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Started by Macawmoses, February 22, 2009, 11:27:57 PM

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Spring is a most beautiful time of the year. Flowers bloom, snow melts, birds sing, all that jazz. Not in that order, mind you, but it is still a magnificent time of the year. The other wonderful part is that solid game releases that always signal the end of Winter. Nintendo is notorious for having a great Spring Lineup. Last year started off strong with Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (Strategy Game of the Year; 8.4/10), Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Handheld GotY Nominee), and No More Heroes (Wii GotY Runner Up; 8.0/10). From there, three titles that changed the Wii forever. Super Smash Bros. Brawl leveled the competition anywhere it could, picking up Fighting GotY, Wii GotY, and my longest review in ages, tendering a 9.0/10. Mario Kart Wii was hot on its trail, paving the way for future racing titles, and nabbing an 8/10. Finally, Wii Fit would come about in May, selling not well, not good, but on godlike proportions. Even to date, close to 1 year later, Wii Fit is getting people to move, selling a few hundred thousand copies weekly. This strong start, sadly, didn't last through the year, leaving only a few titles worth mention, namely, The World Ends With You and Wario Land: Shake It! Nintendo cooled their jets fast, but proved Spring is a great time to sell. This year is no different, there is a strong Spring Lineup planned for Nintendo, and that is exactly what we'll look at. Here are some of the highlights coming soon.

Guitar Hero: Metallica

While not the most exciting title, by far, Guitar Hero and Rock Band found a niche on Nintendo's most versatile system, Wii. Hardcore Metallica fans, and Guitar Hero fans, for that matter, will have their hands full with this release. Metallica claims to be the hardest installment to date, but maybe they just meant listening to it.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

We don't know much about this one. We do know you play in Chinatown and surrounding districts (I'm brilliant, aren't I), and clearly, as an Asian. We know some plot elements like death are at hand, and we know some of the trademark dirty deeds are in place. Outside of that, Chinatown Wars has been behind its own Great Wall. It looks good so far, but who is to say how GTA will translate on to the DS.

Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure

When Kyle Gabler works on a game, you know it's good. At least, you do if you've played the game I like to call World of Goo. HHitPA is an Adventure/Puzzle game, making use of both DS screens. On the top, you control Henry as he bashes through enemies. As they die, they fall to the bottom as puzzle pieces - think Tetris. The two screens regularly interact, making for a tough, yet unique title, tied together with a seemingly interesting story.

Space Invaders Extreme 2

The Taito classic was re-imagned for $20 last year, and it was one of the best DS titles of the year. Well, Taito decided to once again cash in with a late March release. Little is known, but one can imagine that it will largely stay the same as Space Invaders Extreme. New Boss formations and pattens are in there, though. So is good old school gaming.

New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis

One of the many Gamecube hits to be re-visited this March. Mario Power Tennis put a new spin on how we thought tennis was played. This port to the Wii looks to put a new spin on tennis controls. With an average of 8/10 on the Cube, one can imagine the new controls should add some depth.

New Play Control! Pikmin

Take an original formula. Add in wonky characters and elemental attributes. Shrink it down really small, and you have Pikmin. Follow Olimar in his adventures to salvage his ship in a month, bossing around his new followers. And yes, do it with Wii Controls.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2

By the time your month with Olimar is up, you should be ready for Pikmin 2. This predecessor fixes many issues of the first, and now including Wii Controls, should be quite the bang for your buck.

Sonic and the Black Knight

The next "storybook" in the Sonic Saga is going Medieval. This time, Sonic and company play the roles of knights....while King Arthur is a baddie. Interesting plot twist. Add a sword to the blue blur, and you have this title. Of course, there are more elements than that. The system of grading from Shadow the Hedgehog returns, except now you are graded on being a Knight. Missions return from Sonic and the Secret Rings, astoundingly, they are actually plausible. Speed remains, meaning old school hedgehog fans should be treated, while newcomers may enjoy the sword play. Look forward to this one.

