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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"Oh, great... Lanbar's getting drunk again," muttered Venice.


"What'd ya say 'bout my mother?" Lanbar said in an angry, but drunken way.


"Great," muttered Venice to himself. "Escape one twin, get attacked by the other."


"So now you want to insult my sister too -hic-, eh?" Lanbar said taking another big gulp of the rum.


"You have a sister?!" said Venice,voice oozing with mock surprise. He took another gulp of rum.


"Yeah! Her name'ssss..." Lanbar fell down to the ground, presumably unconsious from drinking so much today.


Venice examined the body and shrugged before getting up and starting to walk away.


Lanbar started snoring as he let go of the rum and it started to roll away.

((I'm going to go now.))



Venice walked away and stared at the recently fixed rail. He hesitated as he walked past it, but went to his room, nonetheless.


Boogie looked down at the bed. He re-red the note once more.

Hey Venice.
I'm leaving the group. I have to go hunt my brother.
He can not keep going on. I felt really disconnected
from the group, and I'm glad at least you were
my friend. Goodbye.
~~ Boogie.

Boogie set the note down. Shantae looked over at him. "Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes." Said Boogie, as he grabbed her hand and they ran off of the boat, into the darkness.

(( Yes, I am leaving this RP. I may be back once again. ))


Venice entered the room and noticed a note. As he read it, a look of worry and frustration came to his face. I guess they'll be alright, he thought, though that did little to calm him. He took another swig of rum before plopping down on the bed.


Harver creaked open an eye, and looked up at the nighttime sky. About 10 PM now... He shook the tree he was sitting under, and an apple fell down. He muched on it a bit. This will make for a nice snack, eh, Emit?
You're getting the instruments tonight?
Why, might I dare to ask?
I want to play for my parents one more time... Harver tossed the apple remains aside, and looked at the waves the ocean made. I'll go in a little bit. Wouldn't want to make a scene in front of the others.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Solon was in the worst possible mood. He just laid in his bed, ignoring his wounds. This was the worst day ever... He thought with a sigh. We can't keep up with them much longer. Or atleast, I can't...


Jas was still testing her new skills on the now mutilated water bottle. She used a Water spell to cool the melting plastic, then Blizzard to freeze it.

"Now for the last one," she says, feeling small cracks of static electricity around her hand, and seeing some spark around a blade. "Thunder!" A single lightning bolt strikes the frozen bottle, causing it to shatter into pieces and go flying into the walls with a loud 'THUMP!' Jas looks around, noticing that one of the walls has a huge dent in it, and several items were knocked over. "Aw poop... at least it's not the railing..."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."



Harver got up, and walked to find an edge of a cliff. He opened a portal, and walked through it.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.