
<+Clu> was cute sure but it doesnt even mention homosexuality

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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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A lot of modifications were done to Chapter 4.


Chapter 5: Primids's second attack! The vomit monster appears!

They went inside the basement, or rather a cave, fighting all the monsters in the way, but before getting out, a little pink blob blocks them.

"You will not (Burp) pass, I'm the Mini Barf" Said the Mini Barf.

"Gross" Paula replied.

"Giygas sure has gross and disgusting underlings" Ness pointed out.

"Let's ignore him and climb that ladde-" Jeff was interrupted because the Mini Barf exhaled a blast of stinky breath at him and he began crying "Why did you do that?!" Jeff asked angrily.

"You won't (Burp) either beat me" He then exhaled stinky breath at everyone, but Lucario got unharmed "Stay still, I can't (Burp) exhale my breath to yo-" Lucario stepped on him, defeating him instantly "I hate you (Burp) all"


Ness and company receives 7521 EXP points!

Ness level up!

HP by 4!
Offense by 3!
Defense by 2!
Speed by 2!
Guts by 3!
Luck by 1!
Vitality by 3!
IQ by 1!

After easily defeating the Mini Barf, the group continued their path until they reached the Grapefruit Falls. A man was near the cave.

"Excuse me, did you see ghosts carrying a little kid?" Paula asked.

"Hmm, I remember some ghosts carrying a little kid, and apparently, he was crying......loud" The man answered. Lucario made a fist "Oh, do you want anything? I sell neat things"

After shopping....

"Thank you, come again!"

They continued in their journey again, beating again all the monsters in the way (Lucario was a lot of help) and they found another cave.

"There is not another cave near here besides this one" Jeff moved his glasses "Let's enter"

A lot of Violent Cockroaches were inside the cave, it was easy to beat them. And they eventually got in the other side....finding a very weird village with walking heads with ribbons in their heads.

"We have visitors again boing?!" One approached to them "And they even tame beast boing!"

"Next time I hear someone calling me a beast or a monster, I'm going to kill somebody" Lucario muttered to himself. Ness shuddered a little in fear.

"Welcome to Saturn Valley, boing! Mr Saturn lives here in harmony boing! Until monsters made of barfs came here boing!" Mr Saturn said.

"Did you see a little kid being carried by monsters?" Paula asked.

"I see little kid being carried by monsters boing! He yelling too hard boing! Shouting "Daddy Lucario, help me!!!!" boing! Water, no, a lot of water coming from little kid's eyes boing!" Mr Saturn replied.

Lucario showed his fangs angrily at another way.

"Did you see where did they took him?" Ness asked this time.

"Mr Saturn doesn't know boing! But ask Mr Saturns in village boing! They may know something boing!" And so, the four heros asked around the villlage for clues, until they found a Mr Saturn with a clue.

"If you want to go to Belch's Factory, go to waterfall and ask to someone there, but when you ask him, don't say or don't press buttons for 3 minutes, then you enter Belch's factory boing!" Mr Saturn (Not the same one of course) told them "Also, I see some Mr Saturns were kidnapped boing! Please save Mr Saturns and we tell you our secret boing!"

They returned to the Grapefruit Falls, they went inside the waterfall and someone inside asked "Say the password!"

3 minutes later without saying anything...

" may enter" And the door of the factory opened up. When Lucario stepped inside, he glowed "..."

"Daddy! Daddy! Help me! I don't want to die! Help me!" Lucario heard the cries for help, he glared and ran towards where the voice was coming from "You know what? I'm not even asking him again, screw it!" Jeff said annoyed. Ness and Paula stared at him a while before running.

Inside the factory however, there were Primids too!

Humoresque of a little dog (A/N: I know, I don't even know why this music is in Brawl, because it doesn't fits for fight, but still, is catchy!)

Lucario's, Ness's, Paula's and Jeff's faces appear in the screen.

"PK Thunder!" Shouted Paula, firing at one Primid and blasting him off.

"PK Flash!" Shouted Ness firing at a group of 4 Primids and blastin them off too.

Suddenly, a Roader appears and rushes over Jeff "By my calculations, if I can dodge him in the exact-" He was interrupted because the Roader ran over him "And If I can stop saying my thoughts out loud, I could have dodged him" Lucario punched the Roader and it was sent off screen "Thanks for your assistance" Jeff remarked moving his glasses.

They move forward and 3 more Roaders appears, Paula uses her PK Fire to blast them off "Good move Paula! Can you teach me how to do that?" Ness asked "Sure, but after we defeat Giygas" She replied, Ness nodded.

However, when they were about to reach the end, a Big Primid appeared behind Jeff and punched him, he went off screen and Lucario, Ness and Paula were alone againts it.

"PK Flash!"

"PK Thunder!"

Lucario charged up an Aura Sphere and fired it to the Big Primid. The 3 attacks collided to the Big Primid and he dissapeared. They crossed inside a corridor, Jeff came back, following them.

