Generally Speaking => Artistic Discussion => Topic started by: Tupin on August 04, 2010, 10:26:42 PM

Title: Locked Up Abroad.
Post by: Tupin on August 04, 2010, 10:26:42 PM
This is one of the only reasons I watch the National Geographic channel, and it's a pretty funny show. Anyone else watch it? A usual episode goes like this:

1. Person meets stranger and gets an offer of a free vacation in exchange for carrying drugs back to their country.
2. Person spends a week on vacation, not even thinking about the drugs.
3. Person receives the drugs to take back, finds there is more than what was agreed upon.
4. Person almost makes it back to their home country before someone stops and arrests them. They then get hauled off to the local jail.  ^_^

This happens so many times, but the best episode was the one where the guy wanted to make money and kept asking the stranger for more drugs to sell. The one I'm watching right now is about a guy going through the Darien Gap, I think this one is different because they get taken hostage by a paramilitary group. Well, when you go through the Darien Gap, what else should you suspect?

Anyone else watch this awesome show?
Title: Re: Locked Up Abroad.
Post by: RX-78-2 on August 09, 2010, 08:54:22 PM
lolwut, how are they able to do that? Can they really just dupe people into that and then arrest them? Sounds like a good show. I've never seen it though. What's it called? Nevermind, it's Locked Up Abroad isn't it?