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There's too much Red.

Started by SkyMyl, August 01, 2010, 02:55:23 PM

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There's too many ranks that are red.

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Total Members Voted: 6


There's too many ranks on this forum that are red. Rapidarc is Red, Admin is Red, Jinjo is Red, 00 Agent is Red, The Guy is orange red, and Metroid is red. They may all be different shades of red, but honestly, there are too many intercourse ing ranks that are colored red. It's just boring now. Everyone's names are either red, purple, or yellow. And if you're using the Night Prowler skin, then it's dark colors on a dark skin. It's like putting dark chocolate in soda. There are ranks here that aren't red, but so many intercourse ing people just have red ranks here.)

On a similar note, I once remember begging for the staff here to change the color of Knight of the Spam Flavored Table rank, as it was a light, raw meat colored pink. I recall asking if it could even be changed to red, and someone who shall not be named replied with "Red is the administrator's color". Fast forward to over a year later, and there's intercourse ing red EVERYWHERE. If it wasn't for the occasional purple, yellow, or pink ranks, this place would be just like Madworld if you're using the Night Prowler skin. Red, black, white, and gray. Though, considering that Mack is a fan of Madworld, this wouldn't surprise me if that's what he's shooting for.

Does anyone else here get annoyed by the abundance of red on these forums, or am I just making a massive nitpick?


how about a hard to read yellow?


Remember the Killer Bees color? MY EYES

But really, way too much red. I'm so tempted to change my rank to Metroid, if only I didn't love being The Rawk so much <3
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Red is fine but I didn't like the last we had this problem with whatever color it was then. I don't remember the color it was though.


Red is admin colour. Metroid was an attempt to give the users A red, a carefully thought out one. Whoever made the survivor one was being an idiot. The other "red's" go to staff ranks - even though Jinjo is technically orange. So it's OK.


Quote from: Mace on August 01, 2010, 10:27:35 PM
Red is admin colour. Metroid was an attempt to give the users A red, a carefully thought out one. Whoever made the survivor one was being an idiot. The other "red's" go to staff ranks - even though Jinjo is technically orange. So it's OK.
Orange red. Jinjo is another gosh darn shade of orange red. It still counts, and since we have another rank of similar color to it, I fail to see how it's okay.

And, of course, on the note of rank colors, Rob's Grand Champion rank is virtually identical to the Great Lord rank. The color choices recently seem to be...lacking.


Titus Andronicus

ill be purple forever so whatever
Tramps like us, baby we were born to die.





Quote from: SkyMyl on August 02, 2010, 06:14:54 AM
Orange red. Jinjo is another gosh darn shade of orange red. It still counts, and since we have another rank of similar color to it, I fail to see how it's okay.

And, of course, on the note of rank colors, Rob's Grand Champion rank is virtually identical to the Great Lord rank. The color choices recently seem to be...lacking.
I picked the color for Grand Champion at random, really. D: