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What's your job?

Started by JMV, December 18, 2007, 11:06:36 PM

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I got a quarter today for telling someone how to make a pie chart via proportions.

Do I win?



Student. But this summer I'll be getting a job and I hope to work at either the local hotel so I can sit around on a computer all day and barely do anywork, or try to get an aprenticeship somewhere..But I'll probably end up working as a bag boy for Food Lion...But a man can dream!


Quote from: FireEmblem6 on December 19, 2007, 07:22:40 PM
I work at wal-mart in receiving. So I throw boxes around and then give them to people so they can put them on the shelves. :)

I also work on computers on the side when someone comes to me with pc help.

But soon I will be working at M$
Awesome. :O
People come to me for computer help, but I never get paid. :(


Student. I babysit my younger friends time to time (They're like, 7. But they're cool to hang with) for 10, 20 bucks. It's more though I'm just hanging that their house until Midnight and trying to get them to go to bed.  :P

Otherwise, I'm not old enough to get a real job yet.


I glass shorts.

Don't throw us away.