Wii Sports Resort

When is the question. What you ask? Oh, Wii Sports 2. This time the focus is on beach games, be it frisbee, kendo fighting, or riding jet skis. The big sell is Wii Motion Plus, the new peripheral cited to make the Wii Remote so responsive, it is at 1:1. That's huge news for shooters and adventure games, but one can imagine how Wii Sports could play out. Just don't let your Wii Fit instructor see you skipping your daily run.

Gardening Mama

Cooking Mama was a fun series - you baked, you cooked, and that was about it! The wonderful makers decided we wanted more domestic action, so that's just what we got. While Mama isn't in the kitchen, it turns out she has a bit of a green thumb. She tends to fruit, flowers, and veggies (likely all for cooking), and has to manage her crops bit by bit. Expect touch screen gardening to be a hit, just as cooking was.

Guitar Hero: Modern Hits

More Guitar Hero? Of course. The DS Guitar Grip is a cool accessory, so why not use it? This latest DS Guitar Hero so far features Finger Eleven, Coldplay, and Fallout Boy. It is highly suggested to use the same system as the previous DS installments, which was, in general, well executed. Guitar on the go is always good.

The Conduit

High Voltage has done a lot of WiiWare work as of late. But really, their focus has been on the premier shooter to grace the Wii, at least, based on early playthroughs. It's sort of a cross between National Treasure and Halo; you follow Mr. Ford as he tries to stop the pending alien invasion through conduits. He uses guns, and an all seeing eye. Something all government agents carry. You're carried through a story involving puzzles, and more importantly, shooting. Of course, there is online multiplayer, and Wii Speak connectivity. Get ready to shoot down aliens this spring, as The Conduit seems electrifying.

Pokemon Platinum

Every Pokemon generation is broken up into the first two games, followed by a third with more goodies than ever before. Platinum is no exception, with an expanded story that adds in two new characters, even more Pokemon available early on, and some new variations on Pokemon introduced in Diamond and Pearl. The graphics and map have been completely overhauled, and improved tenfold. Online is even more functional, with the ability to get transaction records emailed. Platinum seems to be the ultimate Pokemon experience.

Broken Sword: Shadows of the Templars - The Director's Cut

This PC point and click has been dredged up for both the Wii and the DS. Obvious changes are in place though, such as graphical, and obviously use their respective interfaces. The story and puzzles are vastly improved upon and expanded, while the gist stays the same. Everyone's favorite Watchmen artist has his hand in on this too, yes, Dave Gibbons. Point and Clicks translate well to these consoles, so rest assured this will be a gem.

Nintendo DSi Hardware

The DS is growing up. The dual screen is being improved upon with added screen space, a sleeker design, and much much more. The buttons and body are streamlined, partially for use with the newly added cameras. These cameras have different "lenses", meant to make you enjoy them more than ever. Of course, it wouldn't be an upgrade without the ability to play music. Hell, what about downloading games like the Wii? That's an option too, with DSiWare. SD cards are your friend for music and games, while the DSi itself offers a crisp look. It'll launch in white and blue.

Rhythm Heaven

One of the Japanese's favorite titles. It's rhythm, and nothing but....using the stylus to tap and slide to the beat. Think Guitar Hero on the DS....but forget....Guitar Hero on the DS. You progress in a similar manner, but the actual gameplay is worlds apart. It launches just in time to be played on the DSi.

Art Style Decode

One of the first confirmed DSiWare titles out there. Decode follows the previous Art Style titles by offering a cheap (5 buck) alternative to great gaming. The goal is to use the LED displays to make rows of numbers total ten. Pretty simple, eh? Not really, as any number can be generated out of that magic 8. Get ready to crack the code soon after the DSi launches.

Boom Blox Bash Party

Spielberg is bringing back his adorable little Jenga pieces for some more good ol' fashioned family fun. The original formula is being expanded to include online multiplayer, as well as free downloadable content. Any puzzle fan should be after this title, or, any Wii owner. We've also been improved updated mechanics, which is always nice, but not necessary. BBBP has no release date as of now, but we do know it is a spring release.

