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PY's Signature Contest: Awards Ceremony

Started by PsychoYoshi, December 18, 2007, 04:20:04 PM

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The judges are in and the scores are tallied. And because I'm such a kind soul, everyone gets an award in the ceremony.

100% Original Renders Award for 100% Original Renders--Zovistograt

Goes to Zovi! Very creative yes, but it's kind of uh.........I can't think of the words for it. :B

The lol, no Award--Kilroy

Nsider smilies suck. I don't even mind that most of the sig is black and the text color clashes.

The Astrology Award for Aura-Reading Excellence--Trini

Mario looks like he has an aura around him. I like, but the sig is a bit small.

The Smorgasbord Award--Mackormoses Entry 3

A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Shame the colors clash.

What You See When You're Trippin' Award--KOOLMAN

Duuuuude, it's a Yoshi. owait what's that weird masked guy doing there. must be a bad trip, maaan.

The Minimalist Award--Riosan

Not sure why I like this one as much as I do, but hey.

The Darkness Award--Mackormoses Entry 1

Overall, a nice sig with a couple flaws. One: PsychoYoshi is one word. Two, ugly text. Just missed the top three in the standings.

The Top Three
Third Place--Mackormoses Entry 2

I REALLY like this one, but a couple minor flaws keep it from winning. One: name spacing again. Two: Part of the sig bleeds past the border. A very good effort and my complements.

Second Place--Metroidhunter777

Great idea, great execution, the colors match, I love the characters, but I don't like the swirl effect. SO very close to winning.


Totla may be lazy, but this sig is hilarious, and it's extremely creative. Instead of going with anything that I recommended, he ran with his own idea and made it work. Yes, it's not the most technically-advanced sig out there, but it's unique, and hey, like I said, creativity would play a big part in this.

Congrats to Totla. :)


[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)


yay i didnt enter
if i had i woulda won >:(


Cool Totla!

Thanks for the compliments PY :D

It means a lot :)

'Gratz to everyone else :)

EDIT: My pick is Zovi's, it just rules :D


Congrats Totla! I would have picked that one as well.

Of course, Macks was pretty good..Who knew he could do that(now go make a Hadaway banner Mack. Noa! :P)



lulz, Totla won using an image generator on a website
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)





I didn't win?
I really need a sig PM me if ypu can make me one please.


Quote from: ROOk15 on December 18, 2007, 07:42:28 PM
I didn't win?
I really need a sig PM me if ypu can make me one please.



Yey I get the trippy award o.O

In fact my sig is awesome I shall change it to mine muahahaa


Quote from: KOOLMAN8889 on December 18, 2007, 07:44:39 PM
Yey I get the trippy award o.O

In fact my sig is awesome I shall change it to mine muahahaa

Mine owns all of yours :(
