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Super Mario Bros. 1-3: Prelude to Terror

Started by shadowmarioguy, June 24, 2008, 09:34:19 AM

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Chapter 19: A Visit to Hyrule

?Get out of here,? Mario warned his metal foe.  ?I don?t want to fight you.?

Metal Mario stepped forward.  ?No; you don?t want to fight me.  No sane person would.?

Mario felt a strong gust of air as Metal Mario rushed toward him and punched him in the gut.  He clutched his chest in pain, coughing up droplets of blood.  Metal Mario elbowed Mario in the back of the neck, causing him to fall to the ground.  He picked Mario up and tossed him into the air.  Metal Mario jumped up into the air to join him, grabbed the back of his head, and slammed him into the ground face first.  He loomed over the fallen Mario and flipped him over to his front side.

?Now? you die,? Metal Mario hissed.  One of his arms liquefied and morphed itself into a blade.  He held it inches from Mario?s neck, drawing closer with each passing second.

Mario could only watch as the blade slowly made its way toward him.  In seconds, it would plunge through his throat and end his life.  ?Why? are you? doing this???

?I am to destroy everyone in this entire kingdom,? Metal Mario replied mechanically.

Mario struggled to break free, but to no avail.  ?Why? this kingdom?  There are? plenty of? other kingdoms? nearby??

Just then, an entire squadron of Mushroom Guards surrounded them.  ?Let him go,? one of them commanded.

Metal Mario released Mario and stood up.  Hmm? There are other kingdoms on this planet?  My lord told me to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom.  But my memory banks tell me that my lord is after universal domination.  If he knew about these other kingdoms, would he want me to conquer them as well?   ?It?s your lucky day, Mario.  I will not be annihilating you today.  But don?t let your guard down; we?re always watching you.?

In a flash of blinding light, Metal Mario disappeared.  Mario let out a sigh of relief.  ?Thanks, guys.  He was about to kill me, until you showed up.  That guy might come back, so lock up the castle with double- no- triple security.  If someone like him got a hold of Peach, I don?t know if even I could stop him.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Night had fallen in the Mushroom Kingdom.  Mario returned to his house soon after Metal Mario?s disappearance.  After telling Luigi about what happened, the two went to bed.  Back at Mushroom Castle, however, an evil figure stirred.  He stood silently atop the castle, waiting for everyone to go to sleep.  That would be when he would strike.  Finally, at midnight, he decided it was time to make his move.

?It is my duty to make sure every kingdom on this planet kneels beneath my feet.  I have much work to do.  To start, I will capture their leader.  Without her, the kingdom will surely fall apart by the time I return,? Metal Mario mumbled to himself.  He cautiously leaped from the roof and landed softly on a balcony on the side of the castle.  Next, he opened a large glass window and stepped inside.  He crept through the castle halls, until he heard voices.

Two of the guards were goofing off.  ?So then I said, ?Bob, I was just kidding!  That burrito wasn?t really a bomb!? and then he said, ?It wasn?t?  Then I might feel kind of bad for poisoning your lunch!??  The two of them burst into laughter.

Metal Mario rolled his eyes.  ?This is the kingdom?s law enforcement??  His right hand morphed into a laser rifle.

Suddenly, the second guard became serious.  ?Did you hear that??  A red beam shot across the room and struck the first sentry.  He fell to the ground instantly, dead.  A second ray was fired; this time, it killed the second one.

?Pathetic?? Metal Mario whispered as he continued down the hall until he came to an abnormally large door.  ?This must be the place.?  He opened the door to the Royal Chamber, and slipped inside.  At the very front of the room he found Peach, sleeping like a baby.  ?Hmm? I?m supposed to be equipped with a warping device.  Let?s test it out.?  He opened a panel on his arm, revealing a small keyboard.  He picked up Peach and punched in several coordinates.  Instantly, the two of them disappeared.

* * * * * * * * * *

They emerged in a vast grassland that expanded as far as the eye could see.  Before them was a drawbridge that seemed to lead into an enormous castle.  Metal Mario set the sleeping Peach down on a patch of grass.  He stared at his built in digital map.  ?So, this is an entirely different kingdom, huh?  Seems a little too medieval for my tastes?  I?ll take over this kingdom and bring it into the future!?

He began firing silver Fireballs in all directions, attempting to destroy anything in the kingdom that was still standing.  Suddenly, he ceased his assault and moved his head to the left as an arrow whizzed past him and struck the ground.  He turned around to see a man garbed in a green tunic, a green hat, and brown boots.  His cobalt blue eyes were gleaming with determination as he removed a glowing white sword from his sheath.  ?Who are you?!? Metal Mario demanded.  He noticed Peach was missing.

?I have journeyed seven years into the future to vanquish the evil Ganondorf.  If you are in league with him, then you will be blotted out by the blade of evil?s bane, the Master Sword,? the man replied.  ?I-?

?Just tell me your name,? Metal Mario snapped intolerantly.  ?Usually I?m patient with my enemies.  But that speech of yours was sickening.  I just wanted to hear your name.?

?Very well then; I am known far and wide as the Hero of Time, but friends call me Link.  Then again, you?re not my friend.?


The past few days have been pretty tiresome.  I've been busy packing and preparing for a family vacation.  As stated in my sig, I'll be back around 7/27.  You can expect some new chapters when I get back.  ;)


Chapter 20: Hyrule?s Demise?

?So, you?re the hero of this kingdom?? Metal Mario inquired.

Link twirled his Master Sword skillfully.  ?I guess you could say that.?

Metal Mario nodded.  ?I see.  Then it would be best if I told you that your kingdom now belongs to me.  It?s my sole purpose to make sure every kingdom on this entire planet bows down to me!?

Instead of responding, Link charged straight at Metal Mario and unleashed a swift slash that would have cut any normal foe to pieces.  But Metal Mario easily sidestepped the blow and morphed his hand into a blade.  ?Such wasted talent??

?I?ll show you!? Link snapped as he furiously swiped at Metal Mario with his sword, who blocked each of Link?s attacks with his own blade.  ?Hya!?  Link whirled around at an incredible speed with his sword extended.  Metal Mario blocked it with ease.

Metal Mario yawned.  ?Are you finished yet?

?Nope!? Link spat as he flung himself at Metal Mario with his sword raised.  His jump attack was a last resort.  If this failed, the Master Sword would be deemed useless against this new foe.  Metal Mario held his dagger up in front of him and knocked the Master Sword right out of Link?s hand.  Now flying unsteadily through the air without his sword, Link tumbled painfully onto the ground beside Metal Mario.

?Without that sword, you?ll never be able to defend yourself!? Metal Mario cackled.  ?This fight is over.?

It was time for Link?s trump card- bombs.  Link whipped out a bomb and tossed it right at Metal Mario?s face.  The bomb bounced harmlessly off of his impenetrable metal covering and exploded on top of Link instead.  How in the world am I supposed to beat this guy?

?Now you will die,? Metal Mario stated nonchalantly.  ?It?s too bad.  You would have made a great comrade if I equipped you with some metal armor.  Unless?  That?s it!  I can use the Metal Fireball on you.?

