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The Thunderhero Interview Show Audition Thread!

Started by thunderhero4, January 04, 2008, 08:38:39 PM

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Ok, from now on I will make a poll with the entrants to the current contests! Starting with this one!

Contest hasnt ended yet...
2 (40%)
3 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 5



Today Iw ill interview Toad

Lanky: He's dead.

F3: How.

Lanky: Accident at Hyruleseas's interview's.


Lanky: NO, HE'S NOT HERE!!! So today you will be interviewing-

Hyruleseas: Hi I'm Toad!


Toad: Were here what do you need?

HyruleSeas: Hi I'm Toad!

Toad: Oh you didn't just go there. (pulls out machine gun)

HyruleSeas: I'm Trigger Happy (shoots sky light) Oops

Toad: HEAVYFIRE! *gets eaten*

Lanky: This our guest today, Ridley.

Hyruleseas: Hi I'm Toad! *gets eaten*

F3: So how are you today.


F3: Get me a translator

Hyruleseas: Here *throws one out of his mouth*

F3: Say Again.

Ridley: Well I'm fine thanks.

F3: So areyou in SSBB

Ridley: You saw what happened to Ness right.

F3: Yes
Ness: I'm Okay!

Sakurai (real sakurai): Not really *shoots*
F3: I here he survived but suffered a worse fate, may he rest in peace
Flight attendent: Your back Toad!

Toad: Again, with the lying, oh well thats it.

Flight Attendent: Peanuts.

Toad: Sure thanks. *eats flight attendent*

Hyruleseas: :O

Toad: *burps*  :-[

Ness: I'm outta here.

Hyruleseas: me too. *kicks off toad launching him downward*

Ness: F3, Hey!

F3: Oh Ridley *rips off mask*,or gaping hole *rips off mask, or ScoobyDoo *rips off mask*, or Hyruleseas *tries to rip off mask*. Oh my.

F3: Fake HyruleSeas *rips off mask*, Emo Toad I thought you were dead.

Emo Toad: Well you thought wrongly, didn't you.

F3: where's Toad, *come out backside of HyruleSeas* Grose *mask falls off*. Jinco!

Shujinco: Die when I kill you!

F3: End show.

Lanky: This show has been brought to you by Ridley's sylivia, it's everywhere. *gets eaten*



Today We are interview Toaddette. Oh and new members to the staff! (shows Jinco and Hyruleseas with pistols poking out of their pockets)

F3: Hello Toaddette

Toaddette: :'(

F3: What's wrong?

Toaddette: :'( morning over toad.

F3: It's okay.

Toaddette: Hi I'm Toad!

F3: What

Toaddette: *shoots* (I survive) DIE WHEN I KILL YOU!

Shujinco: I know how you feel.

Toaddette: Don't make me go Zelda on you.

Shujinco: What was that.

Toaddette: You can't touch my ness skillz!

Shujinco: Oh this means war you little punk.

Toaddette: Hi I'm Toad1

HyruleSeas: What was that.

Shujinco:(calls friends) DON'T UNDERESTIMATE STUPID THINGS IN LARGE NUMBERS! (friends enter) Hey Kidz!

Kidz: Hey shujinco!

Toaddette: Oh No.

Kidz: I divided by zero!

Toaddette: OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kidz: OH YES!

Shujinco:  :'( (joyful crying) I just taught them so well! *wipes tears*

F3: End show

Hyruleseas: I'LL DO IT! This show has been brought to you by-

Kidz: Kidz! 'Cause we're just awesome like that!


Ummm today I will interview, Who?

HyruleSeas: a cow.

F3: Ok. So cow how are you today.

Cow: MOOOOOO! *rings bell*

Rolf: I know what he's saying!

F3: Get him out Lanky!

Lanky: *throws out Rolf*

Hyruleseas: Here's a translator.

F3: Where do you get all these?

Hyruleseas: I have my sources.
Kidz: (in a room above where they're watching and listening from many cameras and monitors) That's right.
F3: Say again.

Cow: good!

F3: So are you in Brawl?

Cow: Of course.

F3: How?

Cow:I aint telling you.

Ness: Oh really cause I don't think so you little punk. *rips off mask* Lucas you freak!

Lucas: Crap, I'm leaving

Ness: No you will stay and I will hurt you, bad! *hurts him, bad*

Cow: Th Clone, I'm sorry I have a wife.

TH clone: :'(

F3: So you're the real cow?

