Generally Speaking => Artistic Discussion => Topic started by: Dill on July 06, 2008, 10:35:57 PM

Title: Information
Post by: Dill on July 06, 2008, 10:35:57 PM
Dear aspiring artists, monkeys with GIMP, and Vaatix:

During a super secret staff meeting, in which every account was thoroughly examined for traces of black blood, I brought up the subject of this highly-esteemed board, asking if I could perhaps make it look less like Fan Art was created by admins who left so long ago JMV can remember de-admining them. And, to your demise, I was granted such permission. So, for the next few days (depending on how long it takes me to unsticky threads and get good ideas), I'll be playing around with this board.

If you like the sound of creativity flowing like a babbling brook, or the visual of silver-dollar shaped leaves blowing in the crisp breeze of the mountain climate, feel free to post random ideas in this thread. They don't really need to have anything to do with this board, but as long as they provide an image which is aesthetically pleasing and do not have anything to do with overused memes (underused memes are where the money's always been at (but since I don't trust your discretion, let's just stay away from any memes until we're comfortable not wearing pants here (hence why I'm in the clear))).

Anyways, any big changes I make I'll talk about here, probably in this very post if this thread turns out to be as inactive as I'm assuming (this is where you come in (make me feel important, or correct, in the least)). And with that, I am off.

Love & Kisses,

-Unstickied the rules thread
-Unstickied the graphical resources thread
Title: Re: Information
Post by: Moriarty on July 07, 2008, 02:59:03 PM
Arrr, ahoy mates! I come with big changes, ye scurvy dogs! We be rilin' up this here briny deep for some adventurin'! Some of the info:

1- We be changing the order of the boards to look like pirate order. Blackbeard be of course the first, then we go from there.
2) After that, we be changing all of the topics from port side to ye starboard side so that the stern can stream upwind.
c-Avast, we will be serving cackle-fruit with every post and a cutlass will be used for those not wanting them, so ye be warned!
d - There will be NO whistlin' on this here board. Brings about bad luck and unwanted spirits, ye will be slaughtered if ye do!
6) If ye come across scurvy, ye will be tossed into the brig before ye walk the plank and all other buckos will swab the deck or else ye won't be slaked!
7- Ye will only use the following knots when tying threads:
   a-overhand loop
   c-reef knot
   d-sheet bend
9) We be gettin' new colours for this here bilge and be changing them accordingly. We also be getting a new astrolabe, as it was washed away last week when we sailed close-hauled (ye be warned Dawei!)

Now get to fixing the caulk and tar ye dogs! I be off to sing a sea shanty.

Fair winds mates!
Title: Re: Information
Post by: Mr. SodaPopinski on July 07, 2008, 08:56:01 PM
Attention to all Lynx troopers. This is your commander speaking.

Starting immediatly, our Nuclear weapon "C.H.A.D." will be going under massive repairs following our recent setbacks. After we were exposed in ,Antarctica C.H.A.D.'s hangar was rushed. Despite a strong yet ultimately FAILING effort from our insolent Cold Crew, C.H.A.D. sustained heavy damage. Distracting our enemies with our hostage, the president of Antarctica, Colonel Tyson Tiger was able to fly in with a group of Lynx soldiers and recover the weapon.

C.H.A.D. is still functioning, but is not up to expectations. If we are to use this as our trump card in our plans we must repair it to its fullest. Certain circuits and wires will be rearranged to improve C.H.A.D.'s nuclear capabilities and all around performance. Patience is a virtue, as it takes time, but as your commander I contradict myself in DEMANDING fast results. To my dismay, I can not bring this, and our top team of scientists are working as quickly as possible. I want to keep you informed, just because C.H.A.D. is under contruction does not mean Lynx's conquest is not continuing. We must keep fighting, and prserving the name of terror that has been engraved in the mind's off society. Thats name IS and forever will be, Lynx.

That is all.

Hail Lynx.
Title: Re: Information
Post by: Chloroform? on July 08, 2008, 10:34:41 AM
Friends, family, Vaatix, we have gathered here in the most-esteemed Fan Art board to commemorate something that has been dear to all of us. None of us enjoy seeing something so wonderful pass on, but all things must come to an end, and this magnificent board is no exception. I remember when I was but a lad, this board took me under its graceful wing, and we would head on up to the Town Park and it would show me how to properly wrestle a goose. Now I am a professional goose wrangler, and I owe it all to this good soul. This board was a giver too, oh yes it was a giver. Remember when it won the lottery and donated all of its winnings, that?s 50 million dollars in case you forget, to The Human Fund: Money for People!

We shall all sorely miss this beloved saint of a board, but alas, there is nothing we can do. All we can do for it now is to make sure that its successor is everything it was and more. The board would?ve wanted it that way. So I ask you, no, the Fan Art board asks you, let this place flourish. Let it be so that when one?s mind drifts off in thoughts of the Fan Art board, they are nothing but thoughts of praise and admiration. Let every man, woman, and child that enters this board be overwhelmed with joy and feel all the creative juices they are meant to feel while in this holy sanctuary. And most of all, let it be known that today is not a day of death and despair, but one of rebirth and hope!

Amen, brothers and sisters.
Title: Re: Information
Post by: Dill on July 08, 2008, 11:18:58 AM
Quote from: Chloroform? on July 08, 2008, 10:34:41 AM
Friends, family, Vaatix, we have gathered here in the most-esteemed Fan Art board to commemorate something that has been dear to all of us. None of us enjoy seeing something so wonderful pass on, but all things must come to an end, and this magnificent board is no exception. I remember when I was but a lad, this board took me under its graceful wing, and we would head on up to the Town Park and it would show me how to properly wrestle a goose. Now I am a professional goose wrangler, and I owe it all to this good soul. This board was a giver too, oh yes it was a giver. Remember when it won the lottery and donated all of its winnings, that?s 50 million dollars in case you forget, to The Human Fund: Money for People!

We shall all sorely miss this beloved saint of a board, but alas, there is nothing we can do. All we can do for it now is to make sure that its successor is everything it was and more. The board would?ve wanted it that way. So I ask you, no, the Fan Art board asks you, let this place flourish. Let it be so that when one?s mind drifts off in thoughts of the Fan Art board, they are nothing but thoughts of praise and admiration. Let every man, woman, and child that enters this board be overwhelmed with joy and feel all the creative juices they are meant to feel while in this holy sanctuary. And most of all, let it be known that today is not a day of death and despair, but one of rebirth and hope!

Amen, brothers and sisters.

Amen, indeed.