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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Jas stops to rest for all of two minutes, taking the time to look around before saying, "Where were they?"
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"In the clearing, not too deep in. You could hear their voices from here," Solon told her, leading them towards the spot. He stopped right by the bush he had hidden behind and pointed to the open space in front of them.


"Hm..." Jas looks around, trying to scan the area for traps and the like.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Expectin' to find something?" Solon asked with a yawn. "They wouldn't return to the scene of the crime. There was some mage guy that seemed too smart for that..."


"There's always evidence left," Jas stays stepping out into the clearing. "Some sort of clue..."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((lol, what Jas said made me think of something that Phoenix Wright would say. XP))

"Well don't forget that we're dealing with the Dead Men." Tanbar said. "...Didn't they have one of the gems or something?"


"Yes, the Crescent Gem." Harver said, inspecting the area as well, seeming interested. "However, they can't tap into its full power, since there's a bind on it. Only Solon can touch the gem, until he dies, that is."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Well...that would give those Dead Men a good reason to try and kill Solon... "So if only Solon can touch the gem..." Tanbar started. "Does that mean that they left it here since they couldn't touch it?"


"Not likely." Harver said. "They could still tap into some of the powers. The only reason they would leave the gem out would be for a trap."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Oh...I see." Tanbar said. "Well...If they did leave it as a trap, what would we do? I mean we COULD try to take it but it might be a bit too risky."


"Hmm..." Harver thought for a few moments. He then sighed. "Now that's a question I don't have an answer to. What do you think, Solon?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Thanks for asking the guy who isn't online right now!...j/k XP)) know, I wonder what Lanbar would do in a situation like this...I mean, he IS a pirate after all. He'd probably have some sort of plan...Like an even more elaborate trap to lay on the trap..."You know..." Tanbar started. "Maybe there's some way that we could...trick the Dead Men or something..."


Harver turned to face Tanbar. "That would be extremely difficult, more close to impossible, even. I think our best bet is to try to steal it from them, since they probably wouldn't leave it out as a trap. They know I have the Time Gem, so I could just steal it that way. What do you think, Solon?" He repeated, turning to their leader.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Flying Chickens

Name: Zarani
Age: 21
Person: Pirate
Land: Scalus
Personality: Nimble and sharp of tounge, Zarani twists others words around to fit how he wants them to. He's always calm, and loves to play games and puzzles with others.
Looks: Wears a blood red bandana with a black jolly roger over his short black hair, which spikes up into looking like a row of spines on a reptile. He wears a metal eye-patch over his right eye. Wears a black jacket that goes down to the ground over top of a black t-shirt and grey pants.
Weapon: An Apache holstered on a silk band he wears around his waist.
Second Weapon: A cutlass also sheathed on the silk.


Ooc// Org! You're back! :D

Ic// Heh, why ask him? Why doesn't Harver just go in there right now? He doesn't really need any permission...Which makes it seem pretty odd why he's asking...