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Super Smash Bros.

Started by The Riddler, June 11, 2013, 05:41:56 AM

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Quote from: Neerb on December 11, 2013, 07:27:34 PM
Eight-year-olds can grasp this concept. Dear heaven above this is not difficult.
Just because you understand it, doesn't mean only 8 year olds can understand it.
And I can understand it easily, it just wouldn't seem like Skull Kid to me.
If they used a lot of Majora's Moves, to me I would think, "why not just make Majora the character, rather than Skull Kid?"
Though, then again, that would be a worse idea due to the fact that Majora is less iconic than Skull Kid with Majora's Mask overall.
Dude .


Quote from: Neerb on December 11, 2013, 07:27:34 PM
It is genuinely shocking how you guys are unable to grasp the concept of Skull Kid and the Mask being a single character. Seriously, I cannot mentally grasp how it is even possible that you guys don't get this.

In Marvel vs Capcom 2, you don't play as Eddie Brock, and you don't play as the symbiote, you play as Venom. This is the same thing. I mean, holy crap guys, we see Skull Kid wearing it and using its powers in the game itself and now we have a Smash Bros screen shot of what he will look like. Eight-year-olds can grasp this concept. Dear heaven above this is not difficult.

yeah i stopped replying to them bc this is out of hand

i just want to know what jr dudes icon is

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Custom on December 12, 2013, 12:35:17 PM
yeah i stopped replying to them bc this is out of hand

i just want to know what jr dudes icon is

He's from Sonic 06


Quote from: Custom on December 12, 2013, 12:35:17 PM
yeah i stopped replying to them bc this is out of hand

i just want to know what jr dudes icon is
It's a pretty piss poor game, but the character's design is badass.
His name is Mephiles.
Dude .


[spoiler=Old News]Rosalina Confirmed

With her black hole vagina[/spoiler]
[spoiler=New News]Zelda Confirmed

And for some reason she can Spirit Track[/spoiler]
Dude .


Zelda looks creepy. Pale and solemn and kinda angry-looking.

Also, I'm really wondering what the heck the deal is with that Darknut. It's quite possibly just an assist trophy, but it's still bizarre.


Quote from: Neerb on December 26, 2013, 11:14:37 AM
Zelda looks creepy. Pale and solemn and kinda angry-looking.

Also, I'm really wondering what the heck the deal is with that Darknut. It's quite possibly just an assist trophy, but it's still bizarre.
It could be an Assist Trophy, but it's actually a guardian armor thing from Spirit Tracks. In that game, Zelda gains the power to possess them, and you control them.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude on December 26, 2013, 12:03:35 PM
It could be an Assist Trophy, but it's actually a guardian armor thing from Spirit Tracks. In that game, Zelda gains the power to possess them, and you control them.

That's the main reason I'm confused about it. They could have changed one of Zelda's attacks, but I don't know why; I mean, it's not like they haven't changed characters' moves before, but what would it replace? It could be a new Down B and Shiek is now the "fifth" character to match Rosalina for the Mario series, but that would be a really heavy change to her character (although I'm sure "pros" will love it). Of course, then we have two Links AND two Zeldas; maybe Shiek will become Impa in Skyward Sword form? I'm just shooting in the dark now, though.


I kinda doubt it's one of her attacks... though I could be wrong. It seems weird that one of her attacks would be "SUMMON GIANT MONSTER FOR 1 SECOND"
Maybe it's her new Final Smash?
Or maybe it's a new item, like, Related Assist Trophy, where it's automatically something that relates to you that you help control... or something... I'm also shooting in the dark.
Dude .


Um, Peach, Dedede, Olimar, Rosalina, Villager, and Mega Man already have summoning moves; just because Zelda's would be bigger doesn't mean it wouldn't work.

Also, why a related assist trophy? All of the screen caps are fixed for our amusement; if it's an AT, there's nothing indicating that it's any more important than a regular AT, it's just that they made it look like Zelda's commanding it to make the screenshot more interesting and reveal a new AT.

And I hope it's not a new FS; Light Arrow for Zelda was already one of the most sensible, fitting FS in the game.


So what is this game gonna be like on the 3DS? What's the console comparison?

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tupin on December 26, 2013, 06:26:21 PM
So what is this game gonna be like on the 3DS? What's the console comparison?

From what I can tell:
- Graphical differences, obviously (though 3DS screens don't look bad)
- 3DS version has adjustable thickness outlines for characters to more easily see them on the tiny screen
- Both games will have the same characters, but different stages: Wii U stages are based on console games while 3DS stages are based on handheld games
- No cross-play, but they said there may be some sort of connectivity incentive; it was suggested that 3DS could somehow have customization and that you could transfer this to your console version, but we haven't seen/heard any details
- Release dates may be different; if Sakurai has his way, he intends to ship each one as soon as it's done, not hold one back while they finish the other


Shiek isn't considered a Zelda, Neerb. She is a completely different character.

It baffles me why you compare Shiek to Toon Link.


Quote from: Zero on December 27, 2013, 09:28:05 AM
Shiek isn't considered a Zelda, Neerb. She is a completely different character.

It baffles me why you compare Shiek to Toon Link.

Whoops, sorry, 1998 spoilers.


Quote from: Neerb on December 27, 2013, 09:59:03 AM
Whoops, sorry, 1998 spoilers.

Not even, dude. Shiek plays nothing like Zelda. Toon Link is practically identical to Link.

Having Shiek and Zelda seperate doesn't mean we now have "two Zeldas".

Stop being stupid.