"Daddy! Help me!" A familiar voice yelled from the other side, Lucario started to run faster and he made it to the other side. He saw Chris all tied up in chains upside-down above a pool of acid "Chris!" Lucario yelled running towards him, however, a big pile of green vomit blocked Lucario.

"Sorry (Burp), you can (Burp) leave him alone (Burp) above the pool (Burp) I'm Belch (Burp) the leader of this (Burp) factory, and also (Burp) Giygas's second in (Burp) command, this kid is a (Burp) good sacrifice for (Burp) master Giygas" Belch said, burping all the way.

"Let me rescue him now or you will die!" Lucario said angrily, showing his fangs, Ness, Paula and Jeff came from behind. Lucario punched Belch in his...body, but it didn't do any effect "What?"

"I'm invisible (Burp)" Belch pointed out, however, he smells something in the air "Is that smell (Burp) by any chance (Burp) Fly honey?" Ness took out the Jar of Fly Honey "This you mean?"

"Yes, yes! Give (Burp) it to me!" Ness threw at him the jar "Oh sweet (Burp) fly honey, my only (Burp) weakness to make me (Burp) not invisible....(Burp) oh crap" The four heros rushed at him.


Ness    Paula    Jeff    Lucario
150       123     103      189

Ness uses PK Rockin Beta!

Belch takes 89 damage!

Jeff uses a Bottle Rocket!

Belch takes 120 damage!

Belch exhales a stinky breath!

Ness starts crying!

Paula starts crying!

Jeff starts crying!

It has no effect in Lucario!

Paula attacks!

It misses!

Lucario attacks!

It misses!

Belch falls above the group!

Ness takes 30 damage!

Paula takes 45 damage!

Jeff takes 34 damage!

Lucario takes 12 damage!

Ness attacks!

It misses!

Jeff attacks!

It misses!

Paula attacks!

It misses!

Lucario attacks!

Belch takes 120 damage!

"Lower the (Burp) chains to the pool!" Belch said, the chains holding Chris are coming closer to the pool!

"Chris!" Lucario yelled, however, Belch calls a bunch of Slimy Little Piles over the group, buring them below "Daddy! I'm going to die! DADDY!" Chris starts to cry, Lucario and the others gets out of the pile and Lucario's eyes reflects Chris's tears falling to the acid pool.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lucario yells angrily, his body starts to glow intensely in a blue aura, everyone block their eyes, then Lucario jumps towards the chains, he catches Chris and brokes the chains with one hand, he lands safely on the floor with Chris in his arms.

"I was going to die! I was going to die! I don't want to die!" Chris cried louder in the floor, Lucario turned his head towards Belch, he glared at him angrily, Belch laughs and Lucario's eyes narrowed more, he placed his hands in front of him and he started talking with his eyes closed.

"Concentrate your aura in both hands" He said, placing his hands above his head.

"Let the flow gather in one place" He placed his hands to the right of his waist, he standed in a fighting position.

"And concentrate them in a big sphere of aura" Between his hands, an Aura Sphere was forming, but it was very different from the common Aura Spheres, because this one was growing bigger in every second. He opened his eyes, they were glowing in a bright yellow color.

"Then unleash the aura!!!" He fires the Aura Sphere to Belch, but instead of a normal shot, it became a enormous beam of aura, the beam was like Lucario's height by 2, a huge impact struck down Belch.

"I will (Burp) have my revenge!!!!!!....(Burp!)" The beam incinerated Belch and the Slimy Little Piles and they crashed in the wall, making a big tunnel on it, the tunnel was very long for a normal beam to make. Lucario stopped glowing and he knelted where Chris was crying. Ness, Paula and Jeff stared at the tunnel in awe.

"Everything is fine Chris, stop crying now" He said, Chris wiped his tears and hugged Lucario "Daddy! You're amazing! Thank you for saving me!" He said as tears were running from his cheeks. Lucario smiled and he placed his right hand on Chris's back.

"Simply interesting, the force of that beam was very powerful in terms of strength for a big pile of vomit...if that pile is a monster of course" Jeff moved his glasses.

"What is the name of that attack?" Ness asked. Lucario blinked for a second and he finally gave the name.

"I call it, Aura Storm" Lucario replied.

"(What kind of name is that for a beam?)" Jeff thought to himself.

"Daddy, I want to leave this place now, can we?" Chris asked, still hugged at Lucario "Yes" He answered rubbing Chris's back.

"Look, there is a tunnel besides the one Lucario mad-" Paula was interrupted because a huge crowd of Mr Saturns came from behind them.

"We're freed boing! We're freed boing! We're freed boing!" All said in unison running at the tunnel. Chris saw them with a confused face "Who were those walking-wearing-ribbons-heads?"

Jeff then jumped in surprise before talking and moving his glasses "Oh, I almost forgot, the broken machine is fixed now, we can return Chris to his original age Lucario, but we need him sleeping for it to work well"

"Let's head back to Saturn Valley for now" Ness said pointing inside the tunnel.

