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Getting ripped off.

Started by The Riddler, April 28, 2010, 02:40:33 PM

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The Riddler

When's the last time you were ripped off?
How bad was it?

I got ripped off about 28 bucks last night.
My XBL was suspended since my last credit card is no longer in use and Microsoft automatically adds a new month, which is intercourse ing retarded to begin with.
So I went over to my local convenience store and bought a 25 dollar Mastercard Gift Card. 28 dollars after the activation fee.
Went home,  tried using the card, and it didn't work. "Cannot authorize. Call your cards customer service."
I tried a few more times thinking I messed up a number or maybe it needed a little time to work... nothing.
So I called the customer service.
Press one for english.> Press one for inquiries. >Press 2 for all other inquiries. >Press 8 for all other inquiries.> Press 0 to speak to a live representative. >To speak to a live representative, a fee of 2.50 will be charged to your card. Do you agree? Press one for yes, two for no. >2, hang up.

This was getting to be complete bullpoop, so I went online to see if I had to activate it at their site or something. I didn't, but I did get to see the activity on the card. Apparently every failed attempt at XBL was a dollar charge. I'm down to 20 bucks.

I was getting really angry, and said intercourse  it. Went onto Amazon and bought myself a rechargable battery/wire for my xbox controller. 16 dollars and change. 3.25 still on the card. :|