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Started by Super, June 24, 2011, 04:51:07 PM

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*Rhadamanthus = Mack

[INFO] Query view for "Rhadamanthus" opened.
<Rhadamanthus> py
=== Rhadamanthus <Rhadamanthu@90A5F0.015795.625A4D.9B08E7> "NSFCD Forums User"
=== Rhadamanthus: member of +#nsider
=== Rhadamanthus: attached to * "ChatSpike"
--- End of WHOIS information for Rhadamanthus.
<Rhadamanthus> you have a few leaks already
<Rhadamanthus> after such specific orders
<PsychoYoshi> And who leaked it.
<Rhadamanthus> You won't be able to touch them anyways
<Rhadamanthus> asides from the fact I can see the staff board
<PsychoYoshi> I'm trying to preserve the integrity of your "vacation".
<Rhadamanthus> I am aware
<Rhadamanthus> but again
<Rhadamanthus> I need to ensure you don't go after leakers
<Rhadamanthus> as it isn't a fair thing when I can see the board
<PsychoYoshi> What are you planning on doing with this "award-winning series"?
<Rhadamanthus> after tonight's comments
<Rhadamanthus> the first one will be jabs at all of the staff
<Rhadamanthus> that was originally going to be the 4th or so
<Rhadamanthus> but I think it serves as a more interesting lead in
<Rhadamanthus> I also have other ones planned
<PsychoYoshi> I have to say that I'm rather concerned about where this is going.
<Rhadamanthus> You have no need to be
<PsychoYoshi> Quite honestly, we don't need members durka durka durkaing against the administration now.
<PsychoYoshi> I'm not personally worried.
<PsychoYoshi> I'm worried about the survival of the forum at this point.
<PsychoYoshi> Could care less about whether I get demoted or not.
<Rhadamanthus> I'm worried about getting accurate answers
<Rhadamanthus> and emotional responses
<PsychoYoshi> ?
<Rhadamanthus> The threads
<Rhadamanthus> won't be pretty
<Rhadamanthus> they aren't meant to be
<PsychoYoshi> Just make sure they're accurate.
<PsychoYoshi> Not sensationalist.
<Rhadamanthus> again, why would I risk what I've worked darn near 2 years for?
<PsychoYoshi> I don't know.
<PsychoYoshi> But people always seem to have intrinsic reasons that I can't latch onto.
<Rhadamanthus> well
<Rhadamanthus> consider our answer to keeping it fresh
<Rhadamanthus> is MERGE MERGE MERGE
<Rhadamanthus> I hope to stir up some anger
<Rhadamanthus> I will be honest
<PsychoYoshi> Well, what would YOU do?
<Rhadamanthus> You are well aware.
<Rhadamanthus> Which is why my votes were in fact cast.
<PsychoYoshi> That's not what I mean.
<PsychoYoshi> I want to know what you'd do in place of merging.
<PsychoYoshi> Other than contests.
<PsychoYoshi> And features.
<Rhadamanthus> I'm not against all merges
<Rhadamanthus> but in terms of what the site is about
<Rhadamanthus> I would start with the obvious ones - attracting new bases
<PsychoYoshi> Again, what do you mean.
<Rhadamanthus> which will of course start rather soon thanks to the two affiliations I nabbed
<Rhadamanthus> users
<Rhadamanthus> Examine the TF2 server incident
<Rhadamanthus> while we were protecting our own users
<Rhadamanthus> 75% of the server went to NS2 users
<Rhadamanthus> we drew posts as a result
<PsychoYoshi> Not a great deal.
<Rhadamanthus> and if played right, likely could have made a migration
<Rhadamanthus> considering we got users and posts out of it
<Rhadamanthus> it was
<Rhadamanthus> I like supporting our users
<Rhadamanthus> but when our demographic
<Rhadamanthus> our target
<Rhadamanthus> is outraged to the point where they pull support
<Rhadamanthus> that's a faux pas
<Rhadamanthus> before
<Rhadamanthus> the tf2 server put our name out there
<Rhadamanthus> drew a few posts
