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Holy moly is literally no one talking about the PS4?

Started by Neerb, February 21, 2013, 11:28:19 AM

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It's coming out this holiday season, and while the console hasn't been shown, the Dualshock 4 has been.

The console's promoting a lot of high-end social gaming features, like live-streaming your online friend's gameplay and sending people screenshots in-game, so there's even a button labeled "Share" on the actual controller. There's a tiny touch pad, too, and while I'm not sure what good it would do, it is at least multi-tap capable (as opposed to Nintendo's single touch products). There's also a light on the front that lets it use PS Move-level motion control thanks to the new Playstation Eye, which is essentially an HD 60fps Kinect that comes with the console.

The list of games includes exclusives such as Killzone: Shadow Fall and inFAMOUS: Second Son (the latter of which has multiple playable characters, none of which are Cole) as well as notable ports such as Diablo 3, Destiny, and Watch Dogs (the last of which has also been confirmed for Wii U!).

Graphically speaking, it's essentially a high-end PC, which is an improvement over the PS3 and the strongest home console to date; however, while it's technically stronger than Wii U, demo videos show that there is by no means a generation-sized gap like PS3-Wii.

At any rate, the whole thing looks pretty sweet; it'll probably be pretty expensive, though, so I might not get it for a while (I've gotten every Sony console near the end of its life).


Won't get it at launch but will eventually get one.

The next Xbox is, going off of what we know from leaks, going to have a major Kinect focus. Microsoft has already given up on their development teams and doesn't seem to want to compete with Sony and Nintendo's core side anymore. They're just going to focus on the casuals.

I'm glad I jumped ship a couple years ago


This just in: the thing has ZERO backwards compatibility.

That's a shame; and to think I was complaining about Wii U's roundabout backwards compatibility. Still, at least there are actually internal reasons for it, as opposed to their backhand-to-the-face that was PS3's "backwards" compatibility.


~~ <3


Quote from: zephilicious on February 21, 2013, 12:00:01 PM

Wii was literally the only console they ever made where the core was not either the direct focus or was so heavily present that it didn't matter who they focused on. Don't be a noob.

'sides, he's talking specifically about the new gen, and both Wii U's lineup and 3DS's library look pretty awesome so far.


so catching up to where they should have been last generation and throwing a couple new gimmicks on counts as core now

got it

the next xbox will have just as many core games, graphics and gimmicks that aren't 5+ years out of date from day one and yet it's the casual console?
~~ <3


Kinect integration on the next Xbox and whatever the hell the PS4 is doing will insure that neither of these systems will be taken seriously. Kinect just does not work for most games. Even Nintendo realized that you had to have some sort of non-motion based input to go with motion controls, and that was in 2006. The Move is such a failure that I cannot believe Sony is trying to keep going with motion controls. Nobody I knew ever owned one, and the games for it never seemed that impressive.

My PC that I built last year is more powerful than this thing. That and the fact that they showed off their new system with a Killzone game and an inFamous game doesn't impress me since both of those games were done better elsewhere. I'm sure they'll show a fourth Uncharted game soon, too. They weren't reasons to buy a PS3, and they won't be reasons to buy a PS4.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: zephilicious on February 21, 2013, 12:15:45 PM
so catching up to where they should have been last generation and throwing a couple new gimmicks on counts as core now

got it

the next xbox will have just as many core games, graphics and gimmicks that aren't 5+ years out of date from day one and yet it's the casual console?

The Xbox 360 in the last two to three years has almost completely focused on Kinect. Microsoft has pretty much killed all of their development teams(MGS and Ensemble), including Rare(kinect games and avatar bullpoop). How exactly is it not the casual console? What 360 games came out last year that weren't multiplat and weren't Kinect? The list is abysmally small. On top of all that, take out the shooters. You now have nothing. And they're still succeeding. The next Xbox will be a continuation of this crap.

Quote from: Neerb on February 21, 2013, 11:57:39 AM
This just in: the thing has ZERO backwards compatibility.

That's a shame; and to think I was complaining about Wii U's roundabout backwards compatibility. Still, at least there are actually internal reasons for it, as opposed to their backhand-to-the-face that was PS3's "backwards" compatibility.

Incorrect. It'll have a cloud-feature where you can play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games. They didn't give us any more details than that. Lets not forget the PSN Store where you can get PS1, PS2, and PS3 games anyway. Maybe they can figure out a feature where it reads the disc and grants you access to the cloud version of that game or something.


Quote from: Z on February 21, 2013, 01:13:28 PM
Incorrect. It'll have a cloud-feature where you can play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games. They didn't give us any more details than that. Lets not forget the PSN Store where you can get PS1, PS2, and PS3 games anyway. Maybe they can figure out a feature where it reads the disc and grants you access to the cloud version of that game or something.

I'd hardly refer to a Virtual Console as "backwards compatibility" since you have to rebuy everything and have a sturdy enough internet connection every time you do. The fact that it's streaming will only make it worse; there are plenty of people who have a rough enough time downloading games on PSN, let alone streaming them. Still, better than nothing.


i'm hoping to get the new xbox, but if they dump backwards compatibility from the 360 i'll probably eventually jump ship to this. it looks pretty nice and microsoft has been choking on cock lately. plus i couldn't get less of a intercourse  about fps games anymore. I'm hoping the PS4 will have the influx of great looking japanese games the PS3 received. The xbox missed out on a ton of good ones, although got a few like deathsmiles. and i'm intercourse ign sick of the constant hardware failure, not gonna trust them follow them without good reasoning.

Quote from: zephilicious on February 21, 2013, 12:15:45 PM
so catching up to where they should have been last generation and throwing a couple new gimmicks on counts as core now

got it

the next xbox will have just as many core games, graphics and gimmicks that aren't 5+ years out of date from day one and yet it's the casual console?

lol do you even play video games? nintendo still has a core side
and protip, the difference between core and casual isn't hardware or gritty gears of war graphics
games like SMTxFE, FE Awakening, the new monolith software game, and even intercourse ing kid icarus on 3ds aren't casual
i wouldn't even really place pikmin on the casual side, especially if they add the timed element back in

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Z on February 21, 2013, 01:13:28 PM
The Xbox 360 in the last two to three years has almost completely focused on Kinect. Microsoft has pretty much killed all of their development teams(MGS and Ensemble), including Rare(kinect games and avatar bullpoop). How exactly is it not the casual console? What 360 games came out last year that weren't multiplat and weren't Kinect? The list is abysmally small. On top of all that, take out the shooters. You now have nothing. And they're still succeeding. The next Xbox will be a continuation of this crap.

how is that any different from what nintendo has done for the last 6 years? the fact that the handful of core games are rehashed marios and zeldas instead of rehashed shooters is only a matter of taste.

I'm not arguing that Microsoft has not gone full on casual, but to claim that nintendo is doing anything different is absolutely ridiculous.
~~ <3


Nintendo WAS, but now Nintendo isn't.

Heck, the 3DS eShop has had more exclusive core titles than Xbox 360 has lately. Then you take into account the pretty impressive physical library the 3DS already has (two different Mario platformers, Star Fox, Zelda, Kid Icarus, Resident Evil, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts, etc), plus the big lineup they have ahead (DKCR 3D, Mario&Luigi 4, Pokemon X/Y, Monster Hunter 3U & 4, Project X Zone, Pheonix Wright, Professor Layton, Pheonix Wright vs Professor Layton, Smash Bros, etc.), plus all the stuff on Wii U (Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, CoD, the best 2D Mario since the SNES, Arkham, etc.) PLUS all the stuff coming out for Wii U (Pikmin, Bayonetta, Watch Dogs, Rayman, Smash Bros, new 3D Mario, Monster Hunter 3U, Wonderful 101, etc.). Nintendo said it wants to be core again, and it's definitely on its way, especially now that it's earning more trust of 3rd parties.

The only people who say Nintendo isn't core are the ones not playing; even the Wii, King of Casual, had a slew of awesome 1st party titles and quite a few sweet 3rd parties as well (NMH1&2, Red Steel 2, MadWorld, Tatsunoku vs Capcom, etc.).

Now, this is a PS4 thread, so if you wanna keep spewing absolute nonsense, do it... well, nowhere.


oh joy a bunch of remakes and rereleases. every console is casual as intercourse  now. your precious nintendo is not any better than the rest.

ps4 included, now this is relevant. who the intercourse  tries to shut down conversation on a dead forum anyway?
~~ <3


Quote from: zephilicious on February 21, 2013, 02:26:43 PM
oh joy a bunch of remakes and rereleases. every console is casual as intercourse  now. your precious nintendo is not any better than the rest.

ps4 included, now this is relevant. who the intercourse  tries to shut down conversation on a dead forum anyway?

how does that make them not core? idiot. stop fishing for nothing

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


a couple of core games that can already be played elsewhere doesnt make the wii u a core console. or any more core than the next xbox will be as was the original statement.
~~ <3