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Would you like to see another Mario Basketball?

Started by Doodle, June 18, 2008, 10:56:54 AM

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I actually liked Mario 3 on 3 Basketball for the DS. It just got insanely hard though. :(
I would probably get it if they made one.


Yes, I would, it was a pretty darn good title, solidly built, and with the unlockable characters, one of the best Mario sports titles to date.


Yes, with WiFi  :)  I really liked it for the DS, so if a sequel came out for the DS I would get it, It just needs WiFi.  I played so differently than other people, two trickies and one technical :D

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


I never played it, and I honestly don't plan to unless someone I know lets me borrow it. But if one came out for Wii, I'd rent it.
Dude .


I haven't played any Basketball games but,
I think that with the Wii's moition sencitive controllers it would be a great game :)


Yeah! I'd get it too. I was thinking about this awesome control system for the game, too. If Nintendo gets the controls right, this game will be gold.


Heh, I guess I'll be the odd man out. I actually think that it won't be that good. But that's just my opinion. I tried playing Mario Hoops 3 vs 3 but I didn't really get into it. If one came out for the Wii though, I'd might rent it since I'm a pretty big Mario fan. No fanboy.