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Oh yay, I got to rant in reality for 40 mintues today.

Started by Kilroy, May 28, 2008, 12:55:37 PM

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Wasn't that a blast -_-

Alright, I've stated before that I'm in the "Tech Crew" at my school. All that really does for this is set up location and the moral of the story. In Tech Crew, there are about 10-16 people (It changes daily :P). Today was the smallest day containing 10 people. The A/V room is set up pretty basic. There's a narrow entrance where the A/V director's desk/computer is, and then a large room where all our stations and editing crap are. Then, the back has a narrow walk-in closet, basically, filled with old crap that the other A/V director won't get rid of (Because we might just need a Commodore Amiga 2500 at any time). This room looked like SHIT, so, for the past couple days we've been cleaning it out. "We" being me, one of my friends, and another Tech Crew member.

So, today, us three were basically putting up the finishing touches. Organizing old tapes, realizing that we can organize things another way, etc. So, today, evidently two other members (Who will be referred to as "Follower" and "Moron" throughout this rant about a rant) decided to come into the back and just talk because they were bored. So, the come to me first. And so it starts, like sand through an hourglass. Minutes of our lives. (lolwut)

Anyway, Moron comes up to me with Follower right on his ass and says "Hey, you know what I heard on CNN yesterday?" This already made me annoyed. CNN. "What could you have heard from there?" I ask. "Just stuff about Global warming. You know, Carbon dioxide levels have increased threefold over the last two hundred years?" "Yeah, I heard that too!" Follower agrees. "Well, really now? Well, what reasons did they give?" I asked. "Cutting down the rain forests for industries, and simply too much pollution!" Wow, a Class A moron! Not only does he have another idiot hanging on his ass, but he trusts CNN for his information! And about something like Global Warming? Oh god, I just wanted to burst out laughing. "Well, that sounds like someone was payed to say that. Just the fact that the human population has increased by what, at least a billion?, over the past two hundred years doesn't mean anything. ESPECIALLY because humans exhale Carbon Dioxide simply CAN'T be the reason that there's more CO2 in the air!" "That's retarded," Follower said "How could just humans be the cause when there are giant factories all over the Earth!" "Well, the fact that A. There are 6 Billion humans and not 6 Billion factories could be the reason. And B. that both China AND India, two of the top three biggest countries on the planet (Which I now know is wrong, India is 7th, while USA and China are tied for3rd if you count outlying territories) are going through their equivalent to our Industrial Revolution isn't helping much either. So yes, even though there are factories out there, they aren't the main problem. You know, we've been due for an Ice Age for, what was it, around 10,000 years now? Global Warming does exist, but not on the planes that CNN or Al Gore say it is." This left them speechless, which made me happy. They left me alone... for about five minutes.

So starts "Act Two", in which we argue about video games, which doesn't last very long before my awesome math teacher (who is the other Tech Crew adviser) comes in and owns them :P

So again, 5 minutes after the previous "argument", Follower comes back to me, this time with Moron on his ass and says "You know, you're probably the kind of moron that sits on his ass all day and plays GTAIV and then goes out and kills people." This was obviously meant to piss me off. I'm freaky when people say that video games make people shoot people. So, I looked through my "For useage on Cuntfaces ONLY" folder in my brain and eventually found "VideoGameRant.wma" and played. Basically, this is the SAME thing I say EVERY time.

"Those people who commit school shootings? Yeah, those cases. Gimmie a time where the person wasn't previously mentally insane and I'll give you a pat on the back, but you still won't have won. Video games do poop to normal people." I was interjected by Follower, "Well, you've got me there... But still, that isn't necessary to have all that Violence! Well, an exception is Halo because it's too aweso-". I don't even REMEMBER what I said I had such a headache. That comment just threw me into not really a screaming rage, but I was an inch away from his face explaining to him what Video Games do and don't do. The awesome math teacher I guess was a little weirded out by the fact that Follower was scared half to death and I evidently had the most serious and angry face my math teacher has ever seen on my face. Awesome Math Teacher pulled me away and basically gave him a calmer, more detailed version of my rant I was giving him >_>

So, yeah. I feel stupid for going a tad crazy about the video game part, and I got a few of my facts wrong ;-;

"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums

