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Welcome to Toad Town! A Paper Mario Town RP

Started by Triforce_Luigi, October 25, 2007, 04:12:02 PM

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20fan floated out of his house to see if there was any mail, when a raven landed on his mail box and delivered something.20fan opened it and it was an invation to the castle! He was excited, he then set out for the castle.

Transient Link

ooc/ I shall continue

ic/ bowser was sitting on his throne thinking of a new plan.
"hm...what to do...."
as he was thinking a koopa came in

koopa: KING BOWSER!!!!!!

bowser literally jumped up from his chair and his head bashed against the ceiling
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!?!?!?!?"
bowswer roared he spat fire at the koopa and its tail caught fire
Koopa: im sorry im sorry!! ahh! Stop drop and roll! Stop drop and roll!
the koopa finally put the fire out
"so what is the meaning of your intrusion?"
koopa: ah yes peach is having a party in celebration of your defeat.
"WHAT!!!! How DARE she"
bowser became angry
"prepare the fleets for an all out attack. Call in king goomba and the koopa brothers. they will be leading the attack"
koopa:uh...yes SIR!

the koopa ran out.


ooc/I'll continue

ic/ Koopa yelled at his second-in-command Chains to go and get King Goomba.
    Chains left to get King Goomba.
    As he was walking, he bumped into a Koopa Paratrroopa.
    A clever background came on and Chains was in a Paper Mario-ish battle.
    "What the...."
    "Use Bite? I guess??"
     Chains sharply bit the Koopa Paratroopa and a bunch of round star balls flew at him.
     "Ohh. Level Up. Uhhh.... HP. AHHH! HEARTS!!!! Oh wait ok."
      Chains continued to walk throught the forest until he ran into Mario and Luigi.
     They look like they want to fight......


Boom. Tst. Boom. Tst. Boom. Tst. Boomboom tst.

The loud drum banging increased in volume as Boogie went into the solo. The house began shaking as he sped up the roll. A raven flew into an open window carrying a piece of parchment in his beak. Boogie unrolled the finely decorated piece of paper to discover a letter from the Princess herself. His specific invite most likely was different from most of the other invites because of what he was doing at the party, it read:

  Dear, Alex.
  You are invited to a celebration at the castle
  for the defeat of King Bowser. There will be
  many festivities, including games, dancing,
  and a live band.

The specialized part was after the initial invite:

  As you know, you are said band. You
  should arrive a little earlier then most
  other guests.

His band had finally arrived after he finished reading the letter. He showed it to them, and they started to practice the 3-song setlist they were going to play at the party.