<Rhadamanthus> etc
<Rhadamanthus> now, it is complete waste
<Rhadamanthus> again, yes our users come first
<Rhadamanthus> but why would we attack our audience? That'd be like a clothing retailer making racist/sexist/etc remarks
<PsychoYoshi> We attack people if they're stupid.
<Rhadamanthus> simple changes in thinking are the first step
<PsychoYoshi> Always have.
<PsychoYoshi> Our own users.
<Rhadamanthus> based on convos with a few of them
<PsychoYoshi> Other users.
<Rhadamanthus> which seem reasonable PY
<Rhadamanthus> we acted out of line
[2009-07-31 03:08:14] [INFO] Now logging to <file:///C:/Users/Mike/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/9grf76ft.default/chatzilla/logs/>.
[2009-07-31 03:08:21] <Rhadamanthus> we made comments like "they raided the server"
[2009-07-31 03:08:36] <Rhadamanthus> that comment alone
[2009-07-31 03:08:40] <Rhadamanthus> devestated us
[2009-07-31 03:09:41] <Rhadamanthus> or here is another question
[2009-07-31 03:09:44] <Rhadamanthus> I mentioned
[2009-07-31 03:09:46] <Rhadamanthus> frequently
[2009-07-31 03:09:52] <Rhadamanthus> the new rank system I will implement
[2009-07-31 03:10:01] <Rhadamanthus> now, if I'm "off staff"
[2009-07-31 03:10:11] <Rhadamanthus> wouldn't a sensible staff meeting topic be to make the best of that idea?
[2009-07-31 03:11:10] <PsychoYoshi> I don't see how implementing a small rank reform is going to draw more member.s
[2009-07-31 03:11:16] <PsychoYoshi> Yes, it's a nice ideaq.
[2009-07-31 03:11:20] <PsychoYoshi> Jesus, I can't type.
[2009-07-31 03:13:03] <Rhadamanthus> but again
[2009-07-31 03:13:05] <Rhadamanthus> I sress
[2009-07-31 03:13:08] <Rhadamanthus> small steps
[2009-07-31 03:13:14] <PsychoYoshi> Haven't done anything thus far.
[2009-07-31 03:13:15] <Rhadamanthus> I don't see how hacking away at our identity
[2009-07-31 03:13:18] <Rhadamanthus> solves a thing
[2009-07-31 03:14:28] <Rhadamanthus> it's obvious we're both tired
[2009-07-31 03:14:37] <Rhadamanthus> but I have serious concerns about how this site operates
[2009-07-31 03:15:02] <PsychoYoshi> Just don't do anything that's going to exacerbate matters.
[2009-07-31 03:15:16] <PsychoYoshi> I'm already mad off about keeping this secret from the rest of the staff.
[2009-07-31 03:15:28] <Rhadamanthus> Feel free to be mad.
[2009-07-31 03:16:14] <PsychoYoshi> Your secret is going to be out pretty shortly.
[2009-07-31 03:16:17] <PsychoYoshi> They're checking permissions.
[2009-07-31 03:16:22] <PsychoYoshi> And no, I didn't tell them.
[2009-07-31 03:16:55] <Rhadamanthus> who is?
[2009-07-31 03:17:06] <Rhadamanthus> koopalings?
[2009-07-31 03:17:11] <PsychoYoshi> Totla, Super, and FH.
[2009-07-31 03:17:23] <Rhadamanthus> because they have permission access
[2009-07-31 03:17:24] <Rhadamanthus> sans super
[2009-07-31 03:18:27] <Rhadamanthus> sounds like a staff power play to admin
[2009-07-31 03:18:46] <PsychoYoshi> Hostile and Totla don't care about admin.
[2009-07-31 03:18:56] <PsychoYoshi> I've worked with Totla for ages, he's a good guy.
[2009-07-31 03:19:05] <PsychoYoshi> Hostile already has his own forum.
[2009-07-31 03:19:08] <Rhadamanthus> I know hostile well enough to say the same
[2009-07-31 03:19:18] <PsychoYoshi> It's genuine concern more than anything.
[2009-07-31 03:19:45] <Rhadamanthus> it concerns me that we have no bounds, to be quite honest
[2009-07-31 03:20:06] <Rhadamanthus> it concerns me that you seem to have a problem with someone raising concerns in an unorthodox way
[2009-07-31 03:20:33] <PsychoYoshi> I don't have a problem with people raising concerns in an unorthodox way.
[2009-07-31 03:20:39] <Rhadamanthus> You seem to.
[2009-07-31 03:20:48] <PsychoYoshi> I do have a problem with lying to people that I consider my friends.
[2009-07-31 03:21:01] <Rhadamanthus> And I don't consider the staff my friends?
[2009-07-31 03:21:03] <Rhadamanthus> The users here?
[2009-07-31 03:21:21] <PsychoYoshi> I never said that.
[2009-07-31 03:21:44] <Rhadamanthus> And yet
[2009-07-31 03:21:48] <Rhadamanthus> that is what it feels like
[2009-07-31 03:22:04] <Rhadamanthus> I don't think you understand how hard it is to tell some of these users I am gone
[2009-07-31 03:22:13] <Rhadamanthus> the users I've brought to the site
[2009-07-31 03:22:27] <PsychoYoshi> You could have just stayed on the staff and suggested these ideas.
[2009-07-31 03:22:46] <PsychoYoshi> And yes, it might have taken time.
[2009-07-31 03:22:51] <Rhadamanthus> and as of today, I was taking another approach
[2009-07-31 03:22:58] <PsychoYoshi> But I seem to recall you saying that small steps were the best approach.
[2009-07-31 03:22:58] <Rhadamanthus> I am going to take the user stance
[2009-07-31 03:23:14] <Rhadamanthus> I am viewing NSF from a new way (or so was the intent)
[2009-07-31 03:23:32] * PsychoYoshi sighs
[2009-07-31 03:23:45] <PsychoYoshi> They're asking me to check permissions.
[2009-07-31 03:23:49] <PsychoYoshi> I can't lie.
[2009-07-31 03:23:52] <Rhadamanthus> fantastic
[2009-07-31 03:24:05] <Rhadamanthus> have fun with that one
[2009-07-31 03:24:12] <PsychoYoshi> I hid the truth.
[2009-07-31 03:24:17] <PsychoYoshi> But I can't lie to their faces.
[2009-07-31 03:24:21] <Rhadamanthus> a whopping day
[2009-07-31 03:24:31] <PsychoYoshi> Sorry, but they're ready to hang someone right now.
[2009-07-31 03:24:46] <Rhadamanthus> an astounding feat
[2009-07-31 03:24:53] <PsychoYoshi> I've got a feeling that you, Silver, me, and everyone else are going to have a long
[2009-07-31 03:24:54] <PsychoYoshi> long
[2009-07-31 03:24:57] <PsychoYoshi> chat tomorrow
[2009-07-31 03:25:10] <Rhadamanthus> I don't
[2009-07-31 03:25:17] <PsychoYoshi> And again Mack, this is nothing personal.
[2009-07-31 03:25:20] <PsychoYoshi> You've gotta believe mew.
[2009-07-31 03:25:22] <PsychoYoshi> -w
[2009-07-31 03:25:29] <Rhadamanthus> No, it very truly is.
[2009-07-31 03:25:55] <PsychoYoshi> Howso?
[2009-07-31 03:26:12] <Rhadamanthus> It questions my beliefs, and my logic. Such qualities that have seen me bring life to NSF, among other things.
[2009-07-31 03:26:28] <PsychoYoshi> Uh.
[2009-07-31 03:26:29] <PsychoYoshi> How.
[2009-07-31 03:26:37] <PsychoYoshi> Does it question your beliefs.
[2009-07-31 03:26:38] <PsychoYoshi> Or logic.
[2009-07-31 03:26:40] <Rhadamanthus> A lack of faith.
[2009-07-31 03:26:46] <PsychoYoshi> In what.
[2009-07-31 03:26:55] <PsychoYoshi> You're being very, very vague.
[2009-07-31 03:27:08] <Rhadamanthus> Me, once again.
[2009-07-31 03:27:09] <Rhadamanthus> You are questioning it.
[2009-07-31 03:27:14] <Rhadamanthus> The decision
[2009-07-31 03:27:28] <Rhadamanthus> The same decision making process that has helped build the site.
[2009-07-31 03:27:52] <PsychoYoshi> Um, how does going undercover have to do with building the site.
[2009-07-31 03:28:19] <Rhadamanthus> I thought we discussed this thoroughly./
[2009-07-31 03:29:01] <PsychoYoshi> All I recall you saying was that you wanted to act as an HR manager.
[2009-07-31 03:29:32] <Rhadamanthus> I don't even know what HR is
[2009-07-31 03:29:39] <PsychoYoshi> Human resources.
[2009-07-31 03:29:43] <PsychoYoshi> You wanted to evaluate staff.
[2009-07-31 03:29:46] <PsychoYoshi> And see who was active.
[2009-07-31 03:30:02] <PsychoYoshi> And then report back to Silver and me and preferably the rest of the staff after you were done.
