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NS2 USERS: Read Before Posting, Or Pay...

Started by Macawmoses, December 31, 2007, 02:56:16 PM

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Hey all,

Your not so friendly Local Moderator here :O

This is a reminder that NS2 Discussion is to be kept within the official floated thread in Power On.

Official Statement 1

The above is the first statement about this. It is simply a warning.

Vaatixganon would proceed to make the floated thread, found below!

The Official NS2 Discussion Thread

People just did not listen, and continued making threads, so the below thread would then be made.

Official Statement 2

With that said, although this was aimed at Power On, the intro board has gotten outbursts of NS2 Discussions. The rules still apply here, on this board, and I will be enforcing them.

So, listen, or you will not be liking the consequences. This board has a large mod presence, so we WILL know.

First step, however, will probably be a warning, with a link to this thread. After that, we may get nasty.

