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Started by Shujinco2, July 11, 2008, 04:14:02 PM

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Ok, I was playing my Wii, when all of a sudden WHAM! It turned off. And I don't mean it went into stand by mode, it went off off, like it wasn't plugged in. So I unplugged it and plugged it back in, and it was on for 1 minute before it turned off again. Doing this several times, it did the same thing every time. I don't know what's wrong.

Does the Wii's power depend on the Wiimote's power, like if the batteries for the Wiimote run out the Wii won't turn on? I don't really know, I'm new to all of this.


Hmm...that's weird.

I've never had a problem with my Wii when my Wiimotes are dying.
I doubt the Wiimote has anything to do with it.


I have no idea, but that doesnt sound normal.

I would send it in for repairs before E3


Yeah, something is really wrong because when your battery goes on your wiimote it just says you need to replace them and the screen stays like that until you do.  How long have you had your Wii?  Did you buy it new?  It may still be under warranty & then repairs will be at no cost.  But either way, send it in!!


How long had you been playing it for?


wow that is weird  the only thing that i can think of is to plug your wii in a different outlet (maybe the outlet is messed up).

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it has nothing to do with the Wiimotes.

is/was the plug connecting from the Wii's transformer to the outlet in the wall loose?

but yeah, if you continue to have the same problem you should call Nintendo then send it in.