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Leon Kennedy analysis

Started by fredrickthethird, January 21, 2008, 05:10:06 PM

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*A look at Leon Kennedy*
Leon Kennedy is a secret service agent formerly a member of the Raccoon City Police department, in Resident evil 2 he fought off the Zombies in Raccoon City. In resident evil 4 he fpught off people with a new virus (I don't know the name of it) where the people actually were infected by some sort of creatutre wich controlled there body and enhanced there brain power, strength, & speed, the main mission was to rescue the prsident's daughter. He has many weapon wich are allowed in SSBB including:
-Knife (not sure)
-Rocket launcher
-grenade launcher
-acid grenade
-poison grenade
-mine launcher
-heat seeking mine launcher

*reasons I think Leon should be in*
RE4 one E3 game of the year.

Resident evil 2 and 4 are IMO the best resident evil games ever.

On a website he was listed along with his voice actor near the top of the list, he was taken off beacause it started to become discovered and Sakurai didn't want another leak on his hands. (the voice actor was Paul Mercier)

I think he would be an awesome final third party choice.

He was trained in hand to hand combat in the secret service.

*Reasons against him*
He would be a Snake clone since he couldn't use guns.
He knows hand to hand combat and has a high variety of weapons that are allowed, just check my list.

*moveset & stats*
Speed: 4/5

AAA: knife right knife left kick

a >/<:kick SMASH: strong kick

a V: crouches down on right foot and then spin kicks with left SMASH: strong left foot leap kick

a ^: throws knife upwards with right hand then catches with left SMASH: quickly raises arm upward with knife in hand.

B: launches mine, if it hits someone it blows if it misses it acts as a motion sensor bomb

</> B: flame thrower

B V: throws random grenade

Grenade: just acts like a bomb          Acid grenade: does more damage                     poison grenade: throws grenade if it  hits someone they take 5% percent damage for a short period of time every few seconds

FS: heat seeking mine launcher: uses 3 shots of the stronger heat seeking mine launcher from earlier Resident evil games.

Taunt 1: hear shout from an infected and begins to look around

taunt 2: jerks hand to gun holster

taunt 3: flashes secret service badge

entrance: enters in on waverun with Ashley, she then drives off

Alt costume: Police uniform

Taunt 3 with alt costume: flashes RPD badge