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Weed. . .

Started by Missingno6, May 21, 2010, 08:46:38 PM

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Ok, I don't feel like reading that. I think we can all agree that your opinion is biased, and we can hardly take what a pot head says seriously. That stuff obviously messes with your head based on what we have seen here.


If weed were commercialized, do you really think people are automatically going to switch from tobacco to marijuana? Are you that naive?

The primary reason people become addicted to tobacco in the first place is the NICOTINE, which is the most powerful addictive chemical in tobacco. It doesn't help that they add tons of other poop that increase the potency and make it more addictive.

Traditional marijuana has NO nicotine, and to my knowledge and from personal experience, you cannot get physically addicted to marijuana(as in, your body "needs it"). You can get mentally addicted to it though, where you make a complete habit out of it.

In that regard, why would people who are addicted to nicotine switch to marijuana when they smoke for the nicotine? The nicotine addiction is strong enough to where sometimes not even switching the person to another  addictive drug(like morphine) is effective, which is why traditional treatment is usually something like nicotine gum or patches, which slowly reduce the amount of nicotine the addicted person gets over time until they're not addicted any longer.

Granted, there are probably some who would stop smoking tobacco and start smoking mary jane just for the intercourse  of it, but there are those that would smoke both and the majority that wouldn't switch because what they want is tobacco and NOT marijuana. When you say that people would switch you're implying that what they really want is marijuana, and that isn't the case. You don't understand basic economics, you've been throwing around false statistics, and you're bringing up conspiracy theories which when you get down to their core, don't make any intercourse ing sense. Just stop.

Hell I thought the point of being a stoner was to just...smoke and not care. lol


Quote from: Zero on June 12, 2010, 11:21:40 PM
If weed were commercialized, do you really think people are automatically going to switch from tobacco to marijuana? Are you that naive?

The primary reason people become addicted to tobacco in the first place is the NICOTINE, which is the most powerful addictive chemical in tobacco. It doesn't help that they add tons of other poop that increase the potency and make it more addictive.

Traditional marijuana has NO nicotine, and to my knowledge and from personal experience, you cannot get physically addicted to marijuana(as in, your body "needs it"). You can get mentally addicted to it though, where you make a complete habit out of it.

In that regard, why would people who are addicted to nicotine switch to marijuana when they smoke for the nicotine? The nicotine addiction is strong enough to where sometimes not even switching the person to another  addictive drug(like morphine) is effective, which is why traditional treatment is usually something like nicotine gum or patches, which slowly reduce the amount of nicotine the addicted person gets over time until they're not addicted any longer.

Granted, there are probably some who would stop smoking tobacco and start smoking mary jane just for the intercourse  of it, but there are those that would smoke both and the majority that wouldn't switch because what they want is tobacco and NOT marijuana. When you say that people would switch you're implying that what they really want is marijuana, and that isn't the case. You don't understand basic economics, you've been throwing around false statistics, and you're bringing up conspiracy theories which when you get down to their core, don't make any intercourse ing sense. Just stop.

Hell I thought the point of being a stoner was to just...smoke and not care. lol
Wow, just wow.

People are so stupid, it really makes me sad.

I did not say People will stop smoking tobacco.

I said Marijuana can help people get off of there addiction. Which is true.

Nobody thinks weed has nicotine, and everybody knows you can't get addicted.

Of course you can get mentally addicted to it, but you can get mentally addicted to anything. To playing games, to watching TV etc etc. I would say being mentally addicted to alcohol is much much more dangerous than being mentally addicted to weed.

Try to think about what your going to say, before you say it.

Also Cornwad, you refused to read my post. Your refusing to look at my statements and either A. Counteract them or B. Show any opinion at all.

I would say your posts through this have been biased. I'v stated the facts that I have acquired through hours of research. An example of what your saying is Evolutionists are biased about there belief, however that is because they are correct.


I think the point is that the tobacco companies would not loose billions of dollars if weed was legalized, so your conspiracy theory makes no sense. Just give up your commie bullpoop and go to sleep.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 12, 2010, 11:34:04 PM
I think the point is that the tobacco companies would not loose billions of dollars if weed was legalized, so your conspiracy theory makes no sense. Just give up your commie bullpoop and go to sleep.
They woudl lose money, this is a fact. What your doing is since you can't come up with any compelling argument you are attempting to make mine look like the words of heresy.

it doesn't work out, no one will take you seriously if you take all serious arguments this low or immature.


