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The Legend of Zelda: Hyrulean Tales

Started by zeldafreak008, January 01, 2008, 10:47:35 AM

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Cale's fight was going well, he parried all of the Wolfos' attacks, then when it let it's guard down, he struck like lightning.

It was dead withing seconds. "That was easy!" He said.

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Spyke watched as the arrows hit the Wolfos, and watched his other partners slash madly.  Spyke got in one slash, and the Wolfos fell back with a hard thud and lay lifeless on the ground.

"Wow, that was rather easy," Spyke said.

The celebration was short lived, especially when two more Wolfos appeared.  Spyke waited for his comrades to attack.

***(((can't do much, I have to go for a bit, sorry)))***

[color="darkgreen"]CLICK MAH SIG FOR SOMETHING COOL![/color]


Cale saw the other two spring up.

He jumped over one, and slahed at him from behind. It was down quickly.

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Blake blinded the other one with an arrow to the eye. As the creature raged, he drew his sword and stabbed it through the heart.


Jake stunned the next one with his shield and used his favorite helm splitter move to finish it off.

"How many left?" Jake asked, trying to count them all.


((Not to put a damper on things.....But the Helm Splitter is a move exclusive to Link.  :( ))

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((That means I'm not allowed to learn it? :(  darn, I love that move...))


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on January 01, 2008, 06:32:20 PM
((That means I'm not allowed to learn it? :(  dang, I love that move...))

((Me too, but Heros' shade said that only Link can learn it!))

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Spyke ran up to the remaining Wolfos and lashed out with full force.  It tried to fight back, but it was a lost cause.  The Wolfos parried some, but not all of Spyke's attacks, and the same with Spyke parrying the Wolfos' attacks.  In the end, Spyke's attacks packed a bigger punch, and the Wolfos knew it.  It fell down, defeated, and laid there, motionless.  Spyke knew he was victorious.

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"Hey look what I found!" Cale pulled out a key.

"I climbed the vines along the walls here and found this at the top."

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Smart, no one would ever climb vines for no reason, nice place to hide the key... Spyke thought to himself.

"Nice find!" Spyke said, then he looked around, and sure enough, the door into the next room was locked, "Now come open this door, I'm already ready to get out of here!"

[color="darkgreen"]CLICK MAH SIG FOR SOMETHING COOL![/color]


Ooc// I gotta go, so I'll do this. I'll be back after lunch

Ic// Cale walked over and put the key in the door. He turned it and it opened. He opened the door, "Shall we?" He motioned inside.

Ooc// See ya!

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Sir Aaron

Erin jumped up next to them
Man that was some battle even for those wolfosHe said


Jake smiled and dove inside. "Ha, I was the first one in!" he called back, getting back up and dusting himself off. "Wow," he added as he actually took a good look around.


Cale went in after him. He noticed a skulltula hanging from the ceiling. he took out his bow and shot it.

"This place is crawling with monsters!" He said once it fell.

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