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What do you do when you listen to music?

Started by Zovistograt, December 19, 2008, 12:56:42 PM

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I tap on tables or walls aroun me to th beat of the song...



I usually sing quietly to myself. If Iunno the words to it, like, if it's Japanese or whatever, I just tap my foot or whatever.


Sometimes I like to visualize a few songs.

None of those things because I'm usually either on the computer, eating, sleeping, drawing, or practically anything else. I'm usually constantly listening to music while at home except for when I watch tv and most of the time when I sleep. Although I'll usually sing along with it if it's one I really like.


Tap on my desk, chair, lap, other hard surfaces.  Or, when I'm more public areas, I sit completely still and just visualize the song being performed in my head.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze