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The Epic of Wrath

Started by Sgt.Chilly, November 21, 2007, 10:25:49 AM

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I would like to point out that this technically isn't fan fiction but I would still like some feedback on the writing.

This is the Story of Wrath: Hatred Incarnate.

Part 1: The Creation
Long ago in a world much like our own there was a great hero.  A champion of the people who had saved them from a dark and wicked Sorcerer.  Despite their salvation the people were still very angry. Two vast nations were at war and both side was equally matched.  Desperate to end this fight the Hero's Home Nation asked him to join them in their campaign.  But the Hero refused to take part in what was merely just a political squabble.  Unsatisfied with the Hero's decision the Nation had him captured and executed on the grounds of Treason via inaction.  His body was to be dissected in order to attempt creating warriors equal to his strength that were more willing to aid their country.

At his execution he looked upon the masses as they booed and hissed at their former Hero.  The people he once fought with all his strength to save now despised him and wished him dead.  And although he tried to contain his anger deep down he hated them for it.

His hatred and feelings of betrayal were great and his spiritual power coupled with his feelings.  This spawned a small demon spirit.

Part 2: Confined
The Spirit could not be seen by most.  It discovered that by feeding on the anger, hatred, and prejudice of others he could add to his strength. Thus he took the name Wrath and possessed a wooden mask for a body.  He traveled the Netherworld in search of mana and hate.

He finally took a flimsy form of shadowy vapor and crimson hair that grew from the mask he possessed.  Unsure of his purpose he sought information of others on the workings of the netherworld.  He quickly learned that as a demon the greatest achievement was to become an Overlord.  A Demon of unquestionable strength, speed, and Mana that ruled over an entire realm. Wrath flew off to gather as much Mana as he could so he might develop a body. He wanted to be the strongest Demon Overlord of all time.

Part 3: Awakening
Wrath soon used his gathered Mana to form a body around his soul.  It was small but durable.  Ivory skin and Crimson Hair. Claws as sharp as razors. Three blazing red eyes.  He challenged many demons to battle and soon found another ability he gained from his odd creation.  The Hero whose power made Wrath had also left his unique ability engraved in him.  Wrath could absorb some of the strength of his fallen enemies by digging his claws into them.  But his thirst for power was great and Wrath devoured his opponents whole to acquire their skill, strength, Mana, and knowledge.  The rampage was absurd.  The number demons killed by Wrath was estimated to be over 47,000.

His strength grew everyday. Soon his body burst to make way for a new form. His skin become an armor all it's own and was pitch black with the blood of his victims.  He grew two more eyes that could see beyond normal comprehension.  His Arms, Legs and Torso rippled with muscles. He had dozens of fangs and hair became an ever burning flame. His horns twisted around his face.  Wings as dark as knight sprung from his back. He held the strength of a Demon Overlord.

But this would not last long.  The Demons rose against Wrath he threatened what little order the Netherworld had. They banished him to space in between the world of mortals and Demons.  But Wrath was prepared for this.  He had already gained the knowledge of many spells. One of which opened a portal to the Mortal World.

Part 4: Release
Once in the world of Mortals Wrath decided what he would do.  He must challenge and absorb the strongest champions of the mortals.  After absorbing enough power and discovering the spell back to the Netherworld he would return to his home have his revenge.  But the people of this world were without a champion.  They had long since killed their last champion and despite all attempts they could not reproduce his power.

Displeased Wrath laid waste to their cities and armies.  Millions of people would meet their deaths in the bowels of his stomach.  After reducing the world to a burning wasteland Wrath grew tired.  There were still some mortals left but they only had the strength to survive and hide.  In a bit of Irony the only person of that world who would have been strong enough to kill Wrath was the very Hero whose death created him. Wrath looked to the skies and wondered.  He gazed at the stars in the heavens and his other eyes saw life.  Strong and brimming with Mana. If this World could not provide the Warriors he sought perhaps the other worlds would.

And so Wrath scoured the universe traveling from planet to planet, battling Great Fighters, Various Technologies, and countless civilizations.  Hundreds of Trillions of lives were lost,  Thousands of cultures destroyed, and nearly hundred planets were reduced to burned chunks of rock.  Not only had his strength become incalculable but in battle he discovered an ability he did not realize he had.

Upon devouring a multitude of demons he had managed to absorb the strength of an Ageless Dark Sage.  It's powers granted him a body immune to time and blade.  Death no longer held it's hand over Wrath's head.  Soon he would be a God.

Part 5: Fate

As always one's plans never quite workout.  One day Wrath arrived at world much like the first one he visited.  He yelled across the skies his challenge to that world's greatest champions and began to lay waste to a city to coax them out (lest they not take his challenge seriously).  Sure enough 5 warriors showed up to battle the invading demon.  But their power could not compare to Wrath's.  They soon realized that they were not dealing with a conventional opponent (They cut his head off, only to see it grow back).  The eldest of the group told the others to stall.  Combining their strengths and skills the other 4 warriors were able to fend off Wrath's attempts to kill and absorb them. As their power waned though Wrath knew it was only a matter of time before victory was his.

The heroes quickly made a formation and activated a long forgotten spell the Eldest had uncovered in his books.  Wrath approached their formation sure of his success.  But their spell was of an Ancient and Sacred Magic.  It sealed Wrath within a clay vase.  The lid closed tight and held Wrath in by feeding on the very Magic energy that made him Immortal.  And so Wrath was trapped.  Doomed to spend all eternity in cage his own thirst for power created.

1305 years later....

Part 6: Offspring

Wrath had spent 1300 years of his imprisonment trying every spell and attack encased in his mind. He did not rest. His other eyes constantly scanned the vase for weak points and tried to calculate escapes. All in vain.  The mortals knew these magics well and left no flaw in the design. The only exit was for the weaker and mortal demons.  Wrath could not forfeit his power it was bound to him and even if he could there would be chance of his death he couldn't risk.

He finally took the only course of action left to him.  Using a sinister and forbidden magic he split his very demon soul into two.  His body tried to repair itself but he quickly used a countermeasure to prevent regeneration.  He poured 1/3 of his own mana, strength, and experiences into the other half of his soul.  He weaved countless spells around the isolated soul fragment. This enchantment took years to complete due to the massive amount of Mana and Skill that was being manipulated. His task was successful.

Wrath had created a son.  The demon that stood before was much different then Wrath however.  His skin was fiery red. his hair shone silver. Eyes held yellow pupils. He had no wings and his horns were short. Fury had been born. Wrath told his son of the dangers he faced and why Wrath had created him.  Wrath told Fury this was a great risk but it must be taken to ensure that his power continue to grow.  Wrath then performed a final spell. A demonic seal.

Wrath sealed his body, power, and knowledge inside his son's body.  This meant that the only demon inside the vase was much weaker and not immortal. The seal broke and Fury was freed.

Part 7: Pathways

The warriors who had sealed Wrath had long since died but Warriors just as strong as them had taken their place throughout the generations keeping their world in peace and watching over the Vase.  When the vase broke the 4 current champions assumed the worst and prepared for battle. A massive fight ensued and despite Fury's attempts to explain the situation they did not halt their attacks.

It was only after Fury had beaten so senseless that he couldn't move that they realized he was not the Immortal Demon Wrath.  Various tests were performed, investigations were executed, and hearings were held.  Fury had been recognized as an entirely different demon and therefore could not be executed for the crimes of his father. The fact that he was not immortal meant they couldn't seal him up on the charge that he's a  threat  to everyone's existence and he was granted permission to take up citizenship on this world while under careful monitor of the government.

Fury was at a crossroads.  He could travel to the netherworld and have the seal removed by a Dark Sage but then his body and personality would be killed/engulfed in his Father's revival.  He could attempt to regain his father's powers on his own but the fact that he was mortal meant he would probably be killed by a Demon Overlord before he could finish his rise to power. So he decided he would live among the mortals until he could discover what his true purpose was.

However life had other plans for Fury.  The seal being broken was detected not simply by the mortals of that planet but others as well. The netherworld had learned of it and many demons gathered their weapons for the chance to kill Wrath the Immortal.  The Angels in the heavens planned Fury's assassination to prevent Wrath from coming back. And numerous survivors of Wrath's blood bath traveled across the universe in a bid for revenge.

It's good thing Fury had inherited some of his Father's power. He was going to need it.


ooh...quite an epic you have here...

now read my story that got no replies in the Arts Discussion :O
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)

