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Crazy drivers! Long rant, exciting story???

Started by THEEVILSPERKY, May 16, 2008, 05:24:17 AM

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So I'm at two main roads and in the left turning lane waiting for the lights to change while traffic is crossing in front of me.  The light turns yellow and traffic in front of me will be paused shortly and I'll be given my light to turn left.

Across in opposite traffic, which also had red obviously, cars in the right lane were about 5-7 deep trying to make a right to where I'd be making my left to.  Since you can turn right on red most of the time, they COULD take a chance and go as long as traffic permitted.  So between traffic ending for the road perpendicular for me and my getting a green, 3-5 of the cars took their chances at a right before they would have their green.

Mind you, it's raining moderately, so conditions aren't pristine.  I'm half-way across my left turn and due to a pot-hole in the middle of the road I lean towards choosing the right-lane (my turn was coming up on the right of that road shortly as well) and this woman in a SUV either guessed she had green 'cause the several cars ahead of her were able to sneak the turn in or was just stupid tried going as I was just about to enter that lane!  I had one car following me through the turn that was probably heading into the left lane so we'd both be on our way, la-di-da, but this woman insisted on going just the same.

I started honking without remorse and gave her a really dirty and disappointed look as I then had to maneuver around her.  She was past her white line by at least 1-car's length and impeding on my right of way.  Luckily I didn't slide into her and my maneuvering around her halfway into the left lane didn't cause an accident with the guy following me through the turn.  The nerve of some people!

I threw my foot down on my clutch and released smog like no other as I proceeded to pound on the throttle.  I love my diesel.  It punishes stupid people.  Loud, obnoxious, and creates smog. <3

So at the very next light I'm shaking my head, making sure she can see I'm ticked at her stupidity so she can maybe THINK next time she decides to run a red and maybe cause an accident! @_@

It wasn't like she couldn't be an ass and quick cut me off slightly or hold back a bit but instead she chose to compromise either decision and be a motionless obstacle during morning traffic.  Stupid people.

To further use the situation as a way of venting, I did a burn-out in front of her before taking a side-street back home. ^_^

Deserved it?  Overdone?  Boring, don't care?  You decide...!  Share your own stories.. or something..

This place has not a lot of activity, be lenient! ~_^;
NES, SNES, N64, GCN (Jet Black), PQ (JPN), Wii, GBP (Clear), GBC (Green x2), GBASP (x2 Cobalt, x1 NES), DSLite (Black), SG3, SDC (x1 BIG, x1 Clear black top, solid grey/beige bottom), PS (x2), PS2 (Slim, Silver), PS3 (NTSC 60GB upgraded to 500GB), PSP 2000 (Silver, 4GB), XBox360 Elite


We saw a car ride into a 4-way intersection and do a donut, narrowly missing oncoming traffic.

Although, it was part of a chase by the cops.  :D


Quote from: Hector_the_Axe on May 16, 2008, 05:37:09 AM
We saw a car ride into a 4-way intersection and do a donut, narrowly missing oncoming traffic.

Although, it was part of a chase by the cops.  :D
Niiice!  I never really see chases around here...

One time though I did see a large truck, like a tractor trailer you know.. it was halfway through an intersection.. waiting to make a left as it hoped for oncoming traffic to die down.. but then the light ended so the truck started to initiate the left turn.. when suddenly, some dude wasn't paying attention did not try stopping at all and flew into the intersection, turned in front of the truck and at that high speed slid a bit and was facing my car, turned and corrected itself before it hit me, and kept going!  The trucker waved his arm out the window motioning back and forth to reference something dirty and yelled something obscene. xD
NES, SNES, N64, GCN (Jet Black), PQ (JPN), Wii, GBP (Clear), GBC (Green x2), GBASP (x2 Cobalt, x1 NES), DSLite (Black), SG3, SDC (x1 BIG, x1 Clear black top, solid grey/beige bottom), PS (x2), PS2 (Slim, Silver), PS3 (NTSC 60GB upgraded to 500GB), PSP 2000 (Silver, 4GB), XBox360 Elite


Quote from: THEEVILSPERKY on May 16, 2008, 05:46:13 AM
Quote from: Hector_the_Axe on May 16, 2008, 05:37:09 AM
We saw a car ride into a 4-way intersection and do a donut, narrowly missing oncoming traffic.

Although, it was part of a chase by the cops.  :D
Niiice!  I never really see chases around here...

One time though I did see a large truck, like a tractor trailer you know.. it was halfway through an intersection.. waiting to make a left as it hoped for oncoming traffic to die down.. but then the light ended so the truck started to initiate the left turn.. when suddenly, some dude wasn't paying attention did not try stopping at all and flew into the intersection, turned in front of the truck and at that high speed slid a bit and was facing my car, turned and corrected itself before it hit me, and kept going!  The trucker waved his arm out the window motioning back and forth to reference something dirty and yelled something obscene. xD


We had some kind of tanker actually flip over in our neighborhood, hit a curb or something >_<

Bad drivers down here.


I haven't seen anyone crazy like that..

But we was coming home from church, and we was almost rear ended by some ass behind us that was drinking coffee.

I didn't know my aunt's car could accelerate that fast xD


I remember when I was little, me and my mom went to the grocery store. Came back out and there was a big dent in her car!


people like that definitely deserve to shot in the foot


Not exactly a bad driver story, but it's the funniest I've got. :P

My friend, his mom, his brother, and I were on our way home from Sonic's. I glanced out the window as we were passing a Starbucks, and I saw two emos making out in a car, I pointed it out, and my friend's mom rolled down my friend's window, and my friend then yelled "Get a room!" at them. Then the female emo gave him the finger. It provided many lol's.

Of course, this was the friend who managed to get a brownie troop to call him a fag, so... yeah. XD

The Seventh

I say she richly deserved it.

This also makes me want to get a diesel like yours.  So I can punish stupid people like that.
I hate stupid people.


i drove into head-on traffic today, not realizing that it was 4 lane and seperated by a ditch, and that I was on the right hand side of a one-way road :\

then i realized and turned around. :P

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen