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Are you ridiculed by just different?

Started by Mario583, March 10, 2009, 02:18:20 PM

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I don't get ridiculed or anything, but my friends will make little jokes about me being smarter then them or quieter then most of them.

That's about it.  Also there are people that have harder lives than Furries, Mario.



Not really.
I get joked on for liking the Steelers, but they are all just mad off at my costume for sports day. :)

I'm also pretty big, not exactly fat but fairly tall and heavily built. So, awkward in most sports... doesn't stop me from playing.

I'm the line between popular and weird... I like it that way. :)

I r smrt 2


Well, I'm Hispanic, but seeing as how we're the majority in this town, I'm not really ridiculed.
However, sometimes I feel people are a bit prejudiced towards me when I leave the area or state.

Like this one time when I walked into a Starbucks in a rest stop, the guy working at Starbucks didn't think I knew what he was saying and asked me really slowly, "Do you want CAFEY CON LEYCHEY?", when in reality I was just thinking.

My friends will give me crap because I usually get better grades than them and they think I'm complaining about getting a bad grade when I still get a good grade, but I just always strive to do the best I can. I can't help it if I get better grades than them and I want to do well on my assignments... I don't really care when they tell me these things though.

Gwen Khan

I'm short for my age and get made fun of for it, but it's all in a joking playful manor