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Chao Garden Idea!!

Started by jnfs2014, November 28, 2008, 07:32:39 PM

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Now alot of people want the Chao Gardens to come back, right?
If that's true, and if something happens, I'd like to see this.
Title: Chao Garden
Cost: 0 WiiPoints.
Description: Make, play with, trade, and visit other people's gardens
by using Wiiconnect24.


I already thought of it, but it is unlikely to happen, especially since SEGA now hates Wii and treats PS3/360 a hella lot better.
And it would probably cost at least some Wii points.
Dude .


Chao garden's limitations are only in its links with the main game in the Advenure games.
You go out to levels to collect rings, animals, and chaos drives in those. What would you do in WiiWare one, just get them for free or from some repetitive minigames or what?
The only chance is if it tries to tie itself with future games. Sure, maybe you can make it be a WiiWare sort of channel that you get for free once you buy a game that supports it.

...unless you think chao minigames like racing and karate are sufficient for source of prize money, with a bit of rings given at the beginning of the game to start with to raise the chao.


I think that it should be like a demo, with the full version being bundled with the next Console game.
btw, this was basically my thread of the day.


I'd like to see trading with (meaning a transfer from) Sonic Chronicles.  You transfer a Chao over to the Wii, then the DS recieves a chao of equal rarity for that garden.