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Started by Neerb, June 05, 2013, 10:18:47 AM

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So couple days ago I beat Super Metroid and Metroid Prime, in that order, for the first time ever. I've gotta say, I get the hype now; both of these games were totally fantastic, some of the best I've ever played in fact. Now I'm starting Echoes, and then when I'm done with that, I'm going to replay Corruption, which I just rebought (I first bought and beat it when it was new, despite my total Metroid experience up to that point being Metroid Prime Hunters).

However, there's also something... alienating (forgive the pun) about it all. Metroid has always, to me, been one of those "other" Nintendo series, something I don't play but know of because my friend loves it. Now, however, I own Metroid 1, 2, 3, and 4 (having beaten 3 & 4) and Prime 1, 2, and 3 (having beaten 1, Hunters, and 3), plus I borrowed and beat Other M from my friend a while back. This means that, out of the 9 main games of the series, I own 7 (but have beat the 2 I don't have) and have beat 6 (but own the 3 I haven't beat).

And yet, the series STILL feels foreign; I have first-hand experience with the series and love almost every game in it, yet I don't quite feel that same connection I have to so many other Nintendo series, like Zelda, Pokemon, or even Mario. I feel like there's something missing, like there's just one major game I haven't played that would make the series "click" for me outside of good controls and pretty visuals, but it sure as heck isn't 1, 2, or Echoes, because even the huge fans I know haven't finished those lesser-loved titles.

Anyone else know what I'm talking about? Perhaps with another series? Also, post about Metroid stuff, because I do still enjoy these games individually; I for one want more story-telling, like what Other M tried to do but failed due to awful writing and acting. Also, we need a game AFTER Fusion, NOT another prequel, because I want to see what happens now that Samus knows the government is as screwed up as the pirates.


I've only played a few hours of Metroid Prime (which I should probably finish) and a little bit of Return of Samus. I feel the "alienation" you're feeling may be just how the games are structured? When I played Prime, I got this intense feeling of loneliness and fear of the unknown. With other Nintendo series, there's others around you that you can interact with. With Metroid, there's no one else for you to talk to or really interact with; you're all by yourself on this abandoned, ancient planet.

I think the lack of keeping some story elements hidden is what makes the game great though. You're just kinda thrown into this situation and you can only rely on yourself to get out of it while fighting all these creatures  and finding out what's going on.

What I'm saying can be complete crap since I haven't completed any of the games, but that's just the kind of feeling I get when I play Prime or Return of Samus.


No, most of the games are pretty lonely. There are only 3 games where you aren't totally alone at first, and in all three of those almost everyone ends up dead at the end.