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Started by Kilroy, April 17, 2009, 02:57:13 PM

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The Engineer is at his Sentry/Dispenser, sitting. Thinking pensively, about life and such. Philosophical things. He hears a friendly Pyro coming around the corner, so he gets up to greet him.

The Pyro comes round, and so, the Engineer sees it.

His jaw drops.

His eyes glued to the top of the Pyro's head.

His glove. Long lost and forgotten. Years, maybe even decades since he's seen it. The Engineer is left speechless. The Pyro is quite confused.


The Engineer slowly lifts his hand, pointing at the Pyro's forehead. The Pyro, still confused, takes a hand and puts it on his head.

The Pyro takes off the Engineer's glove, and slowly hands it to him.

The Engineer, almost at the point of tears, reaches with his gloveless hand to it.

The Pyro, quick and decisive, flicks the glove across the Engineer's face, puts the glove back on, and clearly states:

"You are PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH."
"Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER OF HATS."

The Pyro pulls out two more gloves, and fits them accordingly.

Suddenly, another friendly Pyro comes next to him, with only one glove atop his head. He, too, clearly states:

"I have maney hats also but did not bring them."

The Engineer is stunned by the Pyros' graceful speech. But, a thought arises in his head...

"You're a guy?"

"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums



A long, long, long, long time ago (before the wind, before the snow), there was a man I used to know. Let's just call him the RED Soldier.

The RED Soldier was wandering around the desolate lands of Russia, during a snowstorm, looking for his team. The man doesn't know how long he's been traveling. His rations and morale, low, his hope, even lower. Armed with a Rocket launcher with 4 rockets left and his shovel, he was heading east, where, to his knowledge, is the nearest maggot nest city.

Far, far in the distance, he heard cries. A Heavy, possibly? He heard some faint German dialect, too.

"Ah, the usual combo. Hopefully they're RED..." the RED Soldier though to himself. He heard another Heavy cry again. It came from the north.

"If I continue heading east, I may die from starvation. I'm almost out of food, but if I head north towards the cries, it may be members of my team..."

The Soldier faced a decision. North, or east?

After a few minutes of thinking in the raging blizzard, the Soldier decided to head towards the cries.

Slowly, they grew louder. The two were having a conversation.

"Medic, where are you!"
"Right here, comrade! Do not fret, just stay close to me, and we'll get to then city in no time!"
"Doctor, I am so cold! I am not used to such snow from not being home for so long!"
"Ah, mein Heavy, please, settle down. We shall get their eventually."

The RED Soldier was getting closer and closer. His morale and hope, slowly rising. He noticed that he was walking up a slight incline, slowly growing larger and larger.

"Doctor, do you hear that?"
"Hear what, comrade?"
"It sounds like baby footsteps!"
"Footsteps? Nein, mein friend, it is just your imagination!"
"Okay, doctor!"

"Baby footsteps? Who does that maggot think he is?"

The RED Soldier was slightly angered, but trudged on.

"Doctor, I hear baby footsteps again! South from us!"
"Comrade, calm yourself, it is just your mind playing tricks on you! You must be getting delirious from the cold, friend, come, let us move!"
"Doctor, no! We must stay! It may be anoth-"
"No! We must press forward! Now come, raus, raus!"

The RED Soldier was walking faster now. The snow on this evident hill was slowly turning into ice. The blizzard started throwing hail down, as well.

Something then caught the Soldier's eye. It was of a blue tint... a BLU tint.

"BLUs... I was hoping this didn't happen..."

The Soldier took the Rocket Launcher from his back, put it upon his shoulder, and broke into a sprint towards the BLU Medic and Heavy.

"Doctor, doctor! I KNOW I hear baby footsteps! Behind us!"
"HEAVY! You hear NUZZING! Be quiet and keep going!"
"Doctor, turn around!"

The RED Soldier finally caught full sight of the two BLUs. They were about 10 yards in front of him, almost a perfect shot, but he couldn't waste any ammo.

The BLU Medic turned around.

"Halt, fiend!"
"Doctor, what a-"
"Hush, Heavy! Let me handle this!"
"Doctor, is just leetle baby Soldier! No big problem, me and Sasha can take care of him!"

The BLU Heavy pushed the BLU Medic back, and revved up his Minigun. The RED Soldier looked intently at the BLU Heavy, waiting for him to strike.





The RED Soldier threw his Rocket Launcher on his back, and dove into the ice. His helmet cracked the (evidently) thin ice, with snow below. The RED Soldier started slithering through the snow first to the right of the BLU Heavy, then made an immediate U-Turn to head left, to throw off the two BLUs.