Cow: *get trigger happy, shoots sky light* Oops.

F3: HyruleSeas!
Kidz: That's right.
F3: End show.

Lanky: This show has been brought to you by juicy succulent Steak!

Cow: What was that, you freak



Today We'll be interviewing Tingle.


Jinco: I'll do this one-

Ness; ME!!! Now talk punk, TALK!!!

F3: Ness this is not an interrogation!

Ness: It isn't?

Shujinco: Pulls out guns, now it is!

Ness: Yay! Now talk, why did you pull out the guns, you are a prime suspect!

F3: HyruleSeas take them away from here! NOW!!!

Hyruleseas: Taking them!

F3: So Tingle, how is life

Tingle: Great!

F3: So what is your line of work?

Tingle: Dressing up like a freak selling maps and stealing to give some old geezer with a rupee for a head some extra pocket change, and blowing up people in the smash mansion.

F3: Fun. So I here there's a romance going on there, you know anything about that?

Tingle: Romance really, that's new news completely, that's just front page stuff.

F3: Okay... So I here you got in smash as an AT.

Tingle: Yep I dance around and yell KOOLAH LIMPAH, it's great advertising.

F3: Hey if your sad about you can blow up Jinco and Ness, they're getting annoying.

Tingle: I know I was here.

F3: So will you take me up on my offer, you can work here as a disciplinary manager.

Tingle: Blow up stuff and get paid, sure.

F3: end show.

Lanky: This show has bee-

Shujinco: I'll do it!

Ness: Me!!! This show has been brought to you by the phrase " TALK NOW!!!"





Me: I apologize but this might suck

Hello Today We'll Interview Sonic.

F3: Hello Sonic.

Sonic: Hi

F3: So how are you doing today.

Sonic: Fine.

F3: How is life.

Sonic: It's awesome today I'm planning to try and def-

Dimentio: You'll only say the approved text!

F3: What.

Dimentio: F3 old buddy.

F3: Was that yo-

Dimentio: Let's put the past behind us.

Sonic: Is that a chaos emerald


Sonic: Give it

Dimentio: Down boy!

TH clone: Hi Sonic.

Sonic: Hi.

Amy: You freak *slaps TH clone* Hammer Time.

MC: Can't touch this.

F3: Tingle!

MC: Bududuhduhduhduhd-
Amy: Huh
Sonic:Oh No

HyruleSeas Hi I'm Toad!

Sonic: That's not too bad.

Hyruleseas: I'm Trigger Happy *shoots* oops. ;D

Sonic: Ow. I'm Alive *Gets Eaten*

F3: End Show

Lanky: This show has been brought to you by Chaos Emeralds the-

Sonic: Gimme!!!


hehe, 6.5/10

it was funny, but a bit too confusing, thats all :)


Next frederick shall do The INDIFFERENT SMILEY!

I made one of that in like series 1 i think and i had alot of fun doing it... :P


Today I will interview the Indifferent Smiley.

F3: Hello How are you today

Indiffernt smiley: Fine

F3: So are you happy to be being interviewed

Indifferent Smiley: I'm not happy, neither am I sad.

F3: So are you excited for Brawl.

Indifferent Smiley: I'm indifferent.

Shujinco: Ok I gotta joke for, why do parents get so annoyed when their little kids balloon flew away and their kids freakout, they just say it's just a balloon will get you a new one Then kids go "BUT I WANT THAT ONE!", They should just imagine if they pulled out there wallet and it flew away. "it's just a wallet we'll get you a new one" "BUT I WANT THAT ONE!".

Indifferent Smiley:  :|

Shujinco: You didn't think that was funny punk.

Indifferent Smiley: I'm indifferent.

Shujinco: You little Punk  >:(

Hyruleseas: Hi I'm toad! *gets trigger happy shoots window* oops.

Indifferent Smiley:  :D

Shujinco: Oh so you laugh his joke do ya!  >:(  Who do you work for boy?!?

Ness: Hey that's my job! Talk Now! Who do work For, TELL ME WHO YOU WORK FOR YOU LITTLE PUNK, TALK NOW!

Indifferent Smiley:  :|

Ness: Oh your gonna die now!

F3: End the show quick!

Lanky: Ok this show has been brought to you by-

Indifferent Smiley:  :|

Lanky: Ok he needs to go.

Porky pig thats all folks.

Indifferent Smiley:  :|