?Metal Fireball?? Link parroted as he rolled out of a cloud of smoke created by the bomb.  He struggled to his feet, badly bruised and covered in ashes.  Metal Mario created a metallic Fireball and fired it at him.  Link quickly took out his bow and shot an arrow that pinned the solid Fireball to the ground.  Instantly, a large patch of the ground became as solid and metallic as Metal Mario was.  ?That was close??

?Lucky shot,? Metal Mario murmured.  ?But I?ve decided I don?t want your help anymore.  You?d only slow me down.?  He slowly approached Link.

Link took out another arrow.  This time, though, it was different.  At the tip of it was a chilling, wintry chunk of ice.  He fired the Ice Arrow at Metal Mario, freezing him on the spot.  Link let out a deep sigh.  ?I don?t think even Ganondorf is that strong.?  He aimed yet another arrow at the frozen Metal Mario.  Its tip was burning with flames that seemed to be lit by Link?s fierce determination.  ?It?s time to get rid of this menace for good??

?Fooled you!? Metal Mario sneered as he broke free of his icy prison, sending chunks of shattered ice flying in all directions.  ?Thanks for the air conditioning; it was getting a little hot.?  Link staggered backward in fear.  Metal Mario simply laughed at launched Link from the battlefield with his strongest silver Fireball.

As Link soared through the air, he began mumbling to himself.  ?Yes? it worked??

Metal Mario looked around.  ?Now, where is Princess Peach?  She was here a minute ago?  Ever since that kid arrived, I haven?t seen her.?  He spotted her lying on the ground, either asleep or unconscious.  ?There she is.  Now it?s time to build my new empire!?

He got right to work.  First, he ventured into the castle town.  Before he could announce to everyone that he would be the new ruler of the kingdom, a white horse darted toward the drawbridge that led to Hyrule field.  On top of it was a young girl in a pink and white dress and a strange looking woman.  With one blow, Metal Mario toppled the horse over.  ?No one is leaving town until I make my announcement.?

?Impa, who is that?? the little girl asked, quaking with fear.

?Hush, Princess Zelda.  He is obviously a very powerful warrior.  Maybe he can stop Ganondorf,? Impa whispered.

Time seemed to stand still as everyone in the town stared at Princess Zelda and Impa in the pouring rain.  The silence was broken as a jet black horse carrying Ganondorf himself raced into town.  Ganondorf stepped down and approached Zelda.  ?So, you?ve stopped running from me.  Hand over the Ocarina of Time and the Triforce of Wisdom.  I need them to rule this kingdom with an unbreakable grasp.?

Metal Mario stepped forward.  ?No way.?  Everyone?s face seemed to light up as the mysterious challenger walked toward Ganondorf.  ?That?s my job.?

Lightning flashed.  Everyone?s faces reflected terror once again.  Only Ganondorf was wearing a smile on his face.  ?We?ll see about that!?  Ganondorf drew a dark, glowing blade and slashed at Metal Mario, who blocked the slice with his bare hands.

?The people of this kingdom rely too much on swords.  Why use such inferior and fragile weaponry?? Metal Mario wondered aloud.  He tore the upper half of the blade off and used it to stab directly through Ganondorf?s heart.  He collapsed onto the ground, a small pool of blood forming around him.  ?There is no one left in this kingdom to prevent me from starting a brand new empire!?

Soon, Hyrule Castle became Metal Mario?s new base of operations.  He locked Peach away inside of the deepest, darkest cell in the castle.  But he wasn?t finished yet.  He would never be satisfied until he finished his business with Mario.


Chapter 21: Mario?s Plea

Metal Mario used his transportation device to return to the Mushroom Kingdom.  To his surprise, time had stood still while he was away.  Not a single minute had passed since he left with Peach.  He stood atop of Mushroom Castle?s roof, planning his next move.  How should I destroy Mario?  Ah?  The Metal Fireball might come in handy for this job?

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario and Luigi were sound asleep at their house.  After all, they had no idea that Princess Peach had been kidnapped during their slumber.



Luigi sat up and yawned.  ?Who would call us this late at night??  He picked up the phone.  ?Hello??

?Master Luigi!? Toadsworth boomed from the other end.  ?The princess has been kidnapped!?

?She has?!? Luigi thundered.  ?I?ll be right over!?  He hung up and turned to wake his brother.  Suddenly, a Metal Fireball whizzed out of the shadows and conked Luigi on the back of the head.  He fell to the ground, clutching his wound as he slowly became encased in a metal coating.

?Direct hit,? Metal Mario whispered as he emerged from his hiding spot.  ?Welcome to the family, Metal Luigi.  You know what to do next.  Return to my castle in Hyrule when you?re done.?  With that, Metal Mario vanished.

Mario stretched and got out of bed.  ?Hey Luigi, what are you doing up so early??

Metal Luigi whirled around and nailed Mario with a metal hammer, sending him flying backwards into the wall.  ?Now I?m awake!? Mario exclaimed.  ?And I know you aren?t my brother.?

Metal Luigi bombarded the room with silver Fireballs.  As Mario struggled to dodge them, Metal Luigi dashed up to him and punched him in the face.  Once again, Mario tumbled backward, this time through the window.  Now outside, Mario struggled to his feet.  His mind was racing. I?m still sore from my fight with Metal Mario.  Now there?s a Metal Luigi?!  No?  Metal Mario changed Luigi into this monster.  I?ve got to save him!

Metal Luigi obviously didn?t believe in hurrying.  He took his time to use the front door of the house to get outside, and slowly approached Mario.  ?Why don?t you join us?  With two Metal Mario?s and one Metal Luigi, we?d be invincible!?

?Let Luigi go!? Mario commanded, welling up with anger.

Metal Luigi shook his head.  ?Weren?t you listening?  I asked you if you wanted to join us!?

?LET? HIM? GO!? Mario exploded with rage as he got up, suddenly overflowing with energy.  He charged at Metal Luigi and gave him a right hook straight across the face.  Then he performed a sweep-kick that knocked him off of his feet.  Mario grabbed Metal Luigi by his legs and tossed him into a nearby tree.  He began recklessly launching Fireballs at Metal Luigi.  Not once did he stop to rest.  Something kept burning inside of him, fueling his rage.

As quickly as Mario?s rampage had started, Mario?s attack ceased, and he collapsed onto the ground.  Metal Luigi fell to his knees as well, equally damaged.  Just then, his arm began to flash.  He pressed a button and a screen with Metal Mario?s face popped up.  ?What is it, sire??

?Come back to the castle immediately!  Peach is missing!? Metal Mario demanded.  ?This is an emergency!?

Metal Luigi bowed.  ?Of course.?  He turned to the unconscious Mario.  ?You just wait right here.  Not that you have a choice.  You?re probably too bruised to even move.?  With that, he disappeared a puff of smoke.

Mario opened his eyes.  ?He?s right?  I can?t move??

Morning finally arrived, and Mario remained on the ground.  He was unable to even move an inch from his uncomfortable spot on the ground.  Eventually, a Toad came running to the Mario Bros. house.  ?Mario!  Where are you?!  The princess is missing!?

That?s funny?  Metal Mario said the same thing?  Where is Peach?  Mario could only let out a slight moan.  ?Help??

As the Toad turned to leave, he spotted Mario.  ?Oh my gosh!  What happened to you?!  I better get you to a hospital!?

* * * * * * * * * *

An ambulance was called, and Mario was rushed to the hospital.  He awoke in a comfy bed beside a doctor who was writing some notes down on a slip of paper.  ?What?s? wrong? with me??

The doctor showed him the faintest of smiles.  ?What isn?t wrong with you?  Your arms and legs are all broken, and your spinal cord has been damaged.  As far as we know, you can?t move anything from the waist down, and your arms are pretty banged up.  What happened to you??

?No time? to explain?  Find Mario Jr. and? Luigi Jr.  I sent them? to Yoshi Island?  Ask them? to find Star Rod?  Use? to? heal me??  Mario fainted.

The doctor nodded.  ?As crazy as it sounds, I trust you know what you?re doing.  I?ll contact Yoshi Island right away.?


Chapter 22: Journey to the Star Rod

Mario Jr. and Luigi Jr. each carried a stack of firewood as they hiked back toward Yoshi Village.  Mario Jr., now seven years of age, was carrying a slightly larger stack.  Luigi Jr., only four years old, struggled to keep up with his brother.  ?Can you slow down?  I?m gonna drop everything if I go any faster!?

Mario Jr. sighed.  ?I keep forgetting that you?re three years younger than me.  But we need to push ourselves just like our dad would.  Do you remember why he sent us here in the first place??

Luigi Jr. thought back to that fateful day six months ago:

Mario and Luigi had just begun to get used to their life in the Mushroom Kingdom.  Mario was busy raising two kids, who were nearly helpless on their own.  One day, Bowser attacked.  Mario ordered Luigi to watch over the kids while he pursued the army of Goombas and Koopas that had just marched past their house.  They led him to Mushroom Castle, a place he had never known existed in the two weeks he had lived in the kingdom.

They grabbed a young women and left with her.  Even though she was in peril, Mario fell in love with her at a glance.  Determined to save her, he fought through eight worlds of hazards and defeated Bowser.  He then became a famous hero, while Luigi became a famous housekeeper and babysitter.  But Mario knew that Bowser would attack again.  Before that time would come, he would have to make sure his two sons were safe.  So he sent them to Yoshi Island, where he knew they would be taken good care of.

?He sent us here because we were weak,? Luigi Jr. answered glumly.

Mario Jr. nodded in approval.  ?Exactly.  I?ve always believed that if we work hard and become strong enough to handle ourselves, Dad will be back to take us home.?

They finally arrived in Yoshi Village with the firewood.  Before they could prepare the fire, a stork flew onto the scene bearing a message.  ?I have a message for Mario and Luigi Jr. from Doctor Herb T.?

Mario and Luigi Jr. stepped forward.  ?That?s us.?

The stork cleared his throat before speaking.  ?My patient, Mario, has just received a plethora of fatal injuries that no known doctor can cure.  In his current condition, he will never be able to walk again.  However, Mario has requested that you find the Star Rod and use it to heal him.?

Luigi Jr. began to sob.  ?Daddy?s hurt!  We have to help him!?

?Can you take us to the Star God?? Mario Jr. asked the stork.

?Star Rod,? the stork corrected him, ?and I think I can take you to Star Summit.  But I can only support three people, or I won?t be able to fly.?

Mario Jr. began counting on his fingers.  ?Let?s see? I?m one? Luigi?s two?  And we can take Yoshi!  That?s three people!?

A green Yoshi, simply named ?Yoshi? joined the group.  ?I think I?ll come along, too.  I?ve been good friends with these two since they arrived here.?

?Next stop, Star Summit!?

* * * * * * * * * *

Metal Luigi appeared before his master.  ?Why did you call me here?  I don?t remember you mentioning any meeting.?

Metal Mario grinned.  ?I?ve got a new job for you.?  He flipped a switch on his arm, and Metal Luigi?s metal armor began to disappear.

Luigi looked around.  ?Where am I??  He tapped the cold stone floor with his foot.

?That?s better.  I have a feeling I?ve been tricked.  Peach is not in her cell.  Do you know anything about what might have happened?  Was that just a clever hologram?? Metal Mario inquired.

?What are you talking about?? Luigi asked, scratching his head.  ?ACK!  You?re that metal freak Mario told me about!  Noooo!  Now he?s got me!?

Metal Mario thought for a moment.  ?I guess you don?t know anything.  I?ll just throw you in a cell and prepare a full-scale invasion of Mushroom Castle.  Too bad.  I thought you might have known something.?

* * * * * * * * * *

?This is Star Summit.  You?ll have to follow Star Road to get any further,? the stork informed them.  ?Luckily, it?s a very peaceful place.  I doubt you?ll run into any trouble on the way there.?

Sure enough, the three of them made it to Star Haven with ease.  After speaking with some of the locals, they found their way to the Star Shrine.  Sitting there, at its center, was the Star Rod.  Mario Jr. reached out and grabbed it.  ?That was easy.  I was expecting a long and perilous journey.?

The three turned around to see Metal Wario and Metal Waluigi standing in their paths.  Apparently Metal Mario had been busy with his Metal Fireballs.


Chapter 23: Farewell

Luigi Jr. stumbled backward in fear.  Mario Jr. clenched his fists in an attempt to look brave, but he was equally frightened.  ?We can take them.  There are three of us, and only two of them,? Mario Jr. reassured his brother.

?Your father is counting on you.  This is your chance to prove yourselves,? Yoshi added.

Without warning, Metal Wario charged forward at Luigi Jr., who began shrieking wildly before finally jumping out of the way.  Metal Wario continued to dash straight toward the edge of the Star Shrine before finally stopping himself.  ?These guys aren?t so tough,? Luigi Jr. stated cheerfully.  ?I can take them!?

Metal Waluigi tossed some silver Fireballs at the group, but they easily evaded them.  ?I guess I have to try attacking him sometime!? Mario Jr. exclaimed as he rushed at Metal Wario and punched him as hard as he could.  Metal Wario teetered unstably and fell off of the edge.  ?I didn?t mean to do that!?  He looked over the edge and saw Metal Wario desperately hanging on.

?If he can do it, then we can too!? Luigi Jr. cheered as he boarded Yoshi.  At Luigi Jr.?s command, Yoshi fired an egg at Metal Waluigi, who simply smashed the egg with his metal fist.

?Is that the best you can do?? Metal Waluigi sneered as he kicked Yoshi down to the ground.  Luigi Jr. leaped off of Yoshi and gave Metal Waluigi a solid blow across the face, knocking him out cold.

?I guess we learned more on Yoshi Island than we thought,? Mario Jr. sighed.  ?Still, we can?t just leave these two here.  Put them in eggs.?

Yoshi swallowed both Metal Wario and Waluigi.  However, something peculiar happened.  Instead of coming out of Yoshi as an egg, they came out as their former selves!  ?What happened?? Waluigi wondered aloud, rubbing his head.

?I have a splitting headache,? Wario moaned.  ?Were we doing something money-related??

Mario Jr. scratched his head.  ?That?s weird?  But at least we found the Star Rod.  Let?s leave these two here for now.  I?m sure they?ll figure out what happened sooner or later.?

* * * * * * * * * *

Mario sat in the hospital, unable to move.  ?I hope? they hurry??

Yoshi, Mario Jr., and Luigi Jr. all came sprinting into the room.  ?Dad!  We brought the Star Rod!? Mario Jr. exclaimed.