"Doctor! Leetle baby dove under snow!"
"Ach, Wie schrecklich! Fire everywhere, Heavy!"

The BLU Heavy fired to his left, thinking that's where the Soldier dove to. The RED Soldier's diversion worked! But, he had no plan from there. Slithering under the ground, he quickly devised one.

The RED Soldier pushed away a lot of snow in front of him, about 15 feet to the right of the Heavy. He crawled back, aimed his rocket launcher to the now-clear area, and fired.

The explosion shattered the ice, distracting the two BLUs. The RED Soldier did this two more times very quickly, leaving him with nothing but one rocket and his Shovel.

The RED Soldier quickly slithered his way to about 10 feet behind the two BLUs, broke the ice, and went up. The two BLUs were still extremely confused, just the way the RED Soldier wanted it. The RED Soldier took aim at the BLU Heavy, and fired. His Rocket Launcher suddenly shone a beautiful blood red, leaving the Rocket itself with a red electric trail and sound. The rocket hit the Heavy right in the back, killing him instantly. He fell backwards. The RED Soldier was out of rockets.

"You... you monster! You will DIE!" The BLU Medic cried. He pulled his Syringe Gun out, but before he could get a shot in, the RED Soldier did something quite out of the ordinary.

Flicking his trusty Entrenching and Smacking Device (aka shovel) open, the RED Soldier flung the shovel at the BLU Medic's head. The blow killed the Medic, leaving him to fall on his knees and back.

The RED Soldier slowly walked over to the two bodies. He stepped on the now-deceased BLU Heavy's chest, and looked into his coat. He had one cigar and one match left. He lit the match, then the cigar. He took a puff, and looked up. the storm was clearing, he could see the sun. In the distance, the RED Soldier could see a city. To his left, there was a sign.


The Soldier gave a slight grin.

"Today is a good day."
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Fucking new network power box thing kicks the lama's ass!(Lookie I can get on in Linux now ^_^)


"And so is the life of a crazed war freak." The YLW Spy said quietly to himself.

The YLW Spy looked at the sign to his left (VIADUCT - 3 MILES), and grinned slightly. He knew he had an assassination to do, and this was simply eliminating possible witnesses. The YLW Spy checked his Dead Ringer for the time. 22:28.

"Ah, just enough time left if I jog there." And so the Spy went, jogging down the hill to Viaduct.

The YLW Spy was about 50 feet away from the city gates. Trains could be heard passing buy, but no other sounds were present so late at night. The YLW spy checked the time once more. 23:32.

"Good Lord, I need to start exercising again."

He found a secluded corner near the edge of the wall going around the city, took out his cigarette case, and pulled out a BLU Scout mask.

"These idiots probably won't even notice I'm walking slower, heheh..."

Before the YLW Spy put his cigarette case away, he took out the note he received from higher up about the assassination.



Quickly, the YLW Spy checked his Dead Ringer for the time once again. 22:34

"No time to lose, then."

The YLW Spy walked through the City Gates, and headed for the Town Hall. Viaduct was a strange place, having a Town Hall rather than normal government buildings. The YLW Spy took out his Dead Ringer, in case there were any guards around, then walked through the front door. The Town Hall here was always open, just in case something was going on. There was a woman sitting at the front desk, writing something down on a pad.

The YLW Spy walked up to the desk, and rang the desk bell.

"Oh, good evening, sir! How may I help you?"
"Uhhh, yeah, hey lady, I really need to talk to the mayor, is he here?"
"Erm, yes, but he's sleeping. He wakes up promptly at 9 every morning, if that helps."
"Okay, look, lady, I really need to freakin' talk to the mayor. It's important, y'know?"
"I'm sorry, but he's sleeping. I do not want to disturb him, and I'm sure he d-"
"Listen to me, lady! If ya don't let me through, I'm gonna force my way through."
"Why, sir, what do you mean?"

The YLW Spy hopped over the desk, still disguised as the BLU Scout, and made himself look as if he was about to strike her. Of course, due to the Dead Ringer, this would be impossible. All a part of the YLW Spy's plan.

The woman retaliated to the YLW Spy's fake strike by slapping him, activating the Dead Ringer. A fake dead body fell.

"Oh my God! I've killed him! Oh, oh, oh, what do I do!"

She ran off, down a nearby hallway, then up the stairs. The YLW Spy uncloaked.

"Oh, how I love this watch." He thought to himself. He took out his cigarette case, lit a new cigarette, and disguised as a BLU Soldier. He followed the path of the woman, attempting to find the Mayor's bedroom.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure he was a Scout, guards! Please, search the building!" The woman exclaimed to the guards. The YLW Spy started to walk down the Hallway, looking around to give a pseudo-confused look on his disguised face.

"Erm, could I help you, sir?" The Woman queried
"Yeah, where are the bathrooms in this place?" The YLW Spy asked inquisitively
"Um, all the way down the hallway on the right."
"Thanks!" The YLW Spy said.
"No problem..." the woman said, quite confused.

The YLW Spy meandered down to the bathroom, noting that the room directly across was probably the Mayor's bedroom (The door was different than all the others, having a golden doorknob rather than a silver, and having a fine oak finish applied to it). He went inside the bathroom, and waited for the two guards and the woman to go back to their posts.

"Ah, a resupply cabinet! Wonderful! The YLW Spy thought to himself. Now would be a perfect time to swap watches for a bit. He put the Dead Ringer away, and took out his Cloak & Dagger.

The YLW Spy promptly cloaked, crouched, and slowly walked out of the bathroom, and to the Mayor's door. It wasn't closed completely, so he simply pushed it open. The door creaked slightly, but the guards weren't even phased by the noise.

The YLW Spy slowly crept towards the corner of the room, stood up, and uncloaked. He waited about 15 seconds to make sure no one heard, then looked at his Cloak & Dagger for the time. 11:57 PM

"I miss the Dead Ringer, just for the time..." The YLW Spy thought to himself.

He took his paper mask off, then took his butterfly knife out. He quickly flicked it open, and walked over to the bed. The Mayor was lying on his stomach, back open for penetration. The Spy smiled with delight, poised his arm for the strike, and went in.

The Mayor didn't let a cry out, for the strike severed his spine in two. A perfect shot by the YLW Spy. He disguised as Mayor Enji Neer, then took his Cloak & Dagger off. He put it around the real Mayor's dead body, cloaked it, and shoved it under the bed.

"I've got a few to spare, heheh..." The YLW Spy thought to himself.

"Oh, right, I need a confirmation note..." The YLW Spy realized. He took the piece of paper that the original note was written on, flipped it over, and wrote:




The YLW Spy put the piece of paper in his cigarette case, and snapped it shut. He waited a few seconds, then opened it back up. The piece of paper had disappeared.

"Oh, the joys of having a contract with Spytech." The YLW Spy thought with amusement.

"And now, to get some rest."

And so, the YLW Spy went to sleep.

He awoke promptly at nine, ate breakfast, and changed into a more formal pair of clothes for his disguise. He noticed when he woke up that he had a speech to give, so he may as well to avoid any possible mess-ups occurring.

At 10:45, the YLW Spy was getting ready for the speech. The script was written out weeks ago by one of the city officials, so the YLW Spy had nothing to worry about with improvising.

The Speech was started at 11, and about half the populous of the town arrived to listen. The YLW Spy started to read after about 30 seconds of getting up on the podium.

"My fellow Viaducks, we have gathered here today to discuss one thing, and one thing only: breaking the law. Now, whether it be something deemed "petty" like thievery of gum from the general store, or something deemed "major" like murder, breaking the law is a bad thing to do..."

The YLW Spy went on and on for about 45 minutes. About 10 minutes into the speech...

"Aye, Doc, you notice somethin'... strange about the mayor?"
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Quote from: Kilroy on August 15, 2009, 11:05:16 AM
Period 1 - World History (AP)
Period 2 - Spanish 2 (hush) [Crantz]
Period 3 - Honors English
Period 4 - Gym (A Days) [Larsen]
Period 4 - Earth Science Lab (B Days) [Benedetto]
Period 5 - Tech Draw (First half of the year)
Period 6 - Lunch (Second half of the year)
Period 7 - Geometry (hush) [Hamilton]
Period 8 - Lunch (first half of the year)
Period 8 - Health (Second half of the year)
Period 9 - Study Hall [Shamonsky]
Hey you have the same science teacher I had last year D:



Day n nite...
I toss and turn, I keep stressin' my mind, mind.
I look for peace, but see I don't attain.
What I need for keeps this silly game we play, play.
Now look at this...
Madness the magnet keeps attracting me, me.
I try to run, but see I'm not that fast.
I think the first but surely finish last, last.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Wait, what?#w#a#t
oh noes!



...this conversation appears to bea lost cause, especially if you missed my point.
still not a pokefag


Lohn Jocke




hmm i have nothing on my clipboard...except for about 4 spaces in a row... :O
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.