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Started by SkyMyl, April 28, 2010, 06:07:21 AM

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I can't remember the last time I saw a thread on this board about ANY Castlevania game in the series. The last one I can remember was a thread discussing the trailer for Lords of Shadow, which I'm stoked for, by the way. I mean, for the first time in years, a Castlevania game (That isn't a remake) has a Belmont as a protagonist, and it's level-by-level. For me, this is one of those games where I've got a system that automatically searches for any new information on it. mean Google?

Anyway, which Castlevania game is your favorite in the series? For me, it'd either be IV or Aria of Sorrow. I play the hell out of IV on a semi-monthly basis, and Aria's the most fun I've ever had with a Metroidvania. On that note, which style of gameplay do you think is better? Level by level sidecroller, or Exploration based sidescroller?

And while I'm at it, just to broaden out the topic demographic (wtf), post one of your favorite tracks from any Castlevania game.

[spoiler=Okay, this isn't just one. Sue me.]



My favorite metroidvania style would have to be Symphonia of the Night, and Super Castlevania IV for the original level style. I think both styles are great, but with EVERY handheld castlevania title for the past 10 years being a metroidvania, we're seriously overdo for some classic Castlevania.

I want to be excited for Lords of Shadow, but I think it'll just end up being a God of War/Devil May Cry rip off with Dracula and the Belmonts vomited all over it. I think it's just one of those games that just doesn't translate well to 3D.

Shadow Complex for example is a great way they could make a new Castlevania game, it looks amazing, and still stays true to that castlevania feel while adding some new functionality and gameplay mechanics to make things new and interesting.


I only played the 3 DS ones, though I loved them nonetheless. Dawn of Sorrow would probably be my favourite, closely followed by Portrait of Ruin. The classic, yet renewed gameplay is done perfectly right. It's an old genre, but mastered, as they have proven. I am in love with the music and the artwork. Surpises me I never played it before.

Click the sig to level it up. Go to to learn more.


Super IV is probably one of the best remakes of any game ever.

My favorites are Symphony of the Night and Dawn of Sorrow though.


IV has great music. I also really like Symphony and whatever the newest DS one was.


Bump because I happen to be playing through the NES Castlevanias as of late.

Anyway, great series, and for some reason, I didn't touch it for a long, long time. Well, except for The Castlevania Adventure on the GB back in the day, but that game sucks anyway.

My favorites are SotN, IV, and III. Bear in mind, though, that I haven't played any of the ones newer than SotN.

Favorite tracks...pretty much have to go with the first two Castlevanias when it comes to music. In particular, Bloody Tears, Wicked Child, and Vampire Killer. I also really enjoy that song that plays at the very first area of the castle in SotN but I dunno what it's called.

Also I must once again mention that the Simon's Quest banner for this place sucks.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.



Anyway, loved Symphony of the Night.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


I love me some Super Castlevania IV, Aria of Sorrow, and SOTN.



I want more info on the supposed SotN sequel.

This is all we've gotten on it as far as I know: