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SSBB's All Star: The Daily Brawl

Started by DededeCloneChris, April 24, 2008, 05:52:54 PM

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Chapter 1: A Good Start!

A sunny day of summer, birds were chirping happily through the air, a gentle wind was coming from the west and nothing else could be more peaceful near Nintendo City.

A big hill was between the city and a huge mansion with 41 persons, those persons weren't normal at all, those were a special group of fighters who always battle, or to be more precise, Brawlers, which were from different worlds but lives in the huge mansion in harmony.

Althought harmony could be more questionable, most of the time they would always start a senseless fighting over a remote control, and that can grow into a big war, if it weren't for 1 of the 41 persons, and that was big white hand, or "Master Hand" as everyone in the mansion calls him.

And as we forget about the happenings inside the mansion, let's see who's coming from the city, as the gentle wind was strucking his black hair.

An entusiastic teenager was running with rollerblades in his feet, carrying a lot of bags with groceries and such, he was somewhat tall, dark-skinned, wearing a blue shirt with long sleeves, on the center of the shirt, there was a big "L" and to the right there was a big "C", who knows what those initials means. He was also wearing blue pants and red shoes, but since he was using rollerblades, his shoes couldn't be seen clearly. Something different from him was for the fact that he is part of the group of Brawlers, but he didn't come from any game as they do, but he comes hailing from the real world.

And his name is...

Chris's POV

"Oh, hi there! My name is Chris, you should already have recognized me, anyway, the summer is finally here, in this world and the real world, it's quite interesting to travel between them when you want, here, you can meet a lot of curious characters with strange shapes, forms and especially, powers" I said without thinking while I was carrying the bags in both hands, I went over a hill and the speed was increasing over time "As far as I know, I'm the only human of the real world who came here, you won't believe the great amounts of places I've visited until now"

"Ooof! Why did Peach told me to get the groceries for her?" I looked to the bags "And when Kirby "accidentaly" eats all the things inside a BIG refrigerator, she will obviously request a huge list of food!" I looked away to some bushes "Really, I always thinking why Master Hand doesn't use his magic fingers and snap them to make food appear inside th-" I stopped when I noticed something, or someone jumping from bush to bush, then from tree to tree.

I smiled and frowned to myself "Ok, I know you're there, come on out"

?'s POV

"(Darn it! He found me again!)"

Chris's POV

"Of course, it was dangerous to travel around without a friend by my side, so, I give you 20 seconds to know who's that friend who was always taging along and protecting me"

The person hiding in the bushes and trees was my Pok?mon, the Aura Pok?mon, Lucario, he was hiding from me, but why?

"Yes, Lucario was the friend I was talking about, he usually does things like this, when I tell him to stay in the mansion when I'm doing an errand, he will most likely do the contrary and follow me around if anything will happen to me, he maybe thinks something very dangerous will occur, and he hides so I can think he is in the mansion, whoever said that the Lucarios are too obedient needs to be shot now"

Lucario was running above the grass with his arms pointing behind his back, for my current speed, it was easy for him to catch up.

"It's the 18th time in a row now Lucario" I said.

"Do you want me to carry the bags?" He said, looking at the bags, of course, he was trying to evade the subject because he felt embarrased...for the 18th time in a row. But, his help could help me a lot, carrying 20 bags it's harder than you think it is!

I rolled my eyes in response "Okay" In some seconds, Lucario was already holding 15 bags, I thought he was going to grab 10 "I thought you were going to carry the half of them or all" When I said "all", he was already holding all the bags, then I laughed "Now it looks like I didn't go to the market at all!" He chuckled for a bit, but then I laughed again.

"Having him following you around it's at least interesting, I don't have negative thought about him, he's always worrying about me wherever I enter a room, he rarely leaves my side, the only times he leaves me is when he either needs to fight againts someone or when Mewtwo wants a partner to meditate"

"Wait, I do have a negative thought about him, because he's always following me around, I can't stay alone in my privacy time, of course, he doesn't follows me in really private times, example, when I was taking a bath in the mansion, I thought I was alone because Lucario was fighting againts Mario, but when I looked above the entrance's door of the bathroom, he was hanging into the wall staring at me! I said why he was there in the first place, but he just only said "I thought you were outside" and then, he didn't looked away, he was still staring at me, I was a little scared, he really meant it by the tone of his voice"

"And, I didn't knew there was a city near the mansion either"

"Say Lucario, do you remember what day is today?" I asked.

"...No" He replied.

"It's the first day of summer, right?"

"Yes, it is, why?"

"Today is the day I met you 1 year ago!" I said smiling, Lucario blinked for a moment and he gave me a little smile "Look! I can see the mansion now!" I said, the mansion was now in our sight, I could see Pit flying around the area of the mansion.

"Pit is a good friend, he's always helping anyone whoever he's not busy, he's also very formal with everyone else, although he doesn't likes the villains or people who dares to insult his goddess, Palutena, because he really gets angry at that, good thing I don't insult him"

"Pit! Open doors!" I said, Pit saw us heading straight to the doors and he quickly flew to the ground and opened the doors to the mansion, we reached the main hall and I unequipped my rollerblades, Lucario went to the kitchen to deliver the bags to Peach, she was waiting impatiently for the food because she loves to cook, yeah, I know, a princess cooking?

"Peach is very friendly with all of us, I rarely see her mad or angry, she's very good friends with Zelda and Samus, reason? They are the only females in the whole mansion (Well, I forgot about Nana and Jigglypuff) the only thing I wonder is, why does she always lets herself captured by Bowser all the time, just for Mario to rescue her? Good thing we're living inside the mansion, or Master Hand would always stop Bowser with just slapping him"

Living here it's always fun, you could see many characters walking through the halls in their business, Master Hand was always doing a lot of things in the office, while his rather idiot brother was always watching him, that guy needs seriously to stop drinking coffee.

Without anything else to do, I was now heading to...anywhere.

"Stop!" A voice came from nowhere, I ignored it but it was a bad idea, a blue bur quickly ran just in front of me, I spun quickly over my feet and I was feeling so dizzy, the world was twirling around me.

"I've warned you!" A certain blue hedgehog said pointing his thumb at himself, well, I saw 5 of them in my current state.

"Now here is Sonic, the rather heroic hero of the mansion, he doesn't likes to stay quiet for even a bit, that's why he's always running anywhere and letting his feet to run over anything, but he's a good guy in the deep, the only thing I can't stand of him is that, 1, he most of the time refers himself as better than anyone else, 2, most of the time he will talk in third-person (Which scares me) and the most important thing, 3, he's always smiling...or smirking, you can scare yourself and try to guess which if he is smiling or smirking, wait, those are 3 things..."

"But he's friendly with me, I'm starting to believe it's because my name, you know who has my name too right?"

"Oh noes...there are 5 Sonics in front of me..." I said glacing at 5 hedgehogs at the same time.

"Whatever, see you around!" He said dissapearing in a blink, I shook my head and sighed to myself. I was now alone walking through one of the endless halls of the mansion, after walking, I found myself standing in front of the Training Room, nobody was there, except for me, the emptyness of the room and Fox fighting againts Wolf in Corneria...wait...there are the 3 of us here....

"Fox it's the calm and concentrated person of the mansion, or one of the calm and concentrated characters of the mansion, the only difference being that he is a strong fighter in the arena, I thought he was always fighting inside his Arwing, but I was wrong when I saw him fighting in the first game of Super Smash Bros, not a single negative thought about him"

"Landmaster!" Fox shouted and he jumped high in the air and he called his Landmaster into the stage, Wolf was trying to evade the huge blasts of the tank, surprisingly, he was evading all of them.

"Wolf, the rude and lone wolf (Pun intended) of us, he is the sworn rival of Fox, but I can see he cares for Fox...just because he wants to kill him someday and not anyone else, most of the time you can find him demanding a match againts Fox or talking in his room with his partners, Leon and Panther, god, this guy doesn't stops calling me "Kid" I swear if I heard the word "Kid" coming from his mouth again..."

"Looks like the kid it's watching us" Wolf said while evading the blasts. I cursed a lot under my breath. I'm a freaking teenager for the love of god!

"So, who is winning?" A voice asked behind me, I turned to see Falco with crossed arms looking at me, then he looked at the stage.

"Falco it's one of those guys who likes to act cool and such, and he doesn't fails at it, like Fox, he is a strong fighter too, sometimes he gets a little cocky and he hates Wolf too, but in my point of view, I can see the 3 of them as brothers or something, If I said that to them, they would surely punch me in the face, anyway, Falco is another good friend to rely on"

"Well, this is the Training Room, so there are no exhibitions in this place" I said.

"You think so?" Falco looked at me "They doesn't look like they're training, it looks like they're trying to kill the other"

I chuckled "Yeah, I don't see the meaning of having a Training Room and a Battle Room"

"The score for me is 78 KO's and 78 KO's for you too," Fox said, leaving the Landmaster "Are you sure you want to continue?"

Wolf crossed his arms "Let's see who gains the 79th one"

"Since when they started to "train" Falco?" I asked.

"5 hours ago" The blue avian replied. I rolled my eyes and frowned.

"Tell me who wins later" I said leaving the Training Room, Falco just stood there and he nodded, then he returned to see the match for "training"