Doctor Herb T. gasped.  ?You mean you really found it?!  Don?t just stand there; wish for him to recover!?

Luigi Jr. held the Star Rod up high.  ?Uh?  Great and powerful Star Rod?  Please get rid of my daddy?s boo-boos that the bad man gave him.?

?Give me that!? Mario Jr. snapped as he ripped the Star Rod from his brother?s hand.  ?Great and powerful Star Rod? Please heal my all of my father?s injuries so he can protect us once again.  How did that sound?  I saw it on a T.V. show once.?

The Star Rod began to glow.  A yellow aura surrounded Mario as his cuts and bruises slowly vanished.  Next, all of his broken bones and life-threatening wounds were fixed.  The Star Rod ceased to glow and the aura encasing Mario disappeared.  Mario sat up in his bed.  ?I?m healed!?

?Daddy!? Luigi Jr. cried as he ran over to his father.  Mario Jr. joined him, his face welling up with tears.

Mario hugged them both.  ?Why are you crying?  I thought you?d be happy to see me.?

The three of them laughed.  ?So why?d you need our help?  Where?s uncle Luigi?? Luigi Jr. asked.

?I don?t know?  But right now, I have to find Princess Peach.  You three should head back to Yoshi Island,? Mario commanded.

?But dad!? Mario Jr. protested.

?Something dangerous is going on.  The same people who got to me could get to you.  In one year, you can come back.  Give me one year to sort this mess out,? Mario told him.

Skeptically, Mario Jr. nodded.  Yoshi began to carry them out of the room.  ?It was nice seeing you again.  Good luck,? Yoshi said before leaving.

?Now?  Where should I start looking for Peach?? Mario pondered.

Peach stepped into the room.  ?Did I just hear my name??


Chapter 24: Undercover Agent

?Where have you been?? Mario inquired.  ?I thought for sure Metal Mario had gotten to you.?

?Not exactly,? Peach replied.  ?Let E. Gadd explain everything to you.?

E. Gadd entered the room.  ?When I heard the news about the intruder at Mushroom Castle, I invited Princess Peach over to my lab.  Lately I?ve been studying the special copy abilities of Duplighosts, and with very positive results.  With the help of Peach?s Sneaky Parasol that one of Bowser?s guards gave her a while back, I created a device that can make you look like anyone you want!  Next, I got one of my most skilled agents to disguise himself as Peach with this new device.  He slept at the castle just as Peach would, and the assassin took the bait!?

?So, who is this agent?  Do I know him??

* * * * * * * * * *

?This was too easy.  That metal moron sure did take the bait.  I have to hand it to him, though.  He?s even stronger than me,? a man chuckled to himself as he crept through Metal Mario?s castle.  The man remembered the previous events that got him into the castle:

He never thought about the reasoning for Peach?s temporary disappearance?

Link charged straight at Metal Mario and unleashed a swift slash that would have cut any normal foe to pieces.  But Metal Mario easily sidestepped the blow and morphed his hand into a blade.  ?Such wasted talent??

?I?ll show you!? Link snapped as he furiously swiped at Metal Mario with his sword, who blocked each of Link?s attacks with his own blade.  ?Hya!?  Link whirled around at an incredible speed with his sword extended.  Metal Mario blocked it with ease.

Metal Mario yawned.  ?Are you finished yet?

What an arrogant pest?  E. Gadd didn?t tell me he was this strong.

?Nope!? Link spat as he flung himself at Metal Mario with his sword raised.  His jump attack was a last resort.  If this failed, the Master Sword would be deemed useless against this new foe.  Metal Mario held his dagger up in front of him and knocked the Master Sword right out of Link?s hand.  Now flying unsteadily through the air without his sword, Link tumbled painfully onto the ground beside Metal Mario.

?Without that sword, you?ll never be able to defend yourself!? Metal Mario cackled.  ?This fight is over.?

It was time for Link?s trump card- bombs.  Link whipped out a bomb and tossed it right at Metal Mario?s face.  The bomb bounced harmlessly off of his impenetrable metal covering and exploded on top of Link instead.  How in the world am I supposed to beat this guy?

?Now you will die,? Metal Mario stated nonchalantly.  ?It?s too bad.  You would have made a great comrade if I equipped you with some metal armor.  Unless?  That?s it!  I can use the Metal Fireball on you.?

?Metal Fireball?? Link parroted as he rolled out of a cloud of smoke created by the bomb.  He struggled to his feet, badly bruised and covered in ashes.  Metal Mario created a metallic Fireball and fired it at him.  Link quickly took out his bow and shot an arrow that pinned the solid Fireball to the ground.  Instantly, a large patch of the ground became as solid and metallic as Metal Mario was.  ?That was close??

?Lucky shot,? Metal Mario murmured.  ?But I?ve decided I don?t want your help anymore.  You?d only slow me down.?  He slowly approached Link.

Link took out another arrow.  This time, though, it was different.  At the tip of it was a chilling, wintry chunk of ice.  He fired the Ice Arrow at Metal Mario, freezing him on the spot.  Link let out a deep sigh. 

What a battle!  I didn?t think this would be that tough!  Won?t they be happy to know I finished off this guy?

?I don?t think even Ganondorf is that strong.?  He aimed yet another arrow at the frozen Metal Mario.  Its tip was burning with flames that seemed to be lit by Link?s fierce determination.  ?It?s time to get rid of this menace for good??

?Fooled you!? Metal Mario sneered as he broke free of his icy prison, sending chunks of shattered ice flying in all directions.  ?Thanks for the air conditioning; it was getting a little hot.?  Link staggered backward in fear.  Metal Mario simply laughed at launched Link from the battlefield with his strongest silver Fireball.

As Link soared through the air, he began mumbling to himself.  ?Yes? it worked??

I may not have won, but I can still finish my job.  I better re-disguise myself so Metal Mario doesn?t realize that I was Peach the whole time!

?From then, it was easy to escape from my cell.  After all, why would you reinforce a cell that is supposed to contain a helpless princess?? Link snickered.  ?I guess I?d better get some dirt on Metal Mario.  I?m sure he keeps some kind of papers that reveal his weakness, or at least a journal or diary.?


Chapter 25: Metal Mario?s Lab

?His name is Link,? E. Gadd told them.  ?He?s working hard to search for a weakness in Metal Mario?s design.?

Mario thought for a moment.  ?I remember him!  He was the guy in the green tunic with the sword!  Link and I fought in a Smash Tournament once, and it was the most evenly matched battle the audience had ever seen.  They even had to call it a draw!  If Link and I teamed up, I?m sure we could beat Metal Mario!  How did he get here, anyway??

E. Gadd pulled out a small remote.  ?With this, I can bring people and objects from one kingdom to another.  I call it the GaddTeleporter5000!?

* * * * * * * * * *

Link used his Hookshot to cross a large gap in the castle.  ?These dungeons are so old that the floor has rotted away in some spots.?  He fired an arrow at a distant switch, and a nearby door unbolted itself.  ?Metal Mario?s office should be around here somewhere?  But where??

* * * * * * * * * *

?So I can use this to get to Metal Mario?s Castle?? Mario inquired excitedly.

E. Gadd scratched his head.  ?I suppose you could.  But it?s too dangerous to be sneaking around in there.  Link can handle himself.?

?But Luigi might be trapped in there somewhere!? Mario protested.  He tore the GaddTeleporter5000 from E. Gadd?s hand, punched in a few numbers, and vanished into thin air.  The device he was holding dropped to the floor beside E. Gadd?s feet.

* * * * * * * * * *

?So, this is Metal Mario?s new castle, huh?? Mario wondered aloud.  ?I better start looking for Luigi.  I just hope I don?t end up finding Metal Luigi instead.?  He crept through the castle, down rows upon rows of empty cells.  It was more of a maze than a dungeon- Mario could have sworn he passed the same bloody corpse three times.

?Help!  Somebody!  Help me!? a familiar voice called.

The voice startled Mario.  ?Who?s there??

?Help me!  Please!?

Mario sprinted toward the source of the yelling.  There, sitting inside of a small, stone cell, was Luigi.  ?Luigi!  You?re here!?

Luigi?s face brightened.  ?You came for me, bro!  I knew you would!  Metal Mario locked me up when I didn?t tell him anything about Princess Peach?s whereabouts.  Where is she, anyway?  Toadsworth called us up in the middle of the night, telling us she was missing.  After that, everything went blank.?

?C?mon; I?ll explain everything on the way!  We have to find Link!?

* * * * * * * * * *

Link found himself inside of a strange lab.  ?This must be it.  I?ll have a look around.?  He found various weapons and upgrades for Metal Mario.   There were folders filled with blueprints for ?Metal Cannons? and ?Laser Rifles?.  One Link found particularly interesting was a complete map of what was titled ?Dimension M?.  It displayed a large battleship surrounded by what appeared to be a green vortex.

Next he found an enormous computer screen hooked up to a mouse and keyboard.  On the side of the screen was a deep crevice shaped as a hand.  The screen presented a bird?s eye view of the Hyrule Castle.  Beside it was a large toolbar with many different hazards, such as flames, tornados, and tidal waves.  A paper beside this screen instructed the user to drag and drop the catastrophes onto the kingdom.  Amused, Link dropped a tornado onto the castle.  Before he could do anything else, he felt a strong gust of wind slowly raise the castle.

?Whatever I do on this screen happens in real life?!? Link thundered in amazement.  He quickly pressed the delete button on the keyboard, and the castle dropped back to the ground.  ?That was close? Hey, isn?t that Mario??  He noticed an icon with the face of Mario on the castle displayed on the monitor.  Beside him was a Luigi icon.  Link pressed a button, showing the inside of the castle on the screen.  He dragged both the Mario and Luigi icons to the room he was in, and they suddenly appeared beside him.  ?This thing is amazing!?

?How did we get here,? Mario pondered.  ?Oh, hey Link!  Is this Metal Mario?s lab??  He saw a small PDA on a table.  ?This looks interesting.?  He stuffed it into his pocket.

Luigi rubbed his head.  ?Why do I feel like I?ve just been dragged across a football field??

Before they could get acquainted, a voice boomed from the lab entrance.  ?Who has been messing around in my lab?!?  Metal Mario stormed into the room.


Chapter 26: Battle for Hyrule

Metal Mario?s eyes became red with rage as he saw Mario, Luigi, and Link standing before him.  ?So, the three of you have banded together.  You wouldn?t happen to know where Peach is, do you??

?She?s safe in the Mushroom Kingdom!  Link was disguised as Peach the whole time, you idiot!? Luigi taunted.  ?I can?t believe you fell for-? Luigi bit his lip.

?Thanks for the info!? Metal Mario sneered.  ?Once I?m finished here, I?ll be sure to go pick her up!?

?Nice going, bro,? Mario sighed.

Link drew his sword.  ?Focus; he?s about to attack.?

Metal Mario?s right hand morphed into a long sword, while his left hand became a rifle.  He dashed toward Mario and slashed at him.  Mario quickly jumped out of the way, but Metal Mario shot a laser beam out of his rifle, hitting him in midair.  Link sliced at Metal Mario from behind, but he quickly whirled around and blocked the slash with his own sword.  Luigi shot a cluster of green Fireballs at Metal Mario, who side stepped them, causing them to hit Link instead.

Mario struggled to his feet.  ?He?ll pay for that.?  He jumped into the air and unleashed a Super Fireball, but Metal Mario quickly dove out of the way.  ?Link!  Your mirror shield!?

Link took out his mirror shield and deflected it toward Metal Mario.  ?Two can play at that game!? Metal Mario exclaimed, as his rifle-equipped hand morphed into a shield, neutralizing the blast on impact.  Link took out his bow and fired an armada of arrows at him.  Metal Mario shielded himself from the barrage, while Mario and Luigi stealthily snuck up behind him.  ?Don?t think I didn?t notice you two behind me!?

Metal Mario spun around and slashed at Mario.  The blade barely skimmed his arm, leaving a bloody cut.  Luigi flung himself at Metal Mario, who knocked him down by pushing him with his shield.  Just as he was about to finish of the Mario Brothers, he let out a scream of pain.  Link had fired a Light Arrow at him.  ?AGH!  How dare you attack me while my back is turned!?

Mario nailed the stunned Metal Mario with a Flaming Punch, causing him to crumple onto the ground.  ?This can?t be!  I?m invincible!?  A dark aura surrounded him, and metallic shockwaves began emitting from him.

?Don?t touch them, or you?ll be turned to metal!? Link warned them.

The three of them ducked and weaved through several shockwaves.  Metal Mario began to think to himself.  Which one should it be?  Hmm? If Mario became metal, I could probably merge with him.  After all, we?d both be Metal Mario?s.   ?Mario!  I choose you to be my next victim!?

?In your dreams!? Mario shot back, struggling to avoid the Metal Shockwaves.  Metal Mario rushed forward at him and knocked him to the ground.  Before Mario could get up, he was hit by a shockwave and his body slowly became encased in metal. 

?Now, watch as any hope you had before crumples away!? the original Metal Mario bellowed.  The two Metal Mario?s merged into one, extremely powerful Metal Mario.  ?There?s no way you can stop me now!?

Metal Mario smirked menacing and seemed to disappear for a moment.  Link came to his senses and darted to the right.  Metal Mario?s blade rushed past the spot where he just stood.  ?He didn?t disappear?  That was pure speed??

?Can you see how hopeless you really are?  You can?t even keep up with me!?  Metal Mario cackled.

?Maybe not?? Luigi whispered.  ?But we have to save Mario!  Somewhere, deep down, he?s still alive!?

Luigi ducked as a strong rush of wind passed over his head, knocking his hat to the floor.  He ran over to it and put it back on his head before being assaulted by Metal Mario again.  Luigi shrieked and rolled out of the way of one of Metal Mario?s slashes.  Link fired another Light Arrow at Metal Mario, who easily dodged it with his amazing speed.  ?You?re all too slow to hit me!?

?Luigi!  We have to retreat!  The two of us can?t beat him!? Link commanded.

Luigi knew Link would never retreat unless there was absolutely no hope left.  ?Let?s go!?  The two of them sprinted for their lives, with Metal Mario close behind them.  ?He?s right behind us!  Go!  Move it!?

?Mario had to have used a portal to get here!  We need to find it!? Link screamed desperately.  They rushed down the many paths that weaved through the dungeon, occasionally diving out of the way of one of Metal Mario?s attacks.  At last, they found a portal!

