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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on October 04, 2007, 04:55:28 PM
Ooc// I have to go watch survivor. BRB!

OoC//I'm watching Survivor right now!XD.

@Fear:Since I wasn't on for...about 2 hours we will just say Boogie was with her.K?Also:

Thanks for letting me make my other character.Now it's almost like my old Pokemon RP!The good old days!I'll type it up a little later.

IC//Boogie followed Shaelyn not saying anything.He couldn't stay quiet for long though.

" uh,wanna talk about it?"He wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say,but he knew something was bothering her.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 04, 2007, 04:09:44 PM
Seeing Nurse Joy, Lux thought of the Pokemon. He remembered what the girl had said about the wounded Pokemon she and her friends had found.

"Yes the pokemon has been fully healed after 2 days of waiting, he was done on the first day but your ummm partner wasn't here yesterday (:P)." said Nurse Joy

"Thanks Nurse Joy." I had said thankfully

"Where is this pokemon's pokeball?" She had asked.

"Well truth is I never caught him, I found him on the side of the road."

"Really?" she said, it sounded like she was in shock.

"Thanks anyway." I had said

"Goodbye!" Nurse Joy said.

"See you later! What do you think Lux, should I catch it, I really want to but not sure if I should."


Go ahead!             OOC* When I am not here you can keep going and pretend I am there.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 04, 2007, 06:08:19 PM
Go ahead!             OOC* When I am not here you can keep going and pretend I am there.

"Alright, let me ask it!"

OOC/// Can't control your character, and I was just joking, I don't care


Lux watched Pheonix prepare for battle. Cyndaquil was at a disadvantage, he knew. It had been a while since he had seen a battle.


OoC//Here it is,my other character.I put it in a new post so you can link it in the first posts.

It's pretty much copy and pasted from my previous RP.

Name: Shantae

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality:Shy and keeps to herself,except when around friends,she can be a little loud.


I don't think this Gaia avater really does her justice,I'll just post her original appearence(Wich isn't very long)

Skinny and large chested.Brown curly hair.Wears a grey wife beater and tan cargo pants.

History:She grew up in an orphange and ran away at the age of 12.She has fend for herself in the underground tunnels.She recently decided to become a Pokemon Trainer for fear that she was doing nothing with her life.

Starter Pokemon:

Breed Of Pokemon - Charmeleon(Given to her as a Charmander by Rowan)
Nickname - None
Gender - Male
Moveset -
Dragon Rage
Sunny Day
Fire Fang

Second Pokemon:

Breed Of Pokemon - Porygon
Nickname - None
Gender - None
Moveset -
Conversion 2

Favorite Pokemon Type: No real preference.

Other: Nothing much.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 04, 2007, 06:18:22 PM
Lux watched Pheonix prepare for battle. Cyndaquil was at a disadvantage, he knew. It had been a while since he had seen a battle.

"Go CYNDAQUIL!" I yelled



I flipped open my pokedex, it had told the data about Buizel.

"Cyndaquil use Smokescreen, then Swift!"


"Bui" As the Buizel said when it was hit with the Swift.

Then Buizel fired its swift, cancelling out each other.

"Cyndaquil use Flamethrower!"

as Cyndaquil started to use flamethrower, Buizel started to use water gun. As tehy both hit each other they created steam making it even harder to see on both sides.


They were evenly matched. Lux knew that this would be a  close fight.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 04, 2007, 06:27:54 PM
They were evenly matched. Lux knew that this would be a  close fight.

I looked over, I couldn't see Lux, but could he see me?

I was thinking of a strategy to use against this Buizel. Hmmmm should I go with offensive, deffensive, or annoyer? Why not go with Offense because the best defense is a good offense, and annoyer might annoy Buizel a bit.

"Cyndaquil use Rollout back and forth, along with ember!"

It would be a good offensive every now and then, and a pretty good annoyer attack.

The smokescreen started to clear up due to the bird pokemon above us. I saw the Buizel give a sign of surrender.

Why? Did Buizel think I was a good enough trainer? I thought in my head.


Lux saw it surrender. He cast out his mind into Buizel. It seemed distressed though he could not tell why.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 04, 2007, 06:39:00 PM
Lux saw it surrender. He cast out his mind into Buizel. It seemed distressed though he could not tell why.

Hmmmmm I guess I should capture the Buizel now. I took out a pokeball, and then I blinked, next thing I knew the Buizel was touching the pokeball. The buizel turned into a red glow, then disappeared into the pokeball.

"Wooo-Hoooo I just caught a Buizel!!!" I had shouted in pride.


Lux was happy for them, but he was still wary...


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 04, 2007, 06:50:04 PM
Lux was happy for them, but he was still wary...

As I looked over I saw an expression on Lux's face, he seemed like he was in shock, or something.

"What is wrong I asked Lux?"


Shantae arrived in Oreburgh.She came to battle their gym leader.After making her way through the city she found a blown up building.

W-What happend?

She also noticed a large man and a boy in a Zangoose outfit.She walked over to the large man.

"Uuum...excuse me."She said softly.

He didn't appear to hear her.

"Excuse me!"She said a lttle louder.

"Yes?"He replied impatiantly.

"What happned here?"

"Gym blew up.Team Rocket."He said,looking at the 'Zangoose-boy'.

"Thanks."She said,but he didn't hear her.

She made her way to a Pokemon Center to rent a room.She got a key and went upstairs.There was a boy and a girl up there,looking distressed.The boy was dressed with a wierd hat,so she almost wanted to laugh.But she went into her room instead and layed down on the bed.


"i am fine. But can't shake the feeling something bad is going to happen.