After travelling through the tunnel...

"Hey, we're back in Saturn Valley!" Paula said looking at the valley.

"This place is full of those walking-wearing-ribbons-heads!" Chris pointed out. Ness and Paula looked at each other and nodded "PK Hypnosis alpha!" Both shouted firing 2 waves in front of Chris, he fell asleep and Lucario grabbed him.

They placed Chris in the middle of the valley, all the Mr Saturns were looking at them "Okay, now I just need to point the machine to Chris and then..." He fired the beam at Chris, he was engulfed in a bright light, everyone closed their eyes, when the light was gone, everyone opened their eyes and Chris was back to normal.

"Ugh, my head, where am I?" He asked, then he saw the crowd of Mr Saturns around him "And when did I slept here?"

"Chris!" Lucario said running and knelting in front of him "Are you alright?"

Chris nodded "I'm fine, but why do you ask?"

"I'll explain it later" Lucario said smiling a little bit. Chris looked around and saw Ness, Paula and Jeff "Ness! Paula! Jeff!" He said in surprise.

"Glad you're back to normal Chris!" Ness said with a smile.

"Back to normal?" He asked confused.

"Eh, forget what he said" Paula replied.


"Our heros boing! Our heros boing! Our heros boing!" The Mr Saturns said smiling and jumping "Celebration for heros boing!" A Mr Saturn shouted "Yeah boing!" Everyone shouted as well.

That night...

"This Hot Spring is very relaxing" Chris said with a towel above his head inside the Hot Spring, some Mr Saturns were inside too. Lucario was near Chris "It soothens your soul and body, is very relaxing" He was also wearing a towel between his ears "Awwwwww" Chris said going deep inside the water.

"So he just simply punched that Cave Boy and it went crashing to the wall!" Jeff said, he took a sip of coffee and he became energetic in a second "I was stunned! It was really remarkable!" 5 Mr Saturns were hearing his speech, they were amazed.

"Jeff is sure acting with more energy now" Ness laughed, Paula just stared at Jeff's movements "It was coffee, what did you expect instead then?" She closed her eyes and smiled.

Suddenly from the sky, a tiny but heavy machine, a Wiimote and a note fell in the valley...above Lucario's head, he fainted in the water and the things fell in safe ground. Chris opened his eyes a little inside the water and saw 2 swirls where Lucario's eyes should supposed to be, he closed them and smiled...before yelling inside.

Well, since he was inside of the hot spring, bubbles came instead of words, he pulled Lucario out of the water, and the aura Pok?mon was still fainted with those swirls and his tongue was getting out a little bit.

"Lucario! Lucario! Lucario! Wake up! Please! You're creeping me out with your tongue getting out of your mouth!" He said shaking his best friend's shoulders back and forth. Then he spots the machine, the Wiimote and the note on the ground. And Lucario woke up.

"Ugh, something heavy fell above my head" He said rubbing his head. Chris tried to lift the machine, but he didn't lifted it. Lucario, on the other hand, lifted it without problems. Chris took the note.

"Good job Chris and Lucario, you 2 have liberated EarthBound from the Primids, return immediately to your house with the Wiimote A.S.A.P.

Sincerely, the hands

P.S: I like pies!

P.S.S: That was Crazy by the way

"Lucario, we did it! We did it!" Chris hugged Lucario in happiness.

"We should take the machine with us and ask about it to the hands" Lucario said holding the machine.

"So, you 2 are going?" Ness asked.

"Yes, we need to travel to the other worlds to save everyone" Chris replied.

"Too bad you 2 can't stay here" Paula said dissapointed.

"Wait a minute, Chris, what about your skill?" Jeff (Who was normal now) asked.

"Oh yeah, the skill, I don't know where to get it though" Chris said dissapointed, suddenly, he glowed in a bright light and he stopped "What was that?" He asked confused. He saw himself with other clothes besides his normal clothes, and he was wearing the same clothes as Ness's.

"When did you got my clothes on you?" Ness asked.

"I don't know! It happened randomly!"

"Chris, do something you can do now and you didn't before" Lucario said, staring at Chris.

"...Alright" He concentrated, then he shouted "PK Flash!" A bright green flash came from Chris's head and it exploded in mid-air.

"Oh my god! That was a PK Flash!" Paula said surprised.

"But how did you learned it?" Ness asked.

"It may seems odd, but Chris somehow understanded the power of the PSI you 2 have" Jeff moved his glasses "Well, I did saw them but I don't know when" Chris got in a thinking position.

"(When you were a little kid probably)" Lucario thought to himself.

"Let's ask the hands about this too" Chris said to Lucario, who nodded "So, good luck in your adventure Ness!" Chris grabbed the Wiimote and pointed it to the sky, Lucario placed his right hand in Chris's left shoulder and the 2 dissapeared in front of Ness, Paula and Jeff.

"Good luck to you too!" Ness said waving his left hand at the sky.

"We will see you again!" Paula shouted to the sky.

"Always think in every situation!" Jeff shouted to the sky, a shooting star came falling to somewhere in the night.

Preview of the next chapter

"Hi everyone! I'm Chris!

"I'm Lucario"

"We did it! We saved EarthBound from the Primids!.....Somehow"

"Why somehow?"

"Because I don't remember meeting Ness and Paula, and when I think about it, I think I met you long ago in my childhood, isn't that weird?"

"Is not weird, it was a special ocassion to me"


"Forget what I said before"

"...Alright...daddy" He smiled


"Nothing! I didn't said anything!"

Lucario smiled a little bit

"Next time: Questions! Journey to another world!"



Very good. But I have to ask... Vomit Monsters? Ew. :-P



Chapter 6: Questions! Journey to another world!

Master Tabuu, the invasion to Eagleland failed misserably.

What? Why? We have everything according to the plan!

It failed because of 2 persons, one was a kid and one was a Lucario.

Lucario? But we killed him before he could get away!

It appears this is another one, but, he is completely different than the last one, he is stronger, faster, and wiser.

Ugggghhhh, send the next invasion to the next destination! And this time, don't fail or you will feel my wrath.
He teleports away.

Why is this happening to my people?..... He floats away.

Chris's house

"Alright! We did it Lucario! Now we just need to sele-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

"What is it?.....!"

Chris and Lucario found themselves in a different location than they thought it was the same, but it wasn't. They were inside of a very technological base or something, the floor was blue and so do the walls, many computers were there and the place was huge.

"What the heck happened to my house?! MASTER HAND! CRAZY HAND!" Both of the hands appeared from nowhere.

"Yes, what is it?" Asked MH.

Chris crossed his arms "What did you 2 did to my house?!"

"Well, we remodeled it a little so we could do the things with more success"

"A little?!" Chris approached to a computer "This wasn't here the last time I was here! Now my house looks like a military base or something!"

"Hey chill out, your house is perfectly fine in reality" Master Hand snapped his fingers, and the whole place changed to Chris's room "What? What is happening?"

"Simple, I use my magic to change the place into a better location, nobody can see the remodelations from outside," Master Hand snapped his fingers, they were in the "base" "besides, we're in the Smash Mansion"

"The Smash Mansion?" Chris asked confused.

"Yep, this is the place where usually all the fighters were living together, until the whole SSE, currently, you and Lucario are standing in the command room of the mansion"

"The mansion has many rooms! Shooting range, kitchen, living room, bathrooms, everything!" Crazy Hand said moving his fingers.

"....Well, this is ok, I like this place!" Chris smiled.

"Chris, the machine" Lucario said.

"Oh, yes," Chris looked at MH "What is this machine who fell above Lucario?"

Master Hand gasped a little "That is....Crazy! I told you to send the lighter one! Not the heavier one!"

"Huuuuuuhhhhh?" Crazy Hand replied stupidly.

"Ugh, you're a dork, did you know that?" MH snapped his fingers and the machine was changed for a lighter one "That machine is the Primid Radar, see that gauge of the middle?"

Chris and Lucario stared at the gauge "When the gauge is in red, Primids are nearby, when is blue, they are far from you, now see that green spot in the top?" Both looked at the green spot "That's the Primid Locator, when is green, that world is protected from the Primids, meaning there isn't any Primid left to beat, but when it's red, that world is being invaded by Primids and must be eliminated A.S.A.P"

"Well, this will come handy" Chris stated "And what happened to me when I got Ness's powers? That is the Job System you were talking about?"

"The Job System?! I forgot to give you 2 your first jobs!" Master Hand snapped his fingers again and Chris and Lucario glowed for a second before stopping.

"So, you forgot to give us the first job?" Chris asked angrily.

"Yeah, it was a mistake I made, sorry, anyway, do you want to learn how to select a different job?" Chris and Lucrio nodded "Is pretty simple, first....wait a minute, you don't know how to access to the menu right?"

"No" Both answered.

"Oh, first, to access to the menu, you must stay out of the action, or not do anything, then think of accessing to the menu and presto! The menu is in front of you!"

A screen suddenly appears in front of the 4 "Yeah, that's more like it, see that icon with the words "Job System"? press it and the list of jobs will appear"

Chris pressed the Job System, and his jobs were being show "Now what? I need to press the job I want to choose?"

"Yes, whoa, you don't need a manual then!" Master Hand said surprised.

"Hmm, what is this job? "Aura Apprentice"?" Chris pressed it, and he was glowing suddenly, when the lights went out, his appearance changed.

"Lucario, how do I look now?" Chris asked.

"Is like looking myself in a mirror"

"What? I need a mirror!" A mirror appeared behind Chris, there wasn't any new clothes, but there were marking in his face and hands, there was the same black pattern in his face like Lucario's face, the black patern was also in his hands, same as Lucario's hands, his eyes were red now instead of brown.

"So does that mean I also get Lucario's powers?"

"Not really, since your job is apprentice, your power is inferior to Lucario, but you can use them with much lesser potency" Chris concentrated to make an Aura Sphere, but it didn't work.

"I'm only a person trying to impersonate Lucario then" He looked down dissapointed.

"Hey no getting sad or anything, you must practice with your job to learn an ability first" Master Hand pointed out "And now, let's see Lucario's first job, to change to another character, press that arrow pointing to the left," He pressed it and it changed to Lucario's job list "and there you go, your first job"

"My first job is "Monk" it has a description to know about it?" Lucario asked.

"Of course, when you highlight a job, the description is to the right of it" MH pointed to the description.

Monks are perfect in Hand-to-hand combat, they have big strength and can also counter hits directed to them, your hands are your best weapon, you can also equip gloves to increase the damage!

Lucario pressed the job, then he glowed and stopped, he was now wearing a red bandana in his forehead and a white karate uniform in his body.

"I feel different now"

"And in that way, you're going to rip many clothes with that spike" Crazy Hand pointed to Lucario's spike, that was making a hole in the uniform.

"But still, you're looking good" Chris said.

"I almost forgot, the description of Chris's job" MH took out a sheet of paper.

Aura Apprentice

Learn the way of the use of the aura, use Force Palm in your opponents to deal damage and stun them for a while, try to learn the most powerful move, Aura Sphere, and unleash it to deal massive damage!

"Force Palm?" Chris placed his hand in front of him and it glowed "Amazing!"

"Here, hit this Sandbag with Force Palm" MH snapped his fingers and a Sandbag appeared, Chris rushed at him with Force Palm and it went flying a little far from him "I did that?"

"Yes you did" MH pointed out "The big differentiation is quite interesting in other jobs, you 2 can learn them and master them, and something else I want to say, when you learn completely that technique or skill, you can use it even if you're not using the job where you were learning it, for instance, let's say you learned to use Aura Sphere in Aura Aprrentice, but when you change to the "PK Kid" job, you can use Aura Sphere in that job too"

Lucario charged up an Aura Sphere from his hand, firing it at the Sandbag, and it was destroyed "That is true, I can use it even if I'm currently in this job"

"Well, enough questions, now choose the next world to save" Master Hand teleported Chris's collection to the command room. Chris took "Super Metroid" and he pointed the Wiimote at it, Lucario placed his hand in Chris's shoulder and the 2 were teleported away.

"Crazy, let's do more things now!"

Preview of the next chapter

"I'm Chris!"

"I'm Lucario"

"Wait a minute, we're in a planet right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"And there are no plants around right?"


"...Don't we need to inhale air to live?"


"Next time! Metroids! The life sucking beasts!


Good job, but I think you will add to this later.


Chapter 7: Metroids! The life sucking beasts!


"Everything is too dark to see"

"Let me use my aura...!!!"

"What is it?"

"We're surrounded!"

The lights turned on, and they were surrounded by many guardians inside a colony, pointing their guns at them.

"We-we come in peace! We don't want to cause trouble here!" Chris said panicked.

"Sir, we have 2 guests inside the colony, one is a kid and the other is a beast with a spike on his chest" A guardian was talking through his communicator in his helmet.

"Send them to me immediately" A voice came from the communicator.

"Roger!" 5 guards escorted the duo to another room.

Ceres Space Colony
Commander's Room

Inside, there was a person with a very important uniform standing in front of a big window and looking the space outside. The guards pushed them to the floor, but Lucario retaliated and rolled in the floor.

"I'm the commander of this place and leader. What is your business inside the Ceres Space Colony and how did you 2 get in?" The commander asked.

Chris stood up "First, we come here to erradicate a menace that is invading all the worlds, we got a signal indicating they were around here"

"(Why are you talking like that?)" Lucario asked through his mind to Chris.

"(Because we're talking to a commander and we need to act like soldiers to make him understand the sittuation)"

"A menace? Do you mean the Space Pirates?"

Chris shook his head "Even worse, the Primids"


Chris nodded "That's right, Primids are purple creatures who want to take over the worlds by using high tech bombs that sucks everything they can touch with"

The commander turned to the window and crossed his arms behind his back "There isn't any other intruder besides you, however, we got a strange signal from the Planet Zebes, besides the Space Pirates, there are other creatures in there as well" He turned to them "If you've come here to eliminate them, you will need the assistance of our scientists to give you a special equipment that allows you to breath in any planet even if there isn't any oxygen in it, and for more help, we'll send you with a Bounty Hunter to aid you too"

"A Bounty Hunter?" Lucario asked.

"Did that creature just spoke?"

