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Sci-Fi Original "Movies"

Started by SkyMyl, March 27, 2010, 07:41:07 PM

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Oh boy. It's time I revealed my favorite past time to NSF. Well, one of my favorite past times, as of July '09. What is it? Very bad sci-fi original movies on...SyFy. Yeah. Thanks for the rename, by the way.

Anyway, any movie that has a bad title on the sci-fi channel (Savage Planet, Alien vs Hunter, the memetic Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, I Am Omega, Malibu Shark Attack, Ice Spiders, and Ice Twisters, to name a few.) is almost guaranteed to be bad. Savage Planet, for example, is ridiculous. It was the first Sci-Fi original "movie" my brother and I were exposed to, and we were left speechless. The movie, essentially, revolves around a group of people going to another planet to find this super serum that can heal people's wounds instantly, because in the future, the world is polluted, but someone in the group betrays them, and the planet is inhabited by ordinary bears that cannot be killed by assault rifles, that can also behead humans in one ninny slap, and-

...I'm sorry, I typed that out too quickly and lost my train of thought, it would seem. Except, that's what Savage Planet is. ORDINARY BEARS KILLING FULLY ARMED HUMANS. It's awful. Alien vs Hunter is the one I consider to be the worst, aside from it sounding like a parody of Alien vs Predator. It was the movie where you go, "Hey, do you want to triple the amount of cash you have in your wallet right now?", to which the other person tells you, "Nah, man, I only have ten bucks.", which culminates in "FUCK YEAH, THAT'S MORE THAN ENOUGH TO MAKE A MOVIE!". I'm not kidding. If you haven't checked these "movies" out, then you should.

The "movies" are also very cliched. A group of people starts out, everyone but two people die, those two being the hero and the love interest. At the end, they usually kiss, walk away, and/or gaze at the sunset. Sometimes, after that, there will be a little stinger that hints that the dilemma may not be over, just to tease you.

Sadly, SyFy has been airing a lot of REAL Sci-Fi movies lately, ones that were actually filmed with a budget, a script, and a team of people paid to work for it. Not two guys with ten bucks and a packet of chewing gum, who bribed people on the street to act for a movie that was being made up as they went along. But still, these "movies" definitely qualify as So Bad It's Good. Even when one of their "films" is horrible, it still manages to be funny.

But yeah, on Saturdays and Sundays, my two brothers, my brother's girlfriend, and I all sit down and watch a bad movie if we're anticipating it enough. Otherwise, we watch it separately and talk about it after it's over. If none of you have watched the bad original (Note, ORIGINAL) "movies" on SyFy, please do. They're entertainingly bad, and so deliciously narmful. The films I noted above are some of my favorites that they've shown, and as noted, Mega Shark from "Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus" is pretty much a meme. I've seen a couple of GIFs of Mega Shark leaping out of water and swallowing planes, set to different character's reactions beforehand.

But really, next time you've got nothing to do on a Saturday or a Sunday, check SyFy and see if they're airing anything interesting. The bad "special effects", poor plots, lame characters, cliched development, and overall poor quality make it worthwhile. Some "movies" are boring and average, while some are hilarious on just how bad you can mock them.


You got this down. But for me, these movies are so terrible, they're terrible. |: I don't think I will watch one again.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Magnum on March 27, 2010, 08:09:56 PM
You got this down. But for me, these movies are so terrible, they're terrible. |: I don't think I will watch one again.
Some of them can be very horrible, or just outright boring. The ones with fake blood, cheap CGI, and cliched, cheesy, predictable plots are the ones that have some value in them. Why? Entertainment. I advise watching these "movies" with company/friends, and not just by oneself.

Gwen Khan

Quote from: Magnum on March 27, 2010, 08:09:56 PM
You got this down. But for me, these movies are so terrible, they're terrible. |: I don't think I will watch one again.

and yet they cancel MST3K and make those movies

The ones I've seen suck and are pretty much rip offs of other real movies I've seen in the pasts.