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Favorite boss battle in any RPG?

Started by Fell, December 29, 2007, 08:08:22 AM

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I can't believe I forgot about my second favorite boss.

Frank Horrigan (Fallout 2)

Ol' Frank isn't as tough, interesting, deep, or unique as The Master was, but he's still an incredibly fun boss to fight. Unlike the Master, it is impossible to avoid Frank; you have to engage him in combat. Fortunately, there are a large amount of different options for taking him down. You also have a certain amount of time to accomplish this task and escape before the building is blown up.

*There's the classic: charge at him guns blazing Rambo style and pray that he and his gattling turrets don't blow you to pieces.

*If your persuasion skill is high enough you can convince a group of Enclave soldiers to turncoat against him, and allow them to believe that you'll help them fight him. You can do just that. Or, while they engage him in combat, you can go back on the deal and simply sneak out of the building while Frank is having fun slaughtering them. You escape, they don't, and Frank Horrigan gets blown up along with the entire building in a spectacular fashion.

*Engage him in combat. Then, command your party members to engage him in combat. They'll all die for sure (in Fallout, if a party member dies, they stay dead) but their sacrifice will give you enough time to hack all of Frank's gattling turrets. They'll then turn against him and mow him down. If by some miracle one of your party members survived against Frank, he'll obviously be mowed down by the gunfire as well.

*If your sneak skill is high enough, you can sneak up on Frank without being noticed, plant a couple sticks of active dynamite on him, retreat quietly, and watch as he is blown to pieces. Congratulations, you just took down the main bad guy without him even knowing of your existence.

*My favorite method, but it's also the most challenging to pull off, the longest, and the most violent, but it is also by far the funnest. First, persuade the Enclave soldiers to join you for the fight. Then, command all of them and all of your party members to engage Frank in close quarters combat. They'll attempt to blow him to pieces with shotguns, assault rifles, electric-powered sledge hammers, their bare hands, etc; while Frank attempts to slaughter them with his electric-powered blade arm, and gattling gun arm.

Meanwhile, you can hack a single turret, and take cover behind it. The hacked turret will shoot at Frank (which will more than likely damage your allies as well, but oh well). While all that's going on, you can provide covering fire with a sniper rifle by sniping out all of the targeting sensors on the enemy turrets, making them completely useless. By the time all of the turrets are taken down, the bodies and body parts of your allies will more than likely be scattered across the floor. Frank, having just took all of that punishment will be out of hps and crawling on the floor towards you (part of his awesome death animation) only to be torn in half while crawling due to the immense damage taken. His upper half will still attempt to crawl toward you, only to be stopped instantly as you blast that final bullet into him.

Really, when it comes to awesome RPG boss fights, no game can hold a candle to the fights in Fallout, in my opinion. Besides, what other RPG allows you to cuss out the final boss with the vilest of insults?

Oh, and nobody has a cooler death animation than Frank Horrigan. Well, except maybe this guy:

I'll post some more of my favorite boss fights later.


Spongebob does not approve


Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on January 11, 2008, 05:56:04 PM
Woah! Aweosme!


Indeed. You should give the Fallout games a try. You can buy the Collector's Edition at Amazon for about $10. It includes Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. They're all tactical turn-based games, though, so if those aren't your thing you might not enjoy them.



Black Knight in RD. I had to change it to BK in Fe10. I just now fought him and it was a lot of fun.


Hmm..i'd have to say Abyssion from Tales of Symphonia....I mean, he's easy once you've played through ToS enough and have beaten him more than once, but..the first time against him was really hard.  :(


Doom Dragon: Golden Sun
Ramierz: Skies of Arcaida
Neblim: Tales of the Abyss


I love fighting Bowyer in Super Mario RPG.

Then there is the Beholder in Baulder's Gate: Dark Alliance

Of course, MODOK is cool in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance!

Faust was fun in Legend of Dragoon as well! ;D


I'd say probably Culex from SMRPG. Hard as hell, but very satisfying once you beat him.