Chris nodded "Yes, Lucario can talk with words or through other people's minds too"

"I see now, if I'm sure, I think she is landing inside the colony in this moment, I'll call 3 guards to escort you to the hangar and meet her" The commander talked through his communicator and 3 guards escorted the duo out of the commander's room to the hangar.

Ceres Space Colony

"Samus's gunship has landed now" A guard said.

A orange ship with high tech weapons landed inside the hangar, a hatch opened from above and a person in a orange suit jumped from it and landed in front of Chris and Lucario.

"Um, hello?" Chris asked waving his hand. She stood up and spoke "Who is this kid and that beast?"

"The commander says is alright to have them here, besides, they are going with you to Planet Zebes to complete their mission" A guard told Samus.

"Planet Zebes? Isn't that place a Space Pirate base and it was also supposed to be destroyed?"

"Is a Space Pirate base and it got reconstructed again" Another guard said "And what is that thing you're holding?"

"This?" Samus placed a container with a creature inside "This is a metroid, but it was born in front of me and now he thinks that I'm his mother, but I need to deliver this to the scientists in the colony to examine him"

"If you want to find the investigation room, go straight this way and you will find it" One guard pointed to a door "You 2 can go with her too" Chris and Lucario nodded, then they were going with Samus to the investigation room.

Ceres Space Colony
Investigation Room

"Hmm, what did you bring this time Samus? A infant Metroid?" The scientists started to examine the infant Metroid "Amazing, we can harness the power of the Metroids to benefit the humanity, Samus, you made a important discovery!"

"Excume me, but we've come here to get some devices to breath without oxygen, the commander said that to us too" Chris said.

"That's right, we got the word from the commander, here, take this little devices" A scientist handed over 2 tiny devices to the duo "You just need to place them near your noses at it will produce air" They did and the devices started to produce air "Of course, being here will be hard to see the device working"

"I need to go to Zebes now, good luck with the investigation" Samus said leaving the room with Chris and Lucario following her to the gunship. They went inside and they left the colony.

"Wow, the space is amazing from here" Chris and Lucario were looking outside, watching all the stars in the space.


"Connect me to the distress call" Samus commanded to the ship.

"Samus! Return to the colony, a big dragon like creature is attacking and he is destroying everything her-what? Oh no! Stop! No-" The transmission was interrupted by shots and screams.

"I'm scared" Chris said shaking.

"We have no choice, we need to return to the colony" Samus turned the ship towards the colony and they landed in the hangar.

Ceres Space Colony

They went deeper in the colony and found the commander.

"Commander! What is happening?" Samus asked.

"Samus, there is a big monster attacking the investigation room right now as we speak, but not only that, the way to the room is blocked my purple creatures who came with that too"

"Primids" Lucario said.

"Right, I need to go there and destroy it then" Samus said.

"There isn't any much time left, the colony was badly damaged by the monster and it will explode in 30 minutes!"

"30 minutes is just enough" Samus stated, running away to the investigation room.

"She is always like that" The commander pointed out "All the personnel will evacuate the place, you 2 should go with her and aid her with that monster" Chris and Lucario nodded and they went with Samus to defeat the monster.

Metroid Main Theme

Samus went first, then Chris, then Lucario, Bytans appeared from nowhere and the trio quickly prepared to attack.

"Take this!" Chris shouted using Force Palm, he hit 3 Bytans but it wasn't enough to destroy them, however, Lucario finished them with kicks taking them down.

Samus was doing it fine, she was tackling them, shooting and bombarding them, her training with the Chozo gave her good abilities since the beggining. The trio defeated the Bytans and went further inside, Sword Primids were in the way, Lucario took them out with his fists and Samus with charged shots.

They were just in front of the investigation room, but another ordeal of Primids and R.O.B Sentrys appeared, Chris was surrounded, but Lucario used his fists and kicks to defeat them, Samus was using her Grapple Beam and everything was fine, Chris smiled at Lucario for protecting him, then the trio went inside the investigation room.

Ceres Space Colony
Investigation room

"" Chris said, looking at the dead bodies of the scientists laying on the floor, everything around was destroyed, the machines were burning and blood was scattered around the place.

"Who could have done this?" Lucario asked to himself, suddenly, a roar came from the right, they turned their heads a they saw a big shadowy figure inside smoke preparing a laser from his mouth and fired it to the trio, Samus evaded it and Lucario grabbed Chris and he evaded it too.

"Ridley" Samus said glaring at the Space Pirate leader, she spotted the container of the infant Metroid in Ridley's claws "Give it back now!" She fired a Missile at Ridley, but he destroyed it with his tail, then he roared and made a hole and went away through it, the trio left the investigation to avoid being sucked into the hole, the bodies of the scientists were being dragged away and the machines as well.

"We must escape from here before it blows up!" Chris said running at the hangar, Samus was faster and Chris couldn't catch up, but Lucario grabbed him by the arm and he speeded to the ship, they eventually made it and everything was blowing up, but they escaped fortunately.

"Ridley was escaping through that direction!" Chris pointed to a planet not far from them, Samus nodded and commanded the gunship to go to Planet Zebes, as they were approaching the atmosphere, the Ceres Space Colony exploded before their eyes.

"Be prepared, we're going into the enemy's territory" Samus stated as the ship was landing in the surface.

Preview of the next chapter

"This is Samus"

"I'm Lucario"

"The Space Pirates stole the infant Metroid to reproduce more Metroids and then they can launch a invasion to all the civilizations of all the planets, we must get back the Metroid as soon as possible"

"What is dangerous about them?"

"They can take the life force of living beings and make themselves stronger"

"That would be a dangerous situation then"

"However, I doubt if you 2 can help me retrieving it"

Lucario glared at Samus "Is that a insult?"

"Not at all"

"I'm don't believe you"

"Next time: Zebes! The base of technology!


Chapter 8: Zebes! The base of technology!

"This place looks like a wasteland" Chris said.

"The Space Pirates are maybe underground, they always have their bases beneath the earth" Samus pointed out "Let's move on and follow me"

(A/N: Since Super Metroid is a side scroller, there won't be any bad thing if this is mixed with SSBB style)

Opening/Metroid Prime menu

"What are those disgusting creatures?" Chris asked.

"Many kinds of montrous creatures lives in every planet, this one is no an exception" Samus was shooting them down from the distance "But maybe the pirates brought species of other planets to protect their base or do research and increases their power"

"Chris, look, I found something" Lucario found something behind a boulder. It was a chest, he opened it and inside there was 2 blue gloves in it "Do you think this is a weapon for you? I mean, even the gloves can fit perfectly in your hands" Lucario placed the gloves in his hands "Somehow I feel a little stronger now"

"Then it could be good to use them" Chris stated.

"There are no monsters in here, we can move on" Samus went to another area with the duo following her behind.

"Strange, nothing is here" Samus was looking around, using her visor to detect enemies "Absolutely nothing"

"And is weird because this room is so much bigger than the last one"

Lucario glowed "Wait, something big is approaching"

The earth was shaking and from the ground, a big worm came roaring with his big mouth, the trio stood still for a moment before attacking.

"Wait a minute, that worm has purple spheres coming from around his body" Samus scanned the worm and there were purple spheres coming from it "Maybe it was altered by the Primids!" Chris said in surprise, the big worm charged at them and it damaged Samus and Chris "And...I think he is stronger too"

"How dare that worm to hurt you" Lucario glared at the worm, it roared and dug in the ground, they examined the floor and where it was sounding louder they ran to another part to avoid the attack.

"I don't know where he is going to came!" Samus said scanning the floor to locate the worm, but it was useless, the worm came from beneath Samus and Lucario fired an Aura Sphere, damaging it, but it wasn't enough to defeat it yet.

"Just how long this is going to last?" Chris asked angrily using many Force Palms to the worm, but the worm retaliated and swung his tail in Chris, sending him to wall and crashing to it "I'm...fine" He said before collapsing.

"Is he death?" Samus scanned Chris and she found a little life force coming from him "He is fine, but he is in a critical condition" Suddenly, there was a blue light shining inside the room, Samus turned her head and saw Lucario glowing intensely in a blue light "What? Your power is increasing in a fast rate!" She scanned him before he jumped high in the air and fired a big beam of Aura at the worm, destroying it in the process and leaving nothing behind from the monster, he descended and stopped glowing and went to check his partner laying unconsious in the ground.

"Chris! Wake up! Are you alright?" Lucario asked worried about Chris, he opened his eyes half-way "I'm...fine, I told you that...didn't I?" He smiled at Lucario before standing up "We should continue, we can't waste any second"

"(He is in a bad shape, I need to keep him away from enemies for a while)" Lucario thought to himself.

Chris's damage percent: 78%

As the team ventured deeper in Zebes, there were many problems along the way, lava rivers, disgusting bugs, moving platforms above the lava, Chris didn't felt so good, since that battle with the big worm, Lucario was almost doing everything for him, but he didn't complained even a little.

Smash Mansion
Command Room

"Huh? What's happening?" MH saw the box of Star Fox Assault and Star Fox Command glowing in a purple light, 2 lights came from it and combined, then it went inside Super Metroid.

"Brother, what was that?!" Crazy Hand asked.

"I don't know! 2 lights came from those worlds and combined, then it went inside Super Metroid!" MH looked at Super Metroid "And maybe is something very bad, I hope they are fine"

Deep inside the Great Maze

"Master Tabuu, we've sent our army to Corneria in both worlds"

"Say the report"

"We couldn't find a good place to take over, there were many disturbances in both worlds, however, we've captured one of them and made him a commander of our army, then we sent him to Planet Zebes to stop that kid and his Lucario"

"Excellent work, they are much better when they work for us, keep going according to the plan" He teleported away

"This is horrible, why I need to do it?" He floated away

Planet Zebes
Room 18

"Are we even there yet?" Lucario asked.

"I'm not really sure, but when there are machines near, we should be closer to the base," Samus said looking at the machines in the room "However, the closer we are, the danger rises"

" right" Chris said with a little force "The last room was and is still dangerous, and yet this room is even harder to get through"

"Chris, stop pushing yourself like that or you will not recover from your injuries" Lucario said worried about Chris's sake.

"Don't worry, I can continue this shape"

Lucario placed his hand in Chris's left shoulder "Look, I know you want to help, but in this sittuation you will only be a burden-"


"...I know, it's hard to resist that word to you, but please, stay away from danger and let me handle this" Chris looked away a moment before talking and nodding "Alright...I leave everything to you and Samus, but promise me you will protect me"

Lucario smiled a little "I'm always doing that for you since the beggining" Chris smiled and laughed a little "It was a stupid question, I admit it"

"If you 2 are done, we can move to the next room" Samus said entering another room, with the duo following her.

Planet Zebes
Room 19

The room was big, there was no roof in there and the sky could be watched from below, our heroes looked around it there were any Primid or monster.

"Do you think there is another big monster here?" Chris asked.

"No, there isn't any of them approaching" Lucario answered.

"Stay focus, they probably can launch an attack from afar" Samus said charging her weapon.

They remained silent for 20 seconds, they were in a triangle formation with back to back (Lucario's tail passed throught between Samus and Chris), looking at every place inside, the door to the next room was locked and there was probably something inside the room to defeat so the lock can be opened.






"I hear something" Chris said.

A sound like something doing a countdown was coming to them, they looked at every place again, it was coming closer, but suddenly it stopped and they didn't knew where it was.

"Where is it?" Samus asked.

"It sounds like is near here, but yet so far" Lucario pointed out.

"Wait a second, that sound, is not a ordinary countdown, is like a tiny bomb with enough force to push anything far away with just a explosion if the victim is very near" Samus stated. The sound was going faster now.

"Wait, if that isn't here in our point of view...then that means..." Chris turned his head and gasped.

"That bomb.." Samus turned her head.

"Is between us!" Lucario finished the sentence, indeed, there was a tiny bomb between them, and it was too late because it exploded, causing a big explosion, it sended the trio to different directions, but Samus was flying with Lucario, but Chris blasted off alone.

"Luuucaaariiiioooo!!!!" Chris shouted, flying to another different place.

"Chhrriiisss!!!!" Both Samus and Lucario shouted, flying to another location, away from Chris.

"(I need to do something! I'm going to crash in the ground if I don't act quickly! Wait, I wonder if...)" He was about to crash in the ground, but he shouted "Force Palm!" and he hit the floor, doing a somersault and landing in his feet "Phew, I thought I was goner" Chris looked around "But...this place is too dark to see...and...worse of all...I'm alone..."

"(Chris, can you hear me?)" A familiar voice rang inside Chris's mind.

"(Lucario! You're fine! I'm glad to hear your voice again!)"  Chris said in his mind happily.

"(I'm glad too, but we need to regroup again)"

"(I was thinking the same thing, but hurry up, I'm inside a dark place and I can't see anything too...I'm scared)"

"(Don't worry, I'm coming to you with Samus, just stay there and don't go anywhere else)"

"(Alright, just hurry up)"
Lucario ended the telepathy's talk.

"But, it would be better if I go to them too, it would be faster right?" He walked forward if he could spot a door inside, and he did "Yes, everything is getting better" He opened the door and found himself in another room, this one wasn't dark like the last one.

"Weird, the door is just a few meters away, and is opened, we can regroup in less time than I thought!" He was about open the door, until...

"Can't let yo do that, Star Fox!" A voice shouted from somewhere.

"Star Fox? Since when this world was Corneria?" Chris asked confused, he started to inspect the room from the door, and the roof exploded making a hole in the process, and from it, a shadow came, he was shrouded in a purple aura like the Primids, but he was standing like he was going to attack, his shoulders has spikes and also his knees, he has grey and white fur in his face, a tiny visor in front of his left eye, he was wearing a light blue jacket and a black shirt below, and claws coming from his hands.

"Wait, I remember you, you're Wolf O'Donnell!" Chris said in surprise.

"That's right, I'm one of the commanders of the Subspace, and I came to eliminate you and your partner too!" He pointed with his finger at Chris.

"Partner? You mean Lucario?"

Wolf nodded "Him too, but first, you must be eliminated!" He charged at Chris, but Chris opened the door behind him and escaped, the door closed and Wolf crashed into it, he shaked his head and opened the door and he started to chase Chris and kill him.

Preview of the next chapter

"I'm Chris! Man, Wolf is such a pain, escaping through the rooms while he is chasing me is not a easy task...and worse when I'm injured, Lucario, if I need your help, the time is now! I can't escape from him, he is fast and he can catch me and possibly kill me! Next time: VS Commander Wolf! Chris's first battle!"

