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Are you smart?

Started by Doodle, September 29, 2007, 01:13:41 PM

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When I was tested in grade seven, They said I had a grade 8 spelling level. :D

I'm not the greatest at math, but I'm really good at memorization. I've gotten 90+% on a number of exams (History, Geology, etc.)

I'd say I'm above average in being smart, but not a genius.


I consider myslef to be smart. I have been in honors classes ever since they were offered, and now I am in a few AP courses. Some subject I have to work a little with, and others just come naturally to me. So.....yeah.


i guess i am. my IQ's in the 130 range, but IQ hardly means anything.


Sure :p

The only real proof I have is an award I got that was signed by the President. It even came with a fancy pin that I can't find anymore (I also discovered the pin is similar to the Triforce pin from NOA).

I can remember most things fairly well - I haven't used an agenda since 7th grade...I think.

But no, I'm not a nerd like Silver :]