?Let?s get out of here!? Luigi sighed, ready to jump into the portal.

?I?m with you!? Link agreed.  Without warning, to Luigi?s utter horror, a blade pierced through Link?s stomach.  He collapsed onto the ground, blood trickling from his life-ending wound.

?You?re not going anywhere!? Metal Mario roared as he delivered a kick to Luigi?s head that instantly knocked him out.  He prepared to plunge his sword through Luigi?s heart, when he suddenly stopped and fell to the ground.  ?What?!  No!  I have to kill him!  NO!  Since Mario is now a part of me, I can?t bear to kill Luigi!  I?ll just have to separate from that sentimental fool!?  He created a Metal Fireball in his hand.  It began to grow until it took the shape of another Metal Mario.  Its metal armor faded away, and Mario collapsed onto the ground, out cold.

?Oh well.  I didn?t need his power anyway.  Besides, with my new invention, I?ll be able to gain just as much power as I had before,? Metal Mario chuckled.  ?Still, I should thank them for leaving this portal to the Mushroom Kingdom wide open.  I?ll play a little game with Mario before I kill him.  I?ll just capture all of his friends, lock them up in my castle, and wait for him to come to Dimension M.  If he can figure out how to get to Dimension M, he?ll get the chance to fight me and save his friends.  If he fails, they will all die!  Sweat dreams, Mario.  I have a game to set up.?

With that, he grabbed Luigi and entered the portal to the Mushroom Kingdom.


Chapter 27: Search for Dimension M

Mario woke up hours later to the sight of Link?s bloody corpse and a note.  He had a splitting headache, but he attempted to read the note anyway.

Mario, I have all of your friends safely locked away in the highest room of Mushroom Castle.  Unfortunately for you, the room is surrounded by a barrier, and the only way you can get rid of this barrier is if you find a way to come to Dimension M, where I will be waiting for you.  Once there, we?ll settle things once and for all.  I look forward to seeing you on the ground before my feet, ashamed.  Oh, and I?ll also be broadcasting this battle to your friends as it takes place, so they can watch their hero?s defeat.

?Darn him!? Mario cursed.  Suddenly, he had finally noticed that Link was dead.  He had seen his corpse, but his mind had not yet processed what had happened.  ?Link!  Are you okay?  Did Metal Mario do this?!  I?ll get him?  He thinks he?s so much stronger than me!  I?ll find a way to win!?  Mario took Link?s Master Sword and its sheath and strapped it to his back.  ?You were a great warrior, and a good person.  I didn?t know you for long, but that didn?t give Metal Mario the right to kill you.  I?ll remember you when I?m facing him, and I?ll know I?m not fighting this battle alone.  The Master Sword should help me during the fight.?  He turned and began to walk toward the portal.

True strength?

Mario whirled around.  ?What?  Who said that??

You have awakened?

?Who are you?  Where are you?? Mario inquired, quaking with fear.

Ever since you were born, you have had a great power sleeping with in you.  Now? some of that power has awakened.


You now have the will to fight for someone other than yourself.  You will be fighting for your friends? and for Link.

?I?ve always fought for my friends,? Mario persisted.  ?Whenever Peach was kidnapped by Bowser, I fought to rescue her.?

No? You fought to have the glory of rescuing her.  Purely selfish?  But not anymore?  You are one step closer to your full strength.  And while you may not be stronger now, when the will to protect your friends is its strongest, the power that has just awakened will surface.  If you cannot handle it, you will die.

?Why can?t I just master my new power now?  I want to save my friends?? Mario pried.

You have so much potential within you, even if I helped you now, your full power would destroy you.  Once you master the power that has been given to you now, I will help you reach an even greater level of skill.  We will meet again, as soon as you cross into the Overthere Stair.  You are not aware of it yet, but after you challenge Metal Mario, you will die.  Until then, I?ll be waiting.  I, the great Skulleon, will be watching over you.

?No?  I can?t die!? Mario thundered.  ?But? I have to save my friends?  You?re wrong!  I?ll beat Metal Mario without dying!?  Mario passed through the portal back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

?So? How in the world am I going to find Dimension M??  Mario wondered aloud.  He felt a lump in his pocket, and pulled out the PDA he had found in Metal Mario?s Lab.  It was flashing, and two columns of information were being displayed.

Column One: 0920485048367395757548474947485749474859544745958474748549484747485958547474748595734957476376387947

Column Two:
CaStLe, RoYaL cHaIr, PuSh To ThE sIdE, lOoK uP iNtO tHe LiGhT, AnD sTaRt YoUr EnGiNe.

Column two definitely caught Mario?s attention.  ?I bet it?s some kind of instruction manual leading me to someplace important.  I might as well start at Mushroom Castle, since it?s the only castle I know of besides Bowser?s Castle.  It wouldn?t be referring to Metal Mario?s Castle, though, or there would be no need to include ?CaStLe? in the instructions.?

He made his way to Mushroom Castle, which was surprisingly empty.  Metal Mario must have driven everyone out before locking up Mario?s friends.  ?Alright, what do I do next?  Royal Chair? push to the side?  Is it talking about Peach?s throne?  That chair??  He walked up to the throne.  If anyone saw me doing this, they?d think I was a nut job.  He pushed with all of his might, and it slid across the floor, revealing a passage hidden behind it.

?How come no one has ever noticed this?!? Mario shouted in confusion.  He crept down the dark cave until he hit a dead end.  Light out from a nearby window lit up the entire room.  ?Look up into the light? and start my engine?  Umm?  Okay??  He looked up at the light, which suddenly seemed ten times brighter.

A golden kart appeared before him.  ?That looks like the Shooting Star kart I used in the Mushroom Kingdom Grand Prix!  I bet it can help me get to Dimension M!? 

He jumped in, and a portal opened directly in front of the kart.  Instantly, the Shooting Star sped off!  Mario saw nothing but swirling colors around them as they entered Metal Mario?s twisted dimension.  This is it!  Everyone has fought Metal Mario as hard as they could!  Now it?s my turn!  Mario remembered the strange voice he had heard earlier.

Ever since you were born, you have had a great power sleeping with in you.  Now? some of that power has awakened.

You now have the will to fight for someone other than yourself.  You will be fighting for your friends? and for Link.

No? You fought to have the glory of rescuing her.  Purely selfish?  But not anymore?  You are one step closer to your full strength.  And while you may not be stronger now, when the will to protect your friends is its strongest, the power that has just awakened will surface.  If you cannot handle it, you will die.

You have so much potential within you, even if I helped you now, your full power would destroy you.  Once you master the power that has been given to you now, I will help you reach an even greater level of skill.  We will meet again, as soon as you cross into the Overthere Stair.  You are not aware of it yet, but after you challenge Metal Mario, you will die.  Until then, I?ll be waiting.  I, the great Skulleon, will be watching over you.

?I will win!  I have to!  Even if it does kill me!?


Chapter 28: Mario vs. Metal Mario

The Shooting Star landed inside of a colossal battleship.  Mario found himself in a dark, spacious room.  He crept out of the kart and into the darkness.  The Shooting Star burst into flames as the room lit up with dazzling, bright lights.  Metal Mario emerged from a door on the far side of the room, grinning.

