Generally Speaking => Artistic Discussion => Topic started by: Dog Food on January 09, 2010, 10:47:34 PM

Title: Bad Movie Luck
Post by: Dog Food on January 09, 2010, 10:47:34 PM
Maybe you know that I have horrible luck at movie theaters. Maybe you didn't. But anyway, here's another wild ride filled with fun on my journey trying to see Avatar:

I finally decided to see Avatar. I was supposed to go with a group of friends to see it, but I backed out because I really didn't want to watch the movie and I vowed that I wouldn't. Plus, two other good friends decided not to go, too.

But then my boyfriend really wanted to see it (in 3D, which I don't like), so I decided I'd break my vow and see it with him. My mom was the one who pushed the 3D idea, and when I found out he had never seen anything in 3D, I agreed to go so he could experience it. Well, it was a longer drive so we left early and (after a lot of traffic) eventually made it to our destination: the farther away, but much better, movie theater.

Hey, what do you know, it's only seven, the movie starts at seven-thirty, and it's sold out. Oh, goodie. We could either buy a ticket for nine or rush to the closer but not as nice-looking movie theater. My dad said we could make it, and since we needed to rush, we decided to chance it. We were about ten minutes late, and hey what do you know, sold out.

You know what we decide, then? Let's go back to the farther away but nicer place and get tickets for nine! Hey, wouldn't that have been smarter to do first? Yeah, but let's not think about that and just pretend everything else never happened. Well, we got there at eight and found out the nine o' clock was... wait for it... sold out! The next one wasn't until 12:45 AM, and that wasn't happening.

So we saw Did You Hear About the Morgan's? and it wasn't good. But that's okay, because I vowed never to see Avatar and that movie doesn't look good, either. So, it was either see a bad movie or see a movie that everyone thinks is great even though it isn't original at all.

Also, I'd just like to say: Is this movie really that big? It's sold out everywhere, even when we are an hour early (and would have been two hours early if we hadn't wasted an hour going back and forth from theaters)? Suck it, Avatar, I hope Kathryn Bigelow wins Best Director.
Title: Re: Bad Movie Luck
Post by: Zero on January 10, 2010, 12:54:17 AM
I liked Avatar. I saw it in 3D, in an Imax theater. That helped cater to the experience obviously but it was still an above average film.
Title: Re: Bad Movie Luck
Post by: Magnum on January 11, 2010, 09:47:10 PM
As much crap as I'm going to give it, it's a great movie. 3D looks amazing, plot is meh, and 3D looks amazing. You might as well go see it before it leaves theaters.