doesn't die. A castform comes out in rain and doesn't transform (unless Illusion copies abilities too, which is reason enough for me to eat my game card) then what? If I'm confusing myself right now, this will definitely be confusing in battles. ANY POKEMON could really be a Zoroark. Damn.

Or maybe its stats will be mediocre, and no one will ever use it aside from a few gimmicky possibilities. That could happen.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Zorua on May 14, 2010, 03:23:12 PM
Makes sense. Sounds stupid to use yourself though unless you're playing competitively, but I can see where they're going with it.
That would screw up the metagame a bit though, if: can change what you disguise it as. I doubt it, but still, what would it possibly be, any pokemon? Here are some flaws:

You are playing competitively or, say, in a high level of the Battle Tower. You see a Kakuna. Now you know that's not a Kakuna.
Moves. "The foe's Magnezone Used Night Slash!" ".. wait what" another dead giveaway.

Or if it has to be Entei, Raikou or Suicune:

*foe sends out entei* Now we assume it's a Zoroark. Does Entei get more popular now that it can trick people into thinking it's actually a Zoroak in disguise when it's a real Entei? Maybe. But then some people will assume all Enteis are Enteis, due to this hypothetical rise in popularity. It's a Zoroark. Now we go back and forth.

Anyway, we assume all the stats are Zoroark's. So, a shedinja comes out, takes sandstorm damage and doesn't die. A castform comes out in rain and doesn't transform (unless Illusion copies abilities too, which is reason enough for me to eat my game card) then what? If I'm confusing myself right now, this will definitely be confusing in battles. ANY POKEMON could really be a Zoroark. Damn.

Or maybe its stats will be mediocre, and no one will ever use it aside from a few gimmicky possibilities. That could happen.

That shows how cleverly EVIL it is.  :O


Well, I'm assuming that's the point of Zoroark. Mind games and all that. It sounds pretty cool actually.
You could send him out against a fighting, but it looks like an Alakazam or something. The person switches out to a ghost and you get em with a dark type move.