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Started by Mutilator7, November 29, 2008, 01:44:07 PM

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I woudnt shoot some random animal for a sport. Thats horrible. Now if other people would shoot the animal for me thats another story.


I've never been hunting, never will. Its just sick to shoot some random innocent animal for fun. Same with fishing, a fish just trying to get something to eat and gets a hook in its mouth and yanked from the water for sport, even if they do throw it back, that is just sick to me. If you eat the animal and make use of it, then its not as bad, but doing it for fun or sport is just wrong.

The Seventh

I go hunting.  I'm going this weekend, to be exact!  CAN'T WAIT!

I usually hunt deer.
Quote from: mackormoses on November 30, 2008, 12:01:20 PM
I agree. As long as it is legal, I think it is acceptable. There are times where the animal may live with a flesh wound, and I regret that, but my family, and several others I know, use a whole lot of the deer. The organs, the meat, the pelt, etc. We don't trophy hunt.
Same here.  The only thing we keep as a trophy is the head and antlers, if it's big enough for it.

We eat a lot of it.  I like burgers with deer meat in them and have special pepperoni snacks made out of them, as well.
Quote from: mackormoses on November 30, 2008, 11:45:33 AM
Yeah, Zovi. If you've ever had a hamburger in your life, you're cold. I find the means in which the animal is contained, fattened, and then killed, horrible.

At least with hunting and fishing, the animal stays in their habitat, gets a good life, and usually, has their life end in less than a second.

I'm friends with a couple of Park Wardens, and I've learned a lot. My uncle has taught me too. There are ethics most hunters abide by; make the cleanest kill possible, let the animal die in peace, ask permission before going on someones land, don't kill an animal where a family could come in contact with it, etc.

Furthermore, up in Alberta here, a number of deer are getting Chronic Wasting Disease. The populace got too big, so a number of them got a terrible disease, which can spread to humans. It tortures them. It degenerates their inners and outers, and gives them a slow, painful death.

In order to protect the rest of the deer, and humans, they call in hunting parties. Too many deer also tend to lead to a ton of accidents involving cars....a way no human or deer should have to die.

It's ecological management. I'm sure you'll disagree, but that is how I see it. We keep each other in balance.
Well put, sir.  I completely agree.  That is the ethics any hunter should abide by.  And I've heard of that disease as well.  We haven't had it around here yet thanks to the good deer hunting program, but lots of deer auto collisions still occur, particularly near the metro area, due to lots of rural roads and the fact you can't hunt deer at all in the Des Moines Metro Area.