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The Return of PY Trivia

Started by PsychoYoshi, January 15, 2008, 05:00:18 PM

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Hey, guys.

I'm planning on reviving my old brand of trivia starting next Tuesday at 7 PM Central Time in the chat. It's point-based trivia with a twist: lots of crazy special questions with beneficial or detrimental effects.

Win, and you'll get the Mage Apprentice rank for a week! It's got a great color, brand-new sprites, and hey, maybe I'll throw a special power or two in with the rank.

However, this isn't your family-friendly, garden-variety Trivia Assassination. If you wind up with a negative score, you will be subjected to PUNISHMENT! PUNISHMENT! means no Power On for a week. But the only way to get a negative score is by goofing off or not paying close attention to the questions.

Interested? Of course you are. Read on for the rules.

1) Spelling counts, forever and ever and ever, amen. Caps does not. For our purposes, correct use of hyphens and spacing count as "spelling".

2) 'Normal' questions are worth 1 to 3 points based on their relative difficulties. The first to answer correctly gets the points.

3) An hour after the trivia begins, the normal round is over. The top three scorers will advance to the 'Deathmatch': A single, multi-part question. The first to answer it correctly wins; the remaining two finalists will battle for second place.

4) By taking part in the trivia, you assert that you have read these rules and are fine with receiving a virus rank should you wind up with a negative score. For our purposes, 'taking part' means answering any question.

5) If you feel that I have the wrong answer to a question, you may ask me nicely to reconsider. I may award you credit or void the question. Here's the kicker: if I decide the answer is fine as it stands, that's the final judgment. Period. Don't get testy, don't whine, don't moan.

6) Various special questions have various special effects. Below is a list of the most common types. There may be more than what appears on this list:

Negative Point Questions: Act as a check to fast typers and people who don't read the entire question before answering. These questions appear just like normal questions, but are worth -1 to -3 points. However, you'll also be able to recognize these because they're typically extremely easy questions like "Who is Mario's brother?" or "Who was Link's fairy in Ocarina of Time?"

Shaun's Requiem: Previously known as "Shaun's Fury". If you are the first answer correctly, you may moot someone of your choice for five questions.

Snatcher: Get this right and you can steal 5 points from anyone on the scoreboard. If they don't have five, they'll go into the negative score range.

Booster: This question is worth double or triple its normal value, but it's a bit more tricky than your average question.

Hyperbooster: An extremely tricky question worth 5 times its normal value.

Penalizer: Booster's evil twin. The question is worth 5 points, but you'll lose three points if you answer incorrectly or with bad spelling.

Disco Inferno: If you get this correct, you can make one of your opponents dance with rage as they lose half of their points. If you're the merciful type, you can take 5 points as an alternate prize.

Pity Flower: The age old or selfishness? Will you choose "greed" and take 5 points, or choose "pity" and send all people with negative point totals back to zero (and earn only 3 points?)

Pincushion: If you win, you can sacrifice 2 points to make three other opponents lose 3 points, or take 5 points if you're a cowardly wuss.

Spice of Life: A question that deviates from the standard topic. It can be about anything. Worth 1-5 points.

Revolution Psychosis: Get this right, and you may opt to equalize everyone's scores. Think of a Bowser Revolution from Mario Party. If this wouldn't work out for you, you can take 5 points instead.

The Prize is Wrong: Get this right and you can choose between three curtains. A good prize lies behind each one, but you won't know what you'll get until you've selected! It could be something that defends you against other special questions, or additional points!

Twilight Realm: If you get this question correct, you may opt to either send the round into the 'Twilight Realm', which will make the next 5 questions all special questions. Or you can take 5 points. It doesn't matter to me.

Annnnnnnnnd that's about all. I hope to see you next Tuesday. Any questions? PM me or see me in chat.


PY I love you. It's been over a year, I think. D:


Yay :)

But Trivia Assassination will be getting a few twists added in, as well ;)

Also, yay for virus ranks <3



Maybe I should have read this before jokingly getting the negative question :(

4) By taking part in the trivia, you assert that you have read these rules and are fine with receiving a virus rank should you wind up with a negative score. For our purposes, 'taking part' means answering any question.

So... I don't see or know of this condition until reading this thread? I wouldn't know that I'm asserting that I've read these unless I already have read them. It might as well not be in here since it doesn't apply to anybody that sees it.


Quote from: bluaki on January 29, 2008, 09:37:58 PM
Maybe I should have read this before jokingly getting the negative question :(

4) By taking part in the trivia, you assert that you have read these rules and are fine with receiving a virus rank should you wind up with a negative score. For our purposes, 'taking part' means answering any question.

So... I don't see or know of this condition until reading this thread? I wouldn't know that I'm asserting that I've read these unless I already have read them. It might as well not be in here since it doesn't apply to anybody that sees it.

You raise a good point. I typically post a thread in Power On warning people to read the rules before trivia starts. Starting next week, I'll change the topic in chat referring people to this thread. That way, there won't be any more misunderstandings...unless people are illiterate and don't read the topic. And in that case, they deserve the rank anyway.

I'll knock the rank off for bringing this up, though.


Quote from: PsychoYoshi on January 29, 2008, 11:56:31 PM
Quote from: bluaki on January 29, 2008, 09:37:58 PM
Maybe I should have read this before jokingly getting the negative question :(

4) By taking part in the trivia, you assert that you have read these rules and are fine with receiving a virus rank should you wind up with a negative score. For our purposes, 'taking part' means answering any question.

So... I don't see or know of this condition until reading this thread? I wouldn't know that I'm asserting that I've read these unless I already have read them. It might as well not be in here since it doesn't apply to anybody that sees it.

You raise a good point. I typically post a thread in Power On warning people to read the rules before trivia starts. Starting next week, I'll change the topic in chat referring people to this thread. That way, there won't be any more misunderstandings...unless people are illiterate and don't read the topic. And in that case, they deserve the rank anyway.

I'll knock the rank off for bringing this up, though.
See, whining works in some situations. :)


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on January 30, 2008, 06:03:16 AM
Quote from: PsychoYoshi on January 29, 2008, 11:56:31 PM
Quote from: bluaki on January 29, 2008, 09:37:58 PM
Maybe I should have read this before jokingly getting the negative question :(

4) By taking part in the trivia, you assert that you have read these rules and are fine with receiving a virus rank should you wind up with a negative score. For our purposes, 'taking part' means answering any question.

So... I don't see or know of this condition until reading this thread? I wouldn't know that I'm asserting that I've read these unless I already have read them. It might as well not be in here since it doesn't apply to anybody that sees it.

You raise a good point. I typically post a thread in Power On warning people to read the rules before trivia starts. Starting next week, I'll change the topic in chat referring people to this thread. That way, there won't be any more misunderstandings...unless people are illiterate and don't read the topic. And in that case, they deserve the rank anyway.

I'll knock the rank off for bringing this up, though.
See, whining works in some situations. :)

I wouldn't call that whining; I'd call that a well thought-out and cohesive argument. If only more people thought of addressing concerns this way instead of just saying "Mod x is wrong and im right :|".


My goal in life is now to stay in second place forever.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


Quote from: Totla on January 15, 2008, 05:05:28 PM
PY I love you. It's been over a year, I think. D:

Needs more FE trivia.

It would be awesome if I could host one of those in chat. Oops, I came.



You can count me in this tuesday!