[2009-07-31 03:30:09] <Rhadamanthus> it's hardly the staff
[2009-07-31 03:30:14] <Rhadamanthus> the staff is but one fracton
[2009-07-31 03:30:17] <Rhadamanthus> fraction
[2009-07-31 03:30:34] <Rhadamanthus> I will be going on a massive undertaking
[2009-07-31 03:30:57] <Rhadamanthus> going through the member list, tracking users that left/banned, going through boards, the stats, and more
[2009-07-31 03:31:02] <Rhadamanthus> analyzing
[2009-07-31 03:31:12] <Rhadamanthus> posting sporadically and watching the results
[2009-07-31 03:31:13] <PsychoYoshi> Well, they seem to think Silver was the one that leaked it.
[2009-07-31 03:31:16] <PsychoYoshi> So you're safe for the moment.
[2009-07-31 03:31:35] <Rhadamanthus> there were four leaks
[2009-07-31 03:31:44] <Rhadamanthus> so have fun removing those users
[2009-07-31 03:31:55] <PsychoYoshi> I never said I was going to.
[2009-07-31 03:32:17] <Rhadamanthus> that's aimed at the staff
[2009-07-31 03:34:28] <PsychoYoshi> I have a relatively good idea who the leaks are. And I'm going to trust their judgment.
[2009-07-31 03:34:29] <PsychoYoshi> But again.
[2009-07-31 03:34:37] <PsychoYoshi> Don't do anything that you or the forum is going to regret.
[2009-07-31 03:34:55] <Rhadamanthus> PY
[2009-07-31 03:35:06] <Rhadamanthus> I oft times question you
[2009-07-31 03:35:13] <Rhadamanthus> to play devils advocate
[2009-07-31 03:35:19] <Rhadamanthus> but I am wary atm
[2009-07-31 03:35:25] <Rhadamanthus> I don't like the tone here
[2009-07-31 03:35:35] <PsychoYoshi> I never said I was going to do anything.
[2009-07-31 03:35:43] <PsychoYoshi> To you.
[2009-07-31 03:35:46] <PsychoYoshi> Or to your leaks.
[2009-07-31 03:35:51] <Rhadamanthus> I did not say that
[2009-07-31 03:36:13] <PsychoYoshi> I'm simply worried that if you pull too hard, we're going to lose what little cohesion we have among the members and staff.
[2009-07-31 03:36:25] <Rhadamanthus> PY
[2009-07-31 03:36:33] <Rhadamanthus> we honestly
[2009-07-31 03:36:36] <Rhadamanthus> very honestly
[2009-07-31 03:36:38] <Rhadamanthus> need to
[2009-07-31 03:37:14] <Rhadamanthus> it is only when we separate ourselves for a moment
[2009-07-31 03:37:20] <Rhadamanthus> that we can take a step back
[2009-07-31 03:37:26] <Rhadamanthus> and go "hey, I see their point"
[2009-07-31 03:39:41] <PsychoYoshi> ...I need to sleep on this.
[2009-07-31 03:40:01] <Rhadamanthus> and I just need to give up on nsf
[2009-07-31 03:40:16] <PsychoYoshi> Forums are like drugs. :B
[2009-07-31 03:41:13] <PsychoYoshi> How long is this going to go on for?
[2009-07-31 03:41:21] <PsychoYoshi> I forgot.
[2009-07-31 03:41:22] <PsychoYoshi> 2 weeks?
[2009-07-31 03:41:35] <Rhadamanthus> 7-10 days
[2009-07-31 03:41:43] <Rhadamanthus> so by the time I type everything up
[2009-07-31 03:41:45] <Rhadamanthus> 10-14
[2009-07-31 03:42:23] <PsychoYoshi> My action plan over the next few days is as follows.
[2009-07-31 03:42:33] <PsychoYoshi> I'm probably going to talk with Silver and just Silver about this tomorrow.
[2009-07-31 03:42:41] <PsychoYoshi> Beyond that, I'm not going to tell anyone.
[2009-07-31 03:43:16] <PsychoYoshi> But if someone does some snooping and looks at permissions, I can't make up some random clerical excuse.
[2009-07-31 03:43:33] <Rhadamanthus> only one that doesn't know
[2009-07-31 03:43:35] <Rhadamanthus> and has access
[2009-07-31 03:43:37] <Rhadamanthus> is Cogs
[2009-07-31 03:43:41] <PsychoYoshi> And Super.
[2009-07-31 03:43:44] <Rhadamanthus> who likely hasn't used the acp in a year
[2009-07-31 03:43:48] <Rhadamanthus> Super doesn't know?
[2009-07-31 03:43:52] <PsychoYoshi> No.
[2009-07-31 03:43:55] <PsychoYoshi> Haven't told him.
[2009-07-31 03:43:57] <PsychoYoshi> As you requested.
[2009-07-31 03:44:06] <Rhadamanthus> he is well aware of it./
[2009-07-31 03:44:16] <PsychoYoshi> ...
[2009-07-31 03:44:18] * PsychoYoshi sighs
[2009-07-31 03:44:25] <PsychoYoshi> We are the only three that know.
[2009-07-31 03:44:26] <PsychoYoshi> Yes?
[2009-07-31 03:45:06] <Rhadamanthus> "as an admin you are entitled to know, but if anyone outside of you finds out,there will be issues"
[2009-07-31 03:45:17] <Rhadamanthus> just the admin team
[2009-07-31 03:45:23] <PsychoYoshi> OK.
[2009-07-31 03:45:25] <Rhadamanthus> he doesn't have the full explanation yet
[2009-07-31 03:45:30] <Rhadamanthus> but I did give him the run down
[2009-07-31 03:45:51] <Rhadamanthus> outside of that
[2009-07-31 03:45:56] <PsychoYoshi> Tell him that ASAP. If you'd be so kind.
[2009-07-31 03:46:03] <Rhadamanthus> no koopaling has any way of finding out
[2009-07-31 03:46:07] <Rhadamanthus> sans me going to the staff board
[2009-07-31 03:46:10] <Rhadamanthus> and getting busted
[2009-07-31 03:46:22] <PsychoYoshi> I believe Koopalings can see invisible.
[2009-07-31 03:46:27] <Rhadamanthus> they can't
[2009-07-31 03:46:30] <PsychoYoshi> Alright.
[2009-07-31 03:46:38] <PsychoYoshi> Well, if they see an invisible, they'll still probably know who it is.
[2009-07-31 03:46:39] <Rhadamanthus> you need ip tools for that
[2009-07-31 03:46:42] <Rhadamanthus> yes
[2009-07-31 03:46:47] <Rhadamanthus> which is why I'm not visiting
[2009-07-31 03:46:56] <Rhadamanthus> the thread title informed me of more than enough though
[2009-07-31 03:47:23] <Rhadamanthus> I will pm all 3 of you a detailed rundown tomorrow
[2009-07-31 03:47:34] <PsychoYoshi> Sounds fair.
[2009-07-31 03:47:41] <Rhadamanthus> but again, I didn't expect the mighty coalition to form in an attempt to save asses tonight
[2009-07-31 03:47:51] <Rhadamanthus> I was busy partying and got back to panic ims
[2009-07-31 03:48:11] <Rhadamanthus> which of course is fun
[2009-07-31 03:48:13] <PsychoYoshi> The fact that the coalition formed is a promising sign to me.
[2009-07-31 03:48:21] <PsychoYoshi> Shows that people do actually give a poop about this plac.e
[2009-07-31 03:48:49] <PsychoYoshi> ...also, poop.
[2009-07-31 03:48:59] <PsychoYoshi> 4am, I have to go before my Mom gets up for work.
[2009-07-31 03:49:03] <PsychoYoshi> G'night.
[2009-07-31 03:49:04] [INFO] Disconnecting from IRC.  Click close again to exit now.
[2009-07-31 03:49:04] [QUIT] Disconnected from irc:// (irc:// [[Reconnect][Reconnect to][reconnect]]



Jesus, how old is this?
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: Light on June 24, 2011, 04:55:08 PM

Jesus, how old is this?
[2009-07-31 03:49:04]
Hmm, I wonder...


Quote from: Spud on June 24, 2011, 04:58:57 PM
[2009-07-31 03:49:04]
Hmm, I wonder...
Yeah, I have no clue.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Eh, that was back when the staff was still really antagonistic towards a lot of the users.

And, staff evaluations?


Quote from: Live In Stereo on June 24, 2011, 05:38:14 PM
Eh, that was back when the staff was still really antagonistic towards a lot of the users.

And, staff evaluations?
Things were definitely crazy, and we were always checking to see who did what. It was definitely much more interesting back then.


Quote from: Live In Stereo on June 24, 2011, 05:38:14 PM
Eh, that was back when the staff was still really antagonistic towards a lot of the users.

And, staff evaluations?

Quote from: Super on June 24, 2011, 06:44:39 PM
It was definitely much more interesting back then.

We could do that again.

You jerks.


It would be interesting if I was a mod.