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What's up? Name's Sam.

Started by Sam Leonhart, November 03, 2010, 01:04:56 PM

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Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Dog Food

Quote from: Chrona on November 03, 2010, 09:10:21 PM
Another psychology paper or are you just bored?

Oh and hi, Sammy. Probably won't check out your sites, so sorry about that. I'm a one forum kind of person.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Welcome to the site.  i have nothing witty to say. 

Sam Leonhart

Man... This thing died when Kimoto joined...

I thank Oldenmw of FFU for this sig.


Quote from: Sam Leonhart on November 06, 2010, 08:54:30 PM
Man... This thing died when Kimoto joined...
Well, this is the introduction board, not the chat board, so yeah. 8)



I hope you have fun here, because SOMEBODY needs to...

Sam Leonhart

Quote from: AuraChannelerChris on November 06, 2010, 09:06:17 PM
Well, this is the introduction board, not the chat board, so yeah. 8)

But I like chats...

I thank Oldenmw of FFU for this sig.


Well this isn't a chat thread and chat threads aren't allowed so if you wanna chat, go to the chatroom. kthxby
Dude .


Quote from: Sam Leonhart on November 03, 2010, 01:04:56 PM
In a newbie moment, I forgot to read the rules, and posted this in someone elses intro thing... So, here's my own Intro Topic!

Name's Sam Leonhart. Call me Sam. I'm on a LOT of sites. (Fanfiction.Net, FanFicUnderground, Bleach Souls, KHForums* and Gotei Squads*. No name my main ones. If it has a '*', I helped make it. Please join those ones.) I'm into Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, SSB, and Zelda. And Manga. Bleach is awesome, and so is Naruto.


Welcome to forum.