Your argument was that "The reason it is not legalized in this day in age is because weed would easily help someone quit smoking tobacco", but as Zero pointed out people won't just switch just because they think that weed is better for them, in fact it wouldn't help their addiction any more than already legal products do. Therefore nothing you said has made any sense, you are embarrassing yourself, and you are wrong.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 12, 2010, 11:39:53 PM
Your argument was that "The reason it is not legalized in this day in age is because weed would easily help someone quit smoking tobacco", but as Zero pointed out people won't just switch just because they think that weed is better for them, in fact it wouldn't help their addiction any more than already legal products do. Therefore nothing you said has made any sense, you are embarrassing yourself, and you are wrong.
Yet again, my last post said

I did not say People will stop smoking tobacco.

I said Marijuana can help people get off of there addiction. Which is true.

It is true, it's a fact. Also, I would say that, that was not my only argument. However you most likely just did not read them because you have other things to do in your busy busy life.

I have stated the facts for what they are, and made many arguments on why it is not legalized. That's just one point, and it's a good one.

People like smoking tobacco. Myself included, I love to have a cigarettes from time to time, however since I have started smoking Weed I have drastically reduced the amount I smoke. Which is a good thing, not only is my point valid but I have seen it through personal experience. With myself and with many many friends. Again, people should not talk about a subject they have no idea about.

I'll go on to say that  I don't think in any circumstance weed has ruined anyone's life. *Just weed* other drugs sure, most are very very addictive and very deadly. Such as heroine and cocaine. However weed I don't think anyone should have a problem with. I would say getting high is slightly similar to being drunk, however you can control yourself much better.

I smoke weed, and I am going to college at Denver Metro and taking Psychology, Physiology and philosophy as my main classes. I passed Highschool with a GPA of 3.47 and I make more money than your parents playing Video games and i'm only 18.

I would say weed hasn't negatively effected me yet, hell look at Bush. Smoke weed and you can grow up to be the president.

I'll end my argument here, I can't change anyone here's opinion anymore than you can change mine.

If someone's mind is made up, that's it. It's the way the human mind works, if you think something you will continue to think that until you either try it for yourself or get proven wrong to such an extent it forces you to change your thinking.

I have a great life for an 18 year old. And weed helps me enjoy every second of it even more.


Well if that's true than you're just plain contradicting yourself. You're saying that the tobacco companies will lose business because people will stop smoking tobacco but people won't stop smoking because of the weed. You said that you gave up tobacco for weed. People already give up tobacco for all sorts of things, things that aren't illegal. The tobacco companies seem to be doing just fine. You can't even get your story straight and it makes no sense, like all crazy conspiracy theories. Are you high right now?


Quote from: Cornwad on June 12, 2010, 11:48:26 PM
Well if that's true than you're just plain contradicting yourself. You're saying that the tobacco companies will lose business because people will stop smoking tobacco but people won't stop smoking because of the weed. You said that you gave up tobacco for weed. People already give up tobacco for all sorts of things, things that aren't illegal. The tobacco companies seem to be doing just fine. You can't even get your story straight and it makes no sense, like all crazy conspiracy theories. Are you high right now?
I really dont' understand how you are reading my posts, most likely because you are not.

I'll break it down as simply as possible.

Smoking Marijuana will help people stop smoking.
People will still smoke because they enjoy it.
Those with a high addiction and use Marijuana as a substitute for a week and see how they feel, they will be doing less damage to themselvs and getting themselvs off of a highly addictive substance.
This is not the only way to get off of the addiction, however it is a way.
I stopped smoking so much tobacco because I started to smoke Weed.
My friends have as well.

Those are my points, try to understand a little bit, I know it must be hard for you to comprehend something so difficult

What really made my night was how you said *For all sorts of things, things that aren't illegal.

If this method was open for the public to try, it wouldn't be illegal. This is simply a statement that if it were, people WOULD use this as a replacement for Marijuana. Millions would still smoke tobacco, but some would not because of the legalization of Marijuana.

And that would cause the tobacco industry to lose money.

Very very simple concept here, try and understand it kid.


If those are your points, your points are garbage and anyone who is reading this will see that. If what you said is true, then the tobacco companies would have nothing to worry about. Weed would just be another minor competitor, if you can even call it that. People would still go for the tobacco en masse. You clearly have no idea how money works.

Well, I'm going to bed. I'm sure you'll respond with the same garbage you've been saying this whole thread, but I think it's obvious to everyone at this point that we're done here. Have fun living in your paranoid conspiracy ridden world.


Quote from: Lelouch on June 12, 2010, 11:31:59 PM
Wow, just wow.

People are so stupid, it really makes me sad.

Well at least you have the capacity to realize your own stupidity. Grats.

Quote from: Lelouch on June 12, 2010, 11:31:59 PM
I did not say People will stop smoking tobacco.

I said Marijuana can help people get off of there addiction. Which is true.

You implied it, heavily.

and lol not to be redundant or anything but like I said, weed wouldn't exactly be the most effective option you'd have if you wanted to quit smoking. People wouldn't use it as a method to kick the nicotine habit unless it was marketed as such, and it won't ever be marketed as such because it probably won't ever be legalized.

If you really want to get into conspiracy theories, try one that makes sense. Most dealers that I've known actually don't want it legalized. They make plenty of money(plenty is an understatement) off of their crop and if it were legalized, they'd be out of a large portion of their income. Who's to say that the big dealers in the country aren't the ones bribing the government to keep the market underground? The more difficult something is to get, the higher the demand goes up. When demand increases, price level increases. It's BASIC econ and actually makes sense.

And again, not to be redundant, but unlike alcohol, prolonged marijuana abuse causes psychosis. I mentioned this in the beginning of the thread, and this fact is actually based on YEARS of research. There's more to meets the eye when it comes to pot, because it isn't that bad for you in short instances in small doses and can be great fun with hardly any setbacks in that time, but the fact that its almost always the first drug a meth-head or a crack-whore does before switching to hard drugs says it all. The government may just be trying to discourage drug abuse all together, at its source for all we know.

Alcohol should probably be illegal, yes, but we tried that almost a century ago and it backfired big time. If we tried it again, it could be possible with the way things work now, the government definitely has more power than they did back then. Therefore the whole "alcohol is legal so weed shouldn't be" argument is complete crap, because alcohol should probably be illegal in the first place. That won't stop a minority from getting their hands on it, yes, but at least its discouraged, like how murder is illegal, and ultimately discouraged, lol.(yes I notice the huge gap between alcohol abuse and murder)

Seriously though, how in the intercourse  did this thread go from SHOULD I SMOKE POT OR TELL MY FRIENDS TO FUCK OFF? to ULTRA SERIOUS WEED DEBATE V2


Quote from: Cornwad on June 12, 2010, 11:59:52 PM
If those are your points, your points are garbage and anyone who is reading this will see that. If what you said is true, then the tobacco companies would have nothing to worry about. Weed would just be another minor competitor, if you can even call it that. People would still go for the tobacco en masse. You clearly have no idea how money works.

Well, I'm going to bed. I'm sure you'll respond with the same garbage you've been saying this whole thread, but I think it's obvious to everyone at this point that we're done here. Have fun living in your paranoid conspiracy ridden world.
K, so i'll respond to Zero and Cornwad with this.

My points are all true, valid and based off of experience and research. You'res are based off of what you think, and what you believe.

If weed were legalized Millions of people would start smoking it. There is a large percentage of people that do already, however it would double even triple if it were legalized.

You should look at the big picture and try to THINK about what your going to say before you say it.

Zero, here we are. Explain to me how I am being stupid, if you can explain it to me in an intellectual factual way then I will say your right.

However, I have never say anything was a government conspiracy. I said the government does what is beneficial to them. This is not any conspiracy, this is just a fact. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples to go off of, and I have posted 2 of them.

Marijuana would help some people quit smoking tobacco. This is true, this is a fact. No matter how minor it is, it's a fact. If Marijuana were to be legalized millions would start to smoke it, I would say out of those millions of people, there would be a fair amount that would stop smoking tobacco so frequently.

Also, I hate to show how much of a dippoop you are but I said that Marijuana should be legal because it does not harm the body any more than tobacco or alcohol. It does less damage.

My argument, through this entire thread has been why it will NOT be legalized.

The crop itself does not have a large amount of value, it is very very easy to grow so the shops that sell it would not make a "Huge" profit, dealers would lose money, but most dealers deal hard drugs along with weed. So they will not be hurting to much.

Alcohol should be illegal, but it's not because the industries that distribute it make billions and that helps our economy and it is beneficial to the government.

If you can't connect point A to point B then you should not be discussing the aftermath.

I just read this section of your post, you basically said that Weed is a stepping stone drug, that it will make you want to try Meth, and Crack etc etc.

You went on to say that Weed is the first drug most of the addicts use.

Of course that's true. Weed is much easier to grow and obtain than Meth and Crack or Cocaine. It is also less expensive.

There is nothing in cannabis or Marijuana that makes you want to try anything else. If someone went on to try Meth or Cocaine or any hardcore drug I would say that 9 out of 10 times they would have done it regardless. This is also based on years of research.


This probably makes me sound like an idiot, but everyone on this forum already thinks I'm an idiot so I'll do it anyway.

Family Guy, it made an episode on basically what would happen if they legalized weed, poop loads of people would do it, then get high. I actually don't remember that episode so that part of the argument is kinda retarded and I should probably delete it but I won't.

Anyway, if millions of people do it, well, millions of people will be doing it. Don't understand? You don't get high off of Cigarettes, you get high off of weed, when you're high many stupid things happen, like said, you forget how to breathe and whatnot, forgetting how to breathe is bad, no matter how long it is.

My argument is short and dumb, but either way if you're on weed you're an idiot.
Dude .


If you so desperately want to know why you're being "stupid" then I'll clue you in, because I guess Cornwad telling you why isn't good enough, so here's a second opinion.

You're way past a state of being overly biased.
You make up false statistics
You bring up unproven conspiracy theories and claim them as fact
You seem to think that your "facts" are not conspiracies which proves that you don't know what a conspiracy even is for intercourse 's sake.
You have virtually NO understanding of how an economy works
You try to tell me to look at the "big picture"(which is something I've told you to do, hmm, odd) when you in fact are not looking at the issue from every angle, only yours.
You have no idea how your drug of choice plays into America's underground economy, because you're ignorant of just how much money even a run of the mill pot dealer makes off of pot a day.
Dealers aren't peddlers. They don't have everything all the darn time and most tend to focus on a specific type of drug. Weed has hundreds and hundreds of varieties each with a varying degree of potency and each requiring a specific method of growing and preparation. Your typical hard drug dealer, if they sell pot, will probably only carry a small amount of arizona fire mids and fire mids usually intercourse ing suck compared to poop like lemon kush or white widow. Only desperate poop holes and middle school kids buy that poop. So no most dealers DO NOT deal hard drugs. They get most of their money from pot simply because its the drug that is in highest demand. That's why it isn't cheaper, because of how much it is demanded. So of course the crop itself doesn't have much monetary value, but AGAIN, the higher the demand, the higher the price, which is why marijuana isn't a couple bucks for half a G like it would be without the demand for it. After you take the demand into account, its worth is multiplied severalfold and that is why the smart dealers get rich. It's easy money.


Don't twist my words around. I never said that it was set in stone, that a person that uses weed is going to try other drugs or that weed is going to make you want to try other drugs. STATISTICALLY however, most hard drug users started with pot, which obviously points to something if you use common sense. And no it doesn't point to OH SHIT THERES SOMETHING IN THE WEED THAT CAUSES HARD DRUG ABUSE! I never intercourse ing said that. It points to the obvious conclusion that if you get into the habit of using a drug, what's going to stop you from using another drug? If a drug becomes a part of your life, why not bring more drugs into your life? Not every stoner shares your "pot-only" mentality. As I mentioned earlier, many of them mix 2CE or oxy with their weed to achieve "maximum" effect.  Yes part of it has to do with how easy it is to obtain weed, but again you're not looking at the whole picture.

I don't care enough to continue further with this, maybe I'll do one more reply but after that I'm done. I'll let Cornwad deal with it. He's smart enough.


lol I love that episode. Yeah that's one way to look at it. Productivity would slowly decrease and ultimately our nation's Gross Domestic Product would decrease which means bad things for our country. So no, your argument isn't completely without merit.


You can smoke weed and sig's you want just stop the other because you like to fell that good it's like saying your having sex and you want vagina-y but you also want head your not going to quit one for another

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