Paper Airplane

Yet another DSiWare title headed our way. Being taken straight from WarioWare, Paper Airplane has you and your little aircraft fly through a plethora of obstacles and enemies. Be careful, though, as one hit and you're out. No load screens, but a fast play. Must be worth it for 2 bucks.

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Forget moronic aliens named Cltyahforahfogaheo, think "classic" Indy. That's exactly what this is, a return to the roots for the fedora wearing adventurer. The Wii remote becomes his whip. The environment becomes his weapon. And the disc becomes your ticket to the next Indy hit. Admittedly, we don't know too terribly much about it yet, but it's freaking Indiana Jones. Surely they wouldn't butcher Indy...would they? After all, it's not a movie license, but a brand new story with chills and thrills.

Mario and Luigi RPG 3

Fans of Mario and Luigi rejoice, the pair return once more. An infectious disease is sweeping the Kingdom, and it's their job to stop it...from inside of Bowser. For the first time, you control Bowser, Mario, and Luigi all at once in a form never before heard of, with two screens. This plague seems huge, but our micro-sized plumbers will surely jump to the rescue with help from a new, adorable little fellow named Yellow Star. With the new, comes the old, and Fawful is back, and more furious than ever. The epic tongue in cheek Mario and Luigi series is here once more, so run off and get it.

Super Smash Bros.

You all knew this was coming. Super Smash Bros. is coming to the Virtual Console in North America...soon. The title that started it all, but not the brawl to end them all, has to make its way to NA's a matter of when. You whipper snappers will then see the glory days of Kirby in Smash, and the pure domination of Pokemon. Yes, Smash Bros. 64 was a glorious title.


Sega, Sega, Sega. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Becoming violent in its old age, Sega not only acquired The Conduit, it acquired MadWorld. Deemed one of the most violent games ever MadWorld combines over the top violence with cartoony (black, white, and red) looks to form the ultimate title. You play as a chainsaw-as-an-arm Jack, stuck in a city that is host to a survival television show. You kill, or you die. You use street signs, garbage cans, guns, and anything you can get your hands on to stay alive. It's very much so Running Man, without the Governator and tight spandex, and with 10,000 times more awesome. Did I mention it's so brutal that it won't be released in Germany? Oh, the irony.

With that, a list of all the reasons you better be watching Nintendo in the coming months. RE5 and a new Resistance don't stand a chance up to the pure onslaught that is Nintendo in the coming months. More and more, third party support is strong. This is what Nintendo has needed all this time. However, Nintendo isn't backing down with their own releases. They've already started off strong with a new (old) Fire Emblem, and with Pokemon and Mario backing it, along with a new Wii installment, Nintendo seems to be out to prove they are still number one. Of course, they have long since established this, and the release of the DSi should confirm it. Nintendo fan have a lot to appreciate this spring - let's just hope we don't get another drought in the summer.

~Property of Mackormoses ( and (which provided scores/award nomination info)

The Seventh

Wow, you're improving my outlook on Ninty.

I have to say, my most anticipated game HAS to be The Conduit.


Looks good to me. I'd say at the very, very, very least I'll be getting three of these titles.


The only games that intrest me right now, are Mario and Luigi 3, Sonic and the black knight, and the conduit.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


I'm only interested in the conduit, mad-world, and ssb64 on vc. Why are they making another guitar hero ds if the new ds can't support the guitar hero ds periphal?


Quote from: Mutilator7 on February 25, 2009, 06:21:53 PM
I'm only interested in the conduit, mad-world, and ssb64 on vc. Why are they making another guitar hero ds if the new ds can't support the guitar hero ds periphal?
They probably didn't realize this would happen when they first started developing the game.  Either that, or they have found a way around this obstacle.


GTA Chinatown is confirmed top-down view iirc.
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Smash is the only one that I'll be buying for sure, though I'll probably get Conduit and M&L3 as well, and even the NPC games have caught my interest.  Pokemon Platinum looks like a beast, as there's essentially twice as much stuff in it as Diamond or Pearl, but I refuse to buy anymore portable Pokemon games until the next gen.