Mario looked around him and realized that they were inside an enormous stadium.  He spotted a massive computer screen hooked up to a mouse and keyboard.  On the side of the screen was a deep crevice shaped as a hand.  The screen presented a bird?s eye view of the entire Mushroom Kingdom.

?So, you actually found my little dimension?  Good.  You wouldn?t want to let you?re friends down, would you?? Metal Mario inquired, gesturing toward the computer screen.  It now displayed the inside of the room Mario?s friends were locked up in.

?Mario, help us!? Peach pleaded.

?You?ve got to stop him!? Luigi screamed.

Wario and Waluigi were fiercely attacking the barrier that held them captive inside the top floor of Mushroom Castle, but to no avail.  ?C?mon, Mario, you can beat this jerk!?

Mario clenched his fists.  ?Let them go!?

?I?ll let them go, that?s for sure,? Metal Mario sneered.  ?But first, I need to make sure they watch as their hero fails miserably.  I have to show them that I will not be opposed by anyone!  That brings me to my new invention.  It requires a complex code to activate, which I believe you possess.?

?I don?t have any code!? Mario snapped.

?You must,? Metal Mario persisted.  ?If you didn?t have the code, you would never have been able to find this place!  Hand over the PDA!?

?This?? Mario asked as he pulled the PDA from his pocket.  ?I found it back in your old lab!  If you want it, you?ll have to take it from me!?

?Sounds easy enough,? Metal Mario chuckled.  He raised one of his arms, and the PDA floated out of Mario?s hands and toward him.  ?How was that??  He snatched the PDA and hooked it up to the monitor.

//Now scanning input code?  Scan complete.  Please insert Metal Fireball sample.\\

The screen now showed the Mushroom Kingdom once again.  Metal Mario placed his hand into the crevice and released a Metal Fireball.  ?Do you know what all of this does, Mario?  This computer is an Alternative Reality Device, or ARD.  Whatever happens on this screen will happen in real life.  This code on the PDA is actually a carefully compressed version of your DNA makeup.  That is how far my creator has advanced in scientific technology.  Your DNA makeup matched with the ARD can make everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom an exact copy of you!  Thanks to my built in Metal Fireball scanner, do you know what I can do?  I can change every single one of the Mario copies I created into Metal Mario copies, and then absorb them just as I absorbed you!?

?You freak!? Mario cursed.  ?Will everyone you locked up inside Mushroom Castle be affected??

?No,? Metal Mario replied coldly.  ?They must remain inside of the barrier, so they can watch me defeat you.  But enough of that!  It?s time to absorb my new allies!?  Suddenly, hundreds of Metal Mario look-alikes flew into the room and merged with Metal Mario.  There were tons of them!  Mario attempted to count them, but they quickly vanished inside of Metal Mario.  ?What do you think??

Mario stared at him in awe.  In appearance, Metal Mario hadn?t changed.  But as far as strength goes, he was in a league of his own.  ?No? Now what??

?Now? you will die.?

Metal Mario charged straight at Mario at amazing speeds.  Mario stood firmly and began to charge up a Fireball.  Just as Metal Mario was about to deliver a bone-crushing blow, Mario unleashed a Super Fireball directly in his opponents face.  Now that the room was clouded with smoke, Mario looked around frantically.  It can?t be over.  That wasn?t enough to kill him.

?Over here!? Metal Mario cried from above as he came crashing down.  Mario quickly rolled out of the way and leaped to his feet.  Metal Mario?s right hand morphed into a grappling hook, and his left hand became a dagger.  He fired the grappling hook, which latched onto Mario?s arm and began to reel him in toward Metal Mario?s dagger.  Mario smacked the dagger away moments before it stabbed him and delivered a painful right hook to Metal Mario?s face.

Metal Mario clutched his face.  ?Your determination is unshakeable?  I should have known it was a bad idea to hold back against you.?  His grappling hook and dagger became regular fists again.

?Hold back?? Mario parroted.  Before he could react, Metal Mario was already in front of him with his fist wedged in Mario?s chest.  Next, he launched Mario up into the air and slammed him back onto the ground.  Mario, now barely able to move, remembered the words spoken to him in Hyrule Field.  Metal Mario picked him up by the throat and held him in front of the computer screen for all of Mario?s friends to see.

You are not aware of it yet, but after you challenge Metal Mario, you will die.


Chapter 29: Awaken as a Hero

Luigi, Peach, Wario, and Waluigi watched in horror as Metal Mario slowly choked Mario to death.  Peach began to cry.  ?No!  Mario!  We have to help him!?

?C?mon, bro!  You have to fight him!? Luigi cheered him on.

?Mario!  If you win this, I?ll give you a bag of cash!? Wario bellowed.

Waluigi sighed.  ?Get us out of here!  We?re all counting on you!?

?Beat him!  You can do it!? they all shouted.

?You can?t pay for this kind of entertainment!  Your friends actually think there?s still hope!? Metal Mario cackled.  ?You?re finished!  And after you?re dead, I?ll kill all of your pesky friends!?

You now have the will to fight for someone other than yourself.  You will be fighting for your friends? and for Link.  And while you may not be stronger now, when the will to protect your friends is its strongest, the power that has just awakened will surface.

A red aura surrounded Mario.  He kicked Metal Mario in the chest and landed safely on the ground.  ?You might be stronger than me?  But I won?t let you hurt my friends!  Even if it does kill me to beat you, I will win!?

He has done it.  The power that comes when you need to protect someone dear to you is now his own.  Finish him!

?What?!  I beat you!  How?!?  Metal Mario stammered.

?It doesn?t matter how many times you trounce me!  If my friends are in danger, I?m going to come back and challenge you again!  And this time, you?re the one who?s going to be trounced!?  Mario cupped his hands and began charging a Fireball.  ?The nightmare is over!  Goodbye Metal Mario!?  He shot his most powerful Super Fireball and hit Metal Mario dead on.

?NO!  I?m invincible!!  How?!? Metal Mario shrieked.

There was a huge explosion when the Super Fireball hit Metal Mario, and the room was covered in smoke.  Large chunks of debris began to fall from the ceiling.  ?I did it??

?Now?  How do I get out of here??




Tiny explosions began erupting all over the room.  The lights dimmed and the roof was blown off, revealing a swirling green vortex that surrounded the entire stadium.  ?What?s going on?!?

Metal Mario walked out of the smoke severely bruised.  ?Did you miss me??

?You again?!  What is that vortex doing?!  It?s going to kill both of us!?  Mario warned him.

"This is my world!  It?s surrounded by a vortex, and whatever touches it is doomed to be trapped between dimensions forever!" Metal Mario laughed.  ?It has been slowly pulling the entire battleship in.  While you were busy catering to your friends, you?ve slowly been ending your own life!?

?You?re bluffing!  You?ll be destroyed too!? Mario exclaimed.

?I?m afraid not!? Metal Mario sneered.  ?See that orb over there??  He gestured toward a pedestal at the edge of the stadium.  On top of it was a shining green orb.  ?As long as that exists, I?ll be able to return after being sucked in!?

?I can beat this guy,? Mario reassured himself.  ?I?ve just got to tap into my new power!?  He rushed over to Metal Mario and performed an uppercut that knocked Metal Mario sky-high.  While his foe was airborne, Mario shot a cluster of Fireballs at him. 

?How?!  He?s in complete control!? Metal Mario roared as he collapsed onto the ground.  Mario darted toward him to finish him off.  ?Stop, Mario!  Or I might do something to one of your friends!  You?re always blathering on about how important they are to you!  What if I happened to kill them?!  Then you?d be all alone, in a barren world that has been ruined by me!?

Mario stopped dead in his tracks.  ?Don?t even think about hurting them!?

Metal Mario began to laugh.  ?Then don?t even think about moving!  Or I?ll start a fire that will burn the entire Mushroom Castle down!  With the ARD, it would take seconds to kill off your friends!?

Mario ceased attacking him.  ?Just don?t hurt them.?

Metal Mario?s hand morphed into a Plasma Ray Gun.  ?Do you know what this is?  No man has ever survived a plasma ray!  This is the end, Mario!  Feel free to dodge it, but I?ll just have to annihilate all of your friends instead!?

Metal Mario launched an enormous purple plasma ray at Mario, who stood his ground.  ?I?ve got to survive this one!?  The blast struck him with pinpoint accuracy.  Mario let out a cry of agony as the beam took its toll on him.  At last, it stopped.  Mario fell to his knees, laughing.  ?You?ll?need?more than that? to kill me??

?Interesting?  You must be one of the strongest men alive to resist a blast like that.  I commend you!  However, one more shot should be enough to end this!?  Metal Mario fired another mammoth plasma ray.

Mario cupped his hand.  ?Only one? attack? can stand up to something like that.  The Ultra Fireball?  I have to try it?  I haven?t? been able to master it? since I arrived in the? Mushroom Kingdom?  It?s my? only hope??  He began charging a Fireball.  Soon, it grew to the size of a Super Fireball.  At last, its size tripled.  The Ultra Fireball was ready.  Link?s Master Sword!  If I channeled the blast through his Master Sword, maybe I can beat him! He clutched the Master Sword in his hand, aimed it at the annihilator beam that was coming straight for him, and fired a wave of flames out of the Master Sword?s tip.

?What?!  You think you can stand up to a plasma ray with another one of your Fireballs?!  Try this!?  Metal Mario?s free hand morphed into yet another Plasma Ray Gun.  He charged it up and unleashed a second plasma ray that seemed to overcome Mario?s Ultra Fireball.

?No!  I can?t give up!? Mario cried.  ?I will win!?  Just as everyone seemed to give up hope, Link?s spirit appeared.  ?Link?!  Is that you?!?  He wielded a Master Sword of his own.  Link dashed over to Metal Mario and began rapidly slashing at him.


Mario?s determination grew, and so did his Ultra Fireball.  Now that Metal Mario was distracted, his plasma rays vanished, and the wave of flames rushed into Metal Mario and engulfed him.  Metal Mario slowly fell apart as the Ultra Fireball eliminated him.  It was over.  Metal Mario had been vanquished.


Chapter 30: Farewell

?I did it,? Mario sighed.  ?Metal Mario is gone.?

?You?re the best!? Luigi cheered.

?That was pretty awesome,? Wario admitted.

?What a guy!  You?re lucky to have him as a rival, Wario.  All I have is that green coward,? Waluigi murmured.

Only one thought was on Peach?s mind.  How will he get back?

?Thanks, everyone.  You gave me the motivation to beat him,? Mario told them through the computer screen.  ?Time to end this!?  Mario dashed over to the green orb and stabbed it with the Master Sword.  It ceased to glow and shattered to pieces.  He held the Master Sword up in triumph.  ?I won!  Thank you, Link!  I know you?re out there somewhere!?

The battle ship slowly began to sink into the vortex.

You are not aware of it yet, but after you challenge Metal Mario, you will die.  Until then, I?ll be waiting.  I, the great Skulleon, will be watching over you.

?Come home, Mario!? Luigi cheered.  ?We?re all waiting!?

Mario smiled sympathetically.  ?Sorry, guys.  I can?t get back.  Metal Mario destroyed my only way back when I first arrived.  I?ve been thinking about it ever since I got here, and I?ve come to a conclusion.  I was destined to die from the start.  A god warned me before I even got here.  But I?ve finally decided that I?m okay with dying.  It was to protect everyone.  Now that Metal Mario is gone, everyone he absorbed should be back in the Mushroom Kingdom, and the barrier should be gone.  I?d like you to use the Star Rod to bring Link back to life, though.  He deserves better than to die.?

?NO!  Mario!? Peach burst into tears.  She reached out toward the computer screen.  ?Don?t go!  NO!?

Luigi reacted similarly.  Even Wario and Waluigi couldn?t keep themselves from shedding a tear.  The computer screen went fuzzy, and the connection was lost.

?At least I saved the universe.  My journeys are going to continue in the Overthere.  I?m anxious to start mastering this new power of mine!?  Mario exclaimed.  ?Goodbye, everyone.  I have a feeling this won?t be the last time we?ll see each other.?  The battleship faded into the vortex, and so did Mario, tears streaming down his cheek.  ?Farewell??

This wasn?t any ordinary death.  It was the death? of a hero.  The Mushroom Kingdom?s true hero?

* * * * * * * * * *

Two days had passed since that fateful day.  The Mushroom Kingdom?s residents had returned immediately after Metal Mario was killed.  But the damage that had been left behind was unbelievable.  Peach, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, and E. Gadd assembled at the hospital, where the Star Rod had been left.

?We can use the Star Rod to bring Mario and Link back to life!? Luigi exclaimed.

Peach nodded.  ?Great and powerful Star Rod?  Two people have just recently lost their lives in the fight with Metal Mario.  Can you restore the lives of Link and Mario??


Everyone was stunned.  ?Did the Star Rod just talk?? Wario wondered aloud.

No.  I am not the Star Rod.  I had a feeling you might try and bring Mario back with the Star Rod, so I prepared this message just in case.  Mario is meant for much bigger things, and has a great power sleeping within him.  I will be working with him to master some of that power.  Then, when the time is right, Mario will return and save everyone once again.  I, Skulleon, will teach Mario everything I know.  However, the one called Link can be brought back to Hyrule.  I will also grant you Mario?s body.  He deserves a proper burial.  Until then, so long?

There was a blinding flash of light, and then the Star Rod collapsed onto the ground.

The End
(Find out what happens in SMB4: The Double Agent)


And... that's it! I think that's the fastest I've ever written a fanfic.   I guess I'm eager to begin writing SMB6.   :P  If anyone is interested in getting into the series, I recommend either reading through SMB4 and 5 or just waiting until 6 is out and reading the fanfic summaries.  It all comes down to whether you're patient enough to read 4 and 5 or not.  In two weeks, SMB6 will begin...  SMB4 can be found here:  It might be all screwed up because I wrote it back before the server switch.  I'll work on fixing it tomorrow.

SMB5 can be found here:

TeChNiCaL DiFfIcUlTiEs

Phew...  That was a long read.   :P  Luckily I was able to keep up with SMB4 and 5, so I shouldn't have to read anything.  Of course... I still might read 4 and 5 again anyway.  :P  That was some quick and skillful writing.  This pretty much ties everything together; SMB3, 4, and 5 were more connected than I thought.  I like the little connections you threw in to keep everyone guessing until SMB5.  Good job; I can't wait for SMB6.  ;)