Generally Speaking => Artistic Discussion => Topic started by: fredrickthethird on February 18, 2008, 08:53:38 PM

Title: My melee review
Post by: fredrickthethird on February 18, 2008, 08:53:38 PM

Gameplay: 8.5/10    I really enjoyed the fast paced gameplay where many advanced techniques were discovered. It was just really fun, the original was a bit too slow and had lag, it was a step up. Of course it did have some slip ups, but all games do don't they?

Characters/Stages:  9/10    I never new about this game before it came out, so when it did and I got it for Christmas, you can imagine what I felt like, so I wasn't really that mad about, heck I was ecstatic, at the roster and stages in this wonderful game simply because I had no Idea, but the clones were a little disapointing, (Pichu) especially people who would have made awesome characters like Ganondorf. The stages I loved, Temple, Corneria, and even pokefloats, being a Kirby main it was a good trap for opponents.

Features:   9/10  Classic was amazing of course, it always has been, especially since this time around there was more random things then the setup they always used the original. Adventure I was really happy about, I thought it was really awesome when I opened this game up and played through that baby, it's not as good now that I've goten use to it, but it's still fun to play once in a while. All-star was awesome, it was hard but I loved going through that baby when I finally unlocked it, I was awesome at it. Events were awesome, it was just fun to have a small mission in my battles. Wire-frames weren't as good as the fighting polygon team.  was dissapointed that board the platforms was cut, but Home-run was good to.

Graphics:  8.5/10 (standards for back then)    They were pretty good for gamecube, simple and enjoyable, now-a-days it couldn't stand up to it's competitors, but it was good for 2001.

Sound/Music:   7/10    The voice overs were quite good, some were even funny at times. The music was really good though, I wish they had more direct from the other game songs and less originals, but I liked them alot, I really enjoyed it.

Replay Value:    9.7/10     I still play it alot today, events are fun to re-do or to just finish the ones you left behind. I like re-doing different modes once in a while like adventure classic or all-star, but I like playing bormal brawls or duking it out with my friend, I think it has alot of replay value.

Overall:   9.5/10    Overall this is an awesome game and I'm glad I own it, and I can't wait for Brawl.
Title: Re: My melee review
Post by: Oren on February 20, 2008, 10:56:00 AM
0_o i was going to right something just like this..

i would give this game a 9.5 too i still play it alot today!