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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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"Ok," said Lux, releasing his Pokemon.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 26, 2007, 04:02:23 PM
"Ok," said Lux, releasing his Pokemon.

As he let out his pokemon, I also let out mine. "Come on out everyone! Meet Buneary everyone!" Cyndaquil, and Buizel both looked at the pokemon that looked familiar, then started to interact with BUneary too.


"You have a third now. The battle field is even now."


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 26, 2007, 04:09:42 PM
"You have a third now. The battle field is even now."

"You are right, well we should get our rest before we go to our gym battle later on." I said to Lux yawning at the end of the sentence

OOC///You are leaving tonight?


OOC/Yeah. I might be able to come on tomorrow, but I am not sure. Plus I gotta go eat supper before I go.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 26, 2007, 04:19:28 PM
OOC/Yeah. I might be able to come on tomorrow, but I am not sure. Plus I gotta go eat supper before I go.

OOC/// Well I asked because if you are leaving then I might make my battle stretch over the weekend, being descriptive and stuff.


IC/// -------A few hours later (in the morning)--------

"Ahhhhhhh" I said while I was yawning. "Come on out everyone!"   A red light appreared out of 3 of the 6 pokeballs, and out came 3 different pokemon. "Bun!" "Cynda!" "Bui!" they said as they came out. "Today we are versing the Eterna Gym Leader, her name is Ivy." I told the pokemon.


OOC/ just pretend I am following and watcing silently.
Ic/ "Good luck!"


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 26, 2007, 04:46:36 PM
OOC/ just pretend I am following and watcing silently.
Ic/ "Good luck!"

OOC/// We can keep on going untill you have to leave so we can talk about our journey there, and stuff ;) :)


Quote from: missignomaster on October 25, 2007, 06:54:31 PM
Still unable to see, turtwig took the hit and fainted. "Good ob turtwig, return. Go Roserade! Use magical leaf!" Glowing leaves homed in on croagunk.

OOC// I gotta go for the night.

The magical leaves hit croagunk hard.He fell to the floor and stayed there for awhile.Boogie thought he had fainted,but he got back up.Remembering the good combo of attacks earlier,he reused them.

"Croagunk,use mud slap followed by focus punch!"The pokemon threw the mud,and ran forward with his fist glowing.


Roserade fell for the mud slap and was hit by the focus punch. she still had some fight left though.
"Use stun spore!" Roserade started spraying the spores at croagunk.


Gible felt the ground rumble beneath her. She could feel the rumble growing stronger and stronger, until the ground beneath her began to crack and she began to see light through the slight tremors. Immediately, Gible jumped back, and the Hyper Beam permeated the ground she had recently been standing on. Regaining her composure, Gible re-positioned herself, her claw glowing with a metallic shine instinctively as she waited for the Rhyhorn to resurface.

Shaelyn frowned slightly, but it didn't last long. Okay, so far, there are some obedience issues... But I'm sure I can work that out in due time. she thought to herself. For now, she would just wait and see how Gible fared on her own.


Rhyhorn rushed at Gible with Take Down.


Acting on impulse, Gible executed her own attack and ran forward, her metal claw extended. But, just as she got close enough to the Rhyhorn, she slid beneath its massive belly, and then lifted her claw to swipe at him with her Metal Claw attack.

Hmm... Pretty resourceful. Shaelyn thought as she watched her Pokemon battle without any command. But she does act on impulse. I'll have to work on that.


Rhyhorn started trying to Stomp on Gible.