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Doodles by Wilhelmina and Uniffles.

Started by Uniffles, June 01, 2008, 05:57:52 PM

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These pictures were made by Wilhelmina and myself in iscribble, a paintchat site.

Note: Most of these were not intended to be "good".

Meta Knight and Lucas
(I drew the Meta Knight. Wilhelmina drew the Lucas)
A Bloody Brawl (Warning for blood)
(I drew the right side. Wilhelmina drew the left)
Show me your...FALCON PAWWNCH
(I drew the C.Falcon in behind. Wilhelmina drew the C.Falcon in the front and the M.Knight)

Wilhelmina Carmel

Eeeew, you posted THAT Lucas one, too...? ;-;

It's gross, ugh. Nasty colors and all.

Lol, we do some pretty weird things in iscribble. :x

~Team Awesome~