Generally Speaking => Artistic Discussion => Topic started by: THEBIRD on May 31, 2008, 04:35:13 PM

Title: The Hottest Contest of the Summer
Post by: THEBIRD on May 31, 2008, 04:35:13 PM
The Hottest Contest of the Summer

Summer is drawing nearer and nearer, so I?ve decided to make a Summer Writing Contest to get us all in the mood (I?m sure most of you need the help /sarcasm). You can find out more info by reading the rules below. And all that other stuff underneath that.

Rules to Live by:
- Must be Gaming-Related.
- Must be Summer-Related.
- Can not be more then 1,000 words long. Titles (which are optional) don?t count towards the length.

Tips to Guide you:
- Literacy can be a make it or break it thing here. I <3 spelling/grammar.
- A |witty title| or |extra features| could boost your chances of winning. Read between the lines.
- My eyes don?t like looking at big walls of text. They enjoy a more beauteous sight. And my eyes will be doing the reading, so charm them.

Seems easy enough, right? Sure, if you?re familiar to the keys on your keyboard, it should be. And I?ve even given you some tips, so I?ll be looking forward to the good stories that abide by the rules and may have even been smart enough to take heed to some of my tips.

Now, you?re probably wondering what you?ll win. Well, I?m hoping for an awesome title to be your reward (pending on that idea). How long will you keep the title, you ask? One week per entry (pending on that idea, as well). So, the more entrants the longer the winner will have his or her prize! Of course, if any sig makers would like to make a sig for the winner, I?ll gladly hand that out as well.

Now for the final thing. The deadline for this is June 21st at 11:59 PM EST. Get your stories in by then, or bust!
Title: Re: The Hottest Contest of the Summer
Post by: Light on May 31, 2008, 04:56:29 PM
Huh, seems interesting. I might try it out...

The 1000 word cap might hinder me, though. Does it have to be a certain length?
Title: Re: The Hottest Contest of the Summer
Post by: THEBIRD on May 31, 2008, 05:08:22 PM
Anything 1,000 word or less is fine. I wouldn't normally do that, but it is so I don't end up reading one entry that is 2 pages long, and others that are one whole page and buldging with information. This way I can read them faster and rate them quicker. Also, it shows your skills at being able to cram all the info you need in only 1,000 words.
Title: Re: The Hottest Contest of the Summer
Post by: THEBIRD on June 07, 2008, 08:25:21 AM
Alright, guys. The rank is almost in the can. PY is fine with doing it, I just need one more persons authorization and we're golden. Of course, I'm going to need entrants if this thing is going to work. C'mon guys, prove you're the best writer of 'em all! Step right up and post your Summer thriller!
Title: Re: The Hottest Contest of the Summer
Post by: Light on June 07, 2008, 10:38:26 AM
Making sure; we just simply post our entry in the thread here, right?
Title: Re: The Hottest Contest of the Summer
Post by: THEBIRD on June 07, 2008, 02:17:56 PM
Yep, go ahead and post it. Don't need to warn me or anything, just submit your story and I'll look it over.