Generally Speaking => Artistic Discussion => Topic started by: Dog Food on April 17, 2010, 01:26:32 PM

Title: Date Night
Post by: Dog Food on April 17, 2010, 01:26:32 PM
It was date night last Friday night, and so my boyfriend and I went to see Date Night (haha, I'm sure you never heard that pun before). I love Tina Fey, after all. She was great on SNL, she's great on 30 Rock, and she's great in Date Night. It was one of those movies that is really easy to relate to, and with these big comedic names starring in it, there was no way it wouldn't be funny. I'm sure some people found it to be tasteless and boring, there will never be a thing in the world that everyone will 100% agree on - that much I am sure of.

But, I liked it. It was funny, relatable, and had a strong lead. Plus, it wasn't all comedy. And I love movies that show bloopers and other scenes in the end. But I think they should have switched "I'm going to go home and fart into a shoe box" with "I'm going to go home and look at my vagina with a hand mirror". The second line killed in my theater, as well as "Go in and work that pole like a Russian immigrant!" or however that line went.

Anyway. Good movie, probably won't win any awards, but it was enjoyable and had my attention for the ninety minutes or however long it was (is it just me, or do movies seem to be getting shorter and